On the plane

Adventure and romance in America

No One POV

Rose was sitting next to aiden they were working on his korean and catching up. Jonghyun didnt trust him right now after the scowl he heard from Aiden earlier. Taemin was asleep with the others, it was a long trip. Jonghyun went to sleep as well seeing Rose and Aiden talking. Deep down Rose had feelings for Aiden from before but he never acted on them then abandoned her one day for his friends due to rumors. 

Rose POV

"Aiden why did you believe those rumors back then. You know me you should have known they werent true" I said to aiden who looked down. "that day I called you and you never answered. I needed you that day and you never came to me" I said sadly. "I'm sorry, thats not what I meant to do. I did think they were the truth but only because every time I went to go see you they stopped me. I wanted to answer your call I did but your ex took my phone and muted it. I never meant to abandone you like that" Aiden explained to me. "Really?" i asked and hugged him. Aiden was never one to like to me he was my best friend. i hugged him tight and smiled he always made me feel safe and i felt my heart race some during the embrace his arms tightening around me. 

Aiden POV 

"Aiden why did you believe those rumors back then. You know me you should have known they werent true" Rose said to me and I couldnt help but look down ashamed. "that day I called you and you never answered. I needed you that day and you never came to me" she said sadly. "I'm sorry, thats not what I meant to do. I did think they were the truth but only because every time I went to go see you they stopped me. I wanted to answer your call I did but your ex took my phone and muted it. I never meant to abandone you like that" I explained to her. I hated them for what they did but by then I just gave in to them to protect her. "Really?" she asked and hugged me. Rose was my best friend I never wanted to hurt her the way I did. Rose hugged me tight and i saw a smile on her lips. I knew I always made her feel safe and I felt my heart race some during the embrace I tightened my arms around her. Rose looked up at me and I just took that moment to kiss her. I had wanted to kiss her for years I had to take me chance. I was afraid of her reaction, but then I realize she was kissing back. I pulled away blushing some "I'm sorry" I mumbled and she just chuckled. "Its ok, I have thought about doing that for a long time as well" she said "I am with Taemin right now though. This has to stay between us, I am not sure who in the long run I will pick. For right now I am with him. If you will have me we can keep it secret but that is your call" Rose told me. I had wanted Rose as mine for years. I know she seems happy with Taemin and I would give her that chance. "I will take what I can. Being here for you as your friend and maybe the ocasional kiss I can live with that for now" I said happy she didnt reject me. 

No One POV

The two then sat back down in there chairs Rose used Aiden as a pillow and he just sorta held her, making it seem to the others it was just a friend thing. Rose and Aiden both fell asleep as well, finally they all arrived at the airport in Seoul and Shinee woke up first. Taemin saw the way Rose and Aiden were and got a bit jealous and came over to wake them both up and sort of pulled Rose to him. "Time to go you two" he said a bit snippy which surprised Rose. They were rushed right to SM Entertainment and went through their paper work. Since the were friends and both new they manager had an apartment for the two of them not far from Shinee's. The members of Shinee didnt all stay there some like Taemin also staid with their family. For the night tht was all and Jonghyun led them to the apartment. Taemin and the others headed off to see their families. "Thank you Jonghyun" Rose said and he nodded letting the two be and Rose smiled sitting on the couhc "This is the life" she said and Aiden smiled coming over and took the oppurtunity to kiss her again which turned out into a small make ut session before a knock came to the door. Aiden went and answered the door it was Taemin and the others with dinner for them. The nigt proceeded from there with movies and socailizing till it got late and everyone went home. Rose fell asleep on the couch until aiden carried her to her room where she leeched onto him adn he had no choice but to lay with her. 

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Izzy1333 #1
Chapter 18: awesome way to go with the story! Keep up the good work.
Izzy1333 #2
Chapter 17: Still liking the story line. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 16: I really hope all my readers are enjoying the story so far. Please don't be shy comment if you like it and if you would like Rose to work with any specific group. I am open for ideas
Chapter 12: To all my readers sorry for the delay of posting I just got a new job at a brand new store that had its grand opening last Sunday and my computer was having some major issues the next post will be up soon. Thank you all for your support
Izzy1333 #5
Chapter 11: Key is really fuming!!
Izzy1333 #6
Chapter 9: Liking the story line.
Chapter 9: Oh ok... Thanks!!
Chapter 7: I understand what you mean but I did it this time that way due to I wanted different thoughts going on through that. It will make sense later.
Ok so now I don't even know for sure who I want with Rose.... But.... You keep repeating the same sene like 4 or 5 times.... It makes the story much less interesting... Sorry but I thought u should know my opinions.. Sorry for the long comment....