The broken porcelain teacup.


" Would you like some more tea Master Tao? " A male with oddly coloured hair asked, holding up the teapot.

" I told you to stop calling me that... But yes. Yes I would like some Kris. " The younger male dressed in a suit and a top hat replied, as he pushed forward his cup and saucer, making it easier for Kris to pour the refreshing liquid into the porcelain teacup.  
A small smile played along the lips of the dark-haired male as he watched the older begin to pour.
He reaches out and lightly lets  his finger tips brush against the jawline of the older in front of him.
Kris's gaze immediately shot up to look at Tao's face.


2012 ;; ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ


Sup. c:

First time posting up a one-shot/ Story/ Drabble of any type. So please do read and tell me what I could improve on and what was good about the one-shot/ Drabble.

Please? ;A; 



2012 ;; ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ



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this is wonderful.
Chapter 1: It don't have any sequel??
Chapter 1: this just broke my heart into little pieces! beautiful very beautiful! i just hate myself for wanting more of this cause i cant
Lets #4
This is real interesting .
It's nicely described but it seems a tiny bit