Chapter 2

Not the holiday they had planed

Leeteuk let out a small grown as an annoying beeping made its way into his consciousness.  He fumbled under the pillow, trying to shut the irritating device off.  After he had stopped his alarm lay in bed for a few moments before swinging his legs onto the ground.  He shivered as his bare feet met the gold floor. ‘Right, socks are my first priority.’ He thought as he stumbled over to the chest of draws and started dinging around while trying not to wake a sleeping Kangin. 

After making sure Kangin was still snoring softly he changing into warmer cloths Leeteuk slowly slipped out of the room, sending the bear like man one final smile. 


The apartment was quite as all of the members where still asleep . . . or so he thought. 


Leeteuk all but screamed and jumped a foot in the air when a hand landed on his shoulder.  He spun around to face a startled and confused Yesung who couldn’t seem to understand the reason for his hyungs sudden outburst. 

Leeteuk let out shaky breath before sending his dongsaeung a small glare. 

“Don’t do that!” Leeteuk hissed at Yesung, who was still looking as confused as ever. 


“Do what?” Yesung whispered back.  If any of the other members had said that to Leeteuk he would have thought they were making fun of him but in Yesungs case it was actually a genuine question. 


“Don’t sneak up on people, you’ll give me a heart attack one of these days.” Leeteuk said in an exasperated voice. He started to continue on his way to the living room when he noticed something out of place.  He spun back around and looked Yesung up and down.


“Uh, Hyung?” Yesung asked a little worried about his leader’s strange behaviour. 


“You’re wake?” Leeteuk said. Yesung sent him a worried ‘well dur’ expression.  “Why are you awake?” Leetuek asked again.  He was sure that he had taken the alarm from his and Ryeowook’s room last night.  He knew the younger mans insomnia made it hard for him to sleep soundly for a long period of time but Leeteuk also knew that by the time he probably got to sleep last night it would have been close to 3 or 4 in the morning.  It was 6:30am at the moment so Yesung should have managed still be a sleep without his insomnia waking him up. 

“Please tell me that you haven’t been awake all night!” Leeteuk said with a hit of sadness. 


“No Hyung, I managed to get to sleep not long after you left but I heard the alarm to get up.” Yesungs statement confused him even more.  He did get all the alarms last night didn’t he?


“What alarm, yours isn’t in your room and all of the other ones have been turned off.” Leeteuk knew that Yesung had probably figured out that all the alarms had been turned off on purpures and he didn’t mind admitting to that. 


“Your alarm!” Yesung said as if it should have been the obvious answer. 


“My alarm? But my alarm . . . was my phone . . . and under my pillow.  How did you hear it?!”Leeteuk said with wide eyes once again wandering if this man was human, like he had done a number of times over the years he had known him. 


“I don’t know but it woke me up, so why are you up so early but you turned off all the other members alarms?” Yesung asked, suspicion creeping into the corners of his eyes. 


“Well seeing as how you’re already up I might as well tell you in advance.” Leeteuk said, walking over to the couch and gesturing for Yesung to join him. 

“I was able to get management to give us the day off so I am letting everyone sleep in and ordering a special breakfast for us.” Leeteuk said.  He didn’t want to tell Yesung the rest of the surprise until everyone was together. 

Yesung smiled and nodded then grabbed the TV remote and put on the music channel quietly. 

They sat together for awhile watching the latest music videos and criticising their own.  At 9am there was a knock on the front door to signal that Leeteuks special breakfast had arrived.  He left Yesung sitting in front of the TV and went to let the caterers in.  One by one the boxes of food were brought into the door and laid out on the long living room table.  He had ordered a buffet of fruits, yogurt, cereal and cooked foods that would please the large and somewhat picky appetites of his fellow members. 


The caterers left and Leeteuk went around the table setting it for the 11 members and another place for his surprise guest.  He stood back to admire his work and almost tripped over someone standing behind him.  Again Leeteuk almost had a heart attack and turned to face the dongsaeng he kept falling over. 


Yesung held his leader up and he regained his feet and sent his younger a glare. 


“Will you stop that!” Leeteuk hissed at him for the second time that day.  “Make some noise when you move, for god’s sake.”


