"What? The Kingka is living with me?"



What do you do when you find the school kingka injured and lying on the street near your house? What do you do when he tells you not to tell anyone? What do you do when he asks to come over to your house? What do you do when he has been bullying you all your school life? Do you let him live with you, or do you leave him to die?



Your name is Park Min Young. Your parents were killed by the gang 'Infinite' last year, so you have to live with your abusive grandparents. Your grandparents don’t want a granddaughter; they want a grandson, so they force you to dress and act like one. All they care about is your studies and getting you into Seoul University, so you can provide for them. Every morning, you wake up and make yourself unattractive and boy-like. You put on thick glasses that cover your beautiful hazel eyes and mess your short layered hair. This image of course brings no attention to yourself, which is what you want. Underneath your perfect disguise you are extremely beautiful, but your grandparents won’t let you go out like that. Your boyish look attracts bullies and stuck up girls that harass you.




Min Young/You






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MsDaehyuntokki #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon OMG this is so good even if I just read all the chapters today PLEASE UPDATE
For all those fan who love this fanfic, guess what! I talked to the author and nagged her to release more chapters!! she said she will!! hoorayyyyy!!!
ilabya40 #3
ChunjiLover #4
Chapter 15: So they are cousins?!?!? Wow this is exciting update soon :D
RokuKazami #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon! Hwaiting!
sweetcow #6
Update soon~~~I love your story
Chapter 15: Please Update Soon!!! I can't wait to find out more!!!
Chapter 15: Update Phoebe!! I need to
Alexlong #9
Chapter 15: This story is getting good
Pls update it soon~
azn_buty #10
lovin' duh story ;) i'll read more when i can!! update as much as u can plz^_^