Chapter 7 sneak peak

Not the holiday they had planed

Chapter 7 sneak peak:


Kyuhyun’s Pov


Kyu walked down on of the beaches that lined the Island.  They had decided to split into groups and explore the island more to see if there was anything that could help them further.  He was with Sungmin, Donghae and Eunhyuk.  They were on the opposite side of the island now and they had found another bay very similar to the one they had set up camp on.  Donghae was helping Eunhyuk climb a palm tree to get the coconut at the top and in the process one of the said coconuts had almost fallen on him.  Sungmin had started to pick up a few pieces of wood for their fire and Kyuhyun was scoping out the other end of the beach. 


Kyu reached the rock pools and started picking his way through some of the larger rocks that scattered the rocky surface.  There where crabs and small fish swimming in the pools and the surface was lined with delicate shells and seaweed.  He stopped when something caught his eye at the corner of his vision.  The object was hidden behind a few of the larger rocks that sat on the water edge.  He moved closer to get a better look and froze when he moved around the rock; the object now in full view.  A cold sensation ran through his system as he stood there. 


“Oh god, Sungmin-hyung help! Hyung help!”



A/N: Hehehehe, I feel so evil leaving it here.  I think I’ve come down with a case of evil maknae disease. 

Thanks to all of the people who have commented and subscribed, it really means a lot to me and for those of you that are scared that I am going to kill one of the members I can reassure you that I would never do anything like that.  I love these 15 guys to much to do anything like that. 

Sorry that the romance is taking so long to show up, I’ve never written romance before so I’m a little hesitant to start it off but it will be showing up from here on out. 

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Chapter 8: Maybe I love torturing myself reading a fic that’s incomplete.
And the fic stopped when we don’t know what will happen to Yesung. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Oh no. I’m almost done with this story. :((
Chapter 2: Oh this is interesting but it’s not completed. :(
dyemolink1 #4
Chapter 8: Pls pls update this story soon amazing story
Chapter 8: Please update soon. It such a good story. I really want to know what happens with Yesung and if he will wake up and when they will be rescued.
Chapter 8: I really hope that you continue this story.... It is an amazing story and I really REALLY need to know if Yesung's going to be okay or not!!! ='( <3 <3 <3
zemyx1995 #7
Chapter 8: Omo~~ I'mloving this story so far, it's perfect!!
I hope Yesung will be alright... but I'm just glad that they're all together again :)
Though I must admit I did almost cry when I saw this has'nt been updated since December... but I'll wait~
Now off to read your other stories *whooshhh*
CloudyChangjo #8
Chapter 8: Aw~~~~~~~ please, Please update soon~~~~~!
I hope Yesung is OK......
Will help come? They've been missing a few days...... But all 15 found each other, thank heavens^^
Please update~~~~<3
Chapter 8: Please update soon! I really love the plot. :)))))
nirtak28 #10
Chapter 8: they are all together!!!!!!!!!!please update more thanks ^_^