Yesung smiled at him and was about to say something back when a loud yell, that sounded a lot like Kangin, rang out though the apartment. 


Leeteuk and Yesung hurried to the room Kangin shared with Leeteuk and opened the door to find a very flustered and stressed man running around the room, throwing on cloths.  The two other men just stood at the door and stared at Kangin who was currently trying to put his head through the arm hole of his shirt. 


Kangin turned and noticed them sanding at the door, Leeteuk still in shock from the sudden yell and Yesung trying to suppress a laugh and failing horribly. 




Leeteuk finally realised what had caused the man to yell out and busyed himself with calming the stressed bear. 

“It’s okay Kangin, trust me we didn’t miss our schedule.  I’ll explain everything once the others are awake.” Kangin looked Leeteuk in the eye and slowly nodded his head.  He breathed out a sigh of relief and leaned into Leeteuks shoulder, already exhausted.  As Kangin started to calm down another loud yell sounded through the halls quickly followed by a few more as all the members who were woken by Kangins first scream looked at their clocks. 


Yesung couldn’t hold his laughter anymore and bent over double, clutching his sides.  Though he quickly pulled himself together when Ryeowook’s yell sounded that he had woken up and had seen the time.  Yesung hurried off to calm his roommate and Leeteuk sighed and when to calm the other panicking members. 


I took them 20 minutes to calm every member before Leeteuk told them to get dressed and meet him in the living room so he could explain everything.  The members sat on the couch and the floor waiting to hear why their leader had turned off their alarms and made them miss their schedule.  Heechul was sitting between Shiwon and Shindong who were both holding icepacks to the faces where Heechul had slapped them in a panic to wake them up.  Donghae was nursing a bruised leg where Eunhyuk had stepped on him in his hurry to get out of bed.  Yesung was hugging Ryeowook who had broken down into tears before his roommate could explain that he hadn’t missed the performance.  Sungmin and Kyuhyun were sitting on the floor in a daze beside Yesung.  The pair had been the only ones not to wake up when the members were screaming and they were still trying to understand why some of them were hurt and why Ryeowook had been near catatonic when they had woken up.  Kangin just sat there looking expectantly at Leeteuk. 


Leeteuk cleared his throat to get all their attention and smiled warmly at his dongsaengs. 

“Well that was an interesting start to the day.”  He said looking all of them over once. 


“Interesting my foot, you scared us out of our minds.” Heechul butted in.  Leeteuk sent them all an apologetic smile. 


“I don’t think you thought this would happen when you turned off all their alarms.” Yesung laughed quietly. 


“Wait, you knew about this?” Kangin said looking at the singer.  Leeteuk thought he heard a tone of jealousy in Kangins voice but quickly dismissed it to break up the fight that was starting between Kangin and Yesung. 


“Yesung wasn’t supposed to know about it.  He kind of walked in on the surprise when he woke up.”Leeteuk explained.  “Now, I didn’t wake you up because we don’t actually have a schedule today.” Leeteuk said to his confused dongsaengs.  “Management has given us the day off for all our hard work.” A round of excited and happy yells filled the room at the news along with Kyuhyuns annoyed voice. 


“If we didn’t have a schedule then why didn’t you let me play my game last nig–“ His voice was cut off when Sungmin clamped a hand over his mouth and smiled sweetly at the leader. 


“Right, and we have a special breackfust as well.  It’s in the other room and I’m starving so let’s go eat.” Leeteuk smiled at s happy faces as they jumped up, running from the living room.  When he had gone around calming his dongsaengs when they had woken up in a panic, he had heard the familiar sound of the front door opening, signalling that his guest had arrived.  As per their plan the new arrival had gone and hidden in the dining room.  Leeteuks smile grew as Shindong, who was the first one to get to the room, stoped in the door way.  The other members who were behind him started to complain and tried to push around him, eager to get to the food. 

Heechul managed to get past him and he too stoped before letting out a loud laugh and running to hug Kibum, who had been sitting at the head of the table, smiling at them.  As every member caught sight of the actor and brother they hadn’t seen in months due to their busy schedules, they let out loud laughs and exclamations. 

