One Way Ticket To Forever

"I really love Philippine beaches." Hyun Joong exclaimed as he excitedly run towards the shore. "Dude, do you know that we can go fishing for blue marlins this side of the country?"As I remember right, the record set for the biggest blue marlin caught was by a Filipino fisherman. He caught it along the sea of Cagayan. So, I am feeling hopeful that, we too will have a feast catching blue marlins".

"No, I don't know that hyung". Young Saeng stated smugly.

"Scrap the long face will you" interrupted Jung MIn as he walked alongside the smiling Hyun Joong who was playing along the shore in ankle deep water. "I mean, I do understand why you'd love to be somewhere else but our manager hyungs put it to a vote and you lost. If I were you I might as well enjoy this trip. Who knows, it may be the only vacation we'll have for the rest of the year. We might as well make the most of it. Can't you see this is a very peaceful place?" Jung min retorted as he spread his hands out wide, gentle wind blowing in his face and smiling to himself.


Hyun Joong thought so too. Though they all agreed to take some time off at a beach resort, the rest of the members wanted to spend it somewhere else, The Bahamas, in particular but Hyun Joong lobbied they vacation in a beach somewhere in the Philippines. He was thinking in Bohol or Cebu but somehow, they ended up in Ilocos Norte, way up north in the Philippines.  It was something he had not expected. Maira-ira beach is very scenic compared to beaches they have visited in Thailand and Malaysia. Aside from the white sand beach, the emerald colored water seems calmer too. The beach forms a graceful arc, with some rock formations on the right end and  2 islets  seem to be guarding the cove to the left end. And at a distance, one can see a number of windmills. A perfect  getaway  paradise. Hyun Joong smiled to himself as he remembered another fact: There are NO SHARKS so he can  freely  enjoy  swimming in the water without fear of shark attacks.

"Hyung," Jung Min called, "aren't you coming in to see your room? We've all settled, you're just the one who hasn't. You can enjoy the beach later tonight. We planned a barbecue here. Our Manager hyungs and Coordi noonas went out to buy some food for the barbecue. The manager of the resort allowed us so there shouldn't be any hassles."

"I'll go up later; I just want to enjoy a little bit more of this peaceful scene, Jung Min. Why don't you cheer up that guy over there, I think all he needs is a little bit more coaxing to enjoy this paradise"

"Yeah, will do so. Ok, later". Jung Min waved at Hyun Joong as he tried catching up to Young Saeng who's already on the way back to the hotel.



That night as planned, they had a barbecue at the beach. The five members plus the two managers, a bunch of coordi noonas and 5 dancer hyungs had a fun fun night. The resort manager allowed them to have a barbecue but did not allow them to drink alcohol. Hyun Joong was thinking he'd like to have a drink and insisted on Young Saeng in joining him.  Hyung Jun heard it and invited himself too and later, all the members agreed to going out at a local bar nearby. The resort was a large compound with different bars, discos and casino. Though it was summer, there weren't a lot of guests, probably because the resort was just put up with barely a year of existence. No one even recognized them while freely roaming the resort.

"Hey, I don't know if I enjoy it or not, but I like the feeling of walking around without being chased by hundreds of fans, but I also dislike this feeling where not even a single soul recognize us" Hyung Jun stated as the five were entering a bar.


"Just enjoy the feeling man, it's not like you get treated this way all the time." Kyu replied.

"Maybe if you put on makeup and dressed a little more fashionably, somebody will notice that you're someone famous" Hyun Joong retorted sarcastically.

"Ya, I know you're more famous than us Hyung, I was just wondering why no one even recognized you when Ji Hoo is so famous in other parts in Asia." Hyung Jun wondered.

"I’m not thinking about it much. I’m just enjoying this little freedom I have right now. I don't even think I’m famous. So stop with that crap talk and let's drink to our hearts' content"

"I second that" Kyu said. With that they all settled at a corner in the bar and ordered beer while chatting and listening to the live band playing on stage. Hyun Joong did not recognize the song the band played and later learned it was a song from John Mayer, "Say".

The SS501 members were chatting happily when one lady probably their age was coming over to their spot and had her eyes on Hyun Joong.  Hyun Joong saw the Lady coming from across the bar. She was with her friends enjoying as much as he was with his friends when he saw her stand up and walk towards their table, with her friends, men and ladies, intently following her every move.


