Support Kim Jonghyun of SHINee


He's very sensitive.


Why are you "shawols" hating him ?


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AlmightyDivaKeyKibum #1
Please support Taemin and Jonghyun.
StrawberryNomNoms #2
We should all support him even Taemin too. He's probably receiving threats and insults. And if this keeps on going and the insults and threats get worse and worse for them. Jonghyun or Taemin or maybe one of them may quit SHINee because of these stupid suppose to be shawols.
Sicaluvschocolate #3
True, and I don't even get why they're hating, if it was because of that stage with Taemin then someone needs to get kicked, because that was hot
I agree with what your saying. I don't get how these suppose to be "shawols" are hating him for something he did or probably didn't do. So they shoudl totally rethink about hating him or any of the members. And if it's because of that JongTae moment then Taemin would probably be receiving hate too. So we would need to support both of them. <3