It took them 10min to sit down as every person wanted to hug Kibum and Leeteuk for giving them such a nice surprise. 


The breakfast was loud and a bit crazy as the members told funny stories and they let loose for the first time in months.  They were overjoyed with Kibums presence in the dorm and to have at least one of their missing four brothers back with them. 


After they had all finished Leeteuk stood up and called everyone’s attention back to him, ready to reveal the next part of the surprise. 


“Okay guys, I have more news for you.” Leeteuk just smiled at the expectant and the two confused faces in the room.  Yesung had thought that this was the only surprise and Kibum had not been told anything other than this so they too knew nothing of Leeteuks plans. 

“I didn’t just get us the day off.  We have a little holiday booked.” Cheers went off around the room at the thought of an actual holiday.  “SM has given us three weeks to rest and relaxed before we come back good as new and ready for work again.” The rest of the sentence after three weeks was drowned out by the loud exclamations and screams from his excited dongsaengs.  After the noise died down he continued. “Now I know it’s hard for us to be able to go anywhere without the fans knowing about it so we are going to have to do some major sneaking okay?”

A round of ‘Okay’s’ went off but then silence followed after they though back over their leaders sentence. 


“Sneaking where?” a confused Eunhyuk asked, wandering if he had missed something. 


“Oh, did I not mention that we’re not holidaying in Korea?” Leeteuk asked with a sly smile.  Smiles broke out around the room and there were more excited squeals. 


“Are we going to China?” Heechul asked hopefully.  Leeteuk gave him a sad smile but shock his head.  Heechul’s face dropped a little and some of the other members sent him knowing looks.  They all missed the three members of their family that were in China but Heechul missed Hangeng the most.  Due to their crazy schedules Heechul had not been able to visited Hangeng in months and he had very little time to call him. 


“Now, I need you to pack summer cloths because we’re going to Bali for a week-“ Leeteuk had to pause as he was once again drowned out by his dongsaengs screams.  The neighbours must be heating them right now, but them again they should be used to it by now.  He waved his hands to try and regain their attention.  “We only have one week in Bali then we fly to Australia and have two weeks there.”  The last part had to be shouted because again the screams flared up.  “We fly out tomorrow morning at 9am so you have today to pack and remember we have to be sneaky.” 


“Don’t worry sneaky is my middle name.” Yesung said standing up. 


“He said sneaky Yesung hyung, not creepy.” Kyu said before running off into his and Sungmin’s room to pack.  Yesung sent a glare towards the closed door before being pulled along to his room by Ryeowook.  The room emptied as members went their separate ways to pack and Kibum, Shiwon and Shindong went back to their own homes to get ready.  Leeteuk also went to start packing his own things as well as checking on his more child-like dongsaengs to make sure they were packing the right thing and not something that would get them pulled up at customs. . .

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Chapter 8: Maybe I love torturing myself reading a fic that’s incomplete.
And the fic stopped when we don’t know what will happen to Yesung. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Oh no. I’m almost done with this story. :((
Chapter 2: Oh this is interesting but it’s not completed. :(
dyemolink1 #4
Chapter 8: Pls pls update this story soon amazing story
Chapter 8: Please update soon. It such a good story. I really want to know what happens with Yesung and if he will wake up and when they will be rescued.
Chapter 8: I really hope that you continue this story.... It is an amazing story and I really REALLY need to know if Yesung's going to be okay or not!!! ='( <3 <3 <3
zemyx1995 #7
Chapter 8: Omo~~ I'mloving this story so far, it's perfect!!
I hope Yesung will be alright... but I'm just glad that they're all together again :)
Though I must admit I did almost cry when I saw this has'nt been updated since December... but I'll wait~
Now off to read your other stories *whooshhh*
CloudyChangjo #8
Chapter 8: Aw~~~~~~~ please, Please update soon~~~~~!
I hope Yesung is OK......
Will help come? They've been missing a few days...... But all 15 found each other, thank heavens^^
Please update~~~~<3
Chapter 8: Please update soon! I really love the plot. :)))))
nirtak28 #10
Chapter 8: they are all together!!!!!!!!!!please update more thanks ^_^