Hyun Joong met her gaze and studied her. She wore a cute blue sleeveless dress which fell slightly above her knees. Hyung Joong thought she looked good in it as the dress hugged her in all the right places. She had a bob cut which complemented her features. He thought she wasn't wearing any make up but still looked pretty.

"Hmm, not bad, not bad at all" he thought to himself.


"Cheers to finding a guy for our dear Maia, bottoms up" Faith exclaimed as she held up her glass of beer and the rest of her friends followed. Maia, though a bit embarrassed, was enjoying the time with her friends, Faith and her fiancée, Liza and her Husband, Martin (their gay friend), and Samantha. After gulping down their beers, Samantha suggested that they play a game of spin the bottle. They agreed hastily as it would cause a bit of commotion if they become too loud inside the bar. Faith said, "We should play that somewhere else. We might disturb others who are enjoying the band's music"

"We won't be that loud," Martin commented. In fact, there's a bunch of handsome Koreans over that corner that are louder than us. Ah these Koreans, they become really loud when they're together especially when drinking alcohol" he added pointing to the corner where SS501's spot was.

"Ok, ok," Faith agreed, "but you guys have to promise me that whatever's asked of you, you have to answer sincerely and do the consequence. Alright?"

They started their game and Faith, Samantha and Alex (Faith's Fiancée) were the first ones to answer the truth and consequence game. Maia thought she was lucky enough that the bottle still didn't stop at her. But just when she thought she was lucky, the bottle stopped its spinning at her. The group exploded with "WAAAHHHH" FINALLY!!!!

"Hey,! Why the sudden excitement? I am made to think that you guys suggested this game for me to do some silly consequence”. Maia exclaimed.

"Don't think it's all about you, Maia," Martin replied. " We all did our fair part of consequences. We're just looking forward to what we'll let you do" Alex joked.

Maia smirked at Alex "Ok, bring it on!" Maia said and downed another glass of beer before hearing for her question.

"I was the last one to do the consequence," Martin exclaimed "So I’ll be the one asking the question. But today Maia my dear, I will let you do a consequence since we all know your life story"


"Uh oh. Why do I have the feeling that you'll let me walk over to those Koreans..."

"Let's make this game a little more interesting, shall we?" Martin started. If you are able to do the dare, I’ll pay you one thousand pesos. If you can't, you pay me a thousand"

"I happen to not have that amount of money to spare, my friend" Maia complained.

"So if you don't have the money, just do the dare" Martin retorted

"This is unfair! You're ganging up on me!  But after a bit's hesitation, let’s get it on!" Maia exclaimed.

"That's the attitude Maia." Liza encouraged.

"…So go up to that Korean guy, the one who's looking at us right now, and ask for his name and number. Do not invent his name or his number because I’m going to verify. Ok? I’ll call his number"

"Haay, why don’t you go yourself and ask him for his number? I sense that you like him, but you're just letting me do the dirty work." Maia concluded.

"I like him or not, that's your dare and that's your problem. Now stop ing and go!" Martin commanded

Maia made a face at him but stood up and started walking up to Hyun Joong while her friends cheered her on. She set her eyes on the guy and though it was dark, she noticed that he was fairly handsome. He was looking straight at her too and seemed like studying her every move. It made her a little more conscious and nervous and thought "hey, what the heck, the guy is handsome anyways. Let’s have fun shall we?"




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Chapter 21: author you really rendered me speechless. daebak
ZiZiJO0O0n #2
Chapter 20: this story was great
i really enjoyed...
you are a great writer and i'm one of your fans now.
i hope you'll write better and better than this story.
good luck.
i will read youe other story and send my comments to you.
KHJ7777 #3
lyncheng0322 #4
Chapter 21: sequel please
Chiqua #5
Chapter 20: OMO I really like it ...
Very good imagination ^^ need to read over and over agains <3
Good job ^^
Chapter 3: Oh my God. Fangirling so hard ~ i`ll have to read more later. > ~ <
Chapter 2: Haha nice ~ XD
Chapter 1: Omo! I love this so far! I can`t wait to read the rest. ^^
Why I can only see upto chap 10? What happened to the rest of the chappies
Great story,loved it so much! hope you write more such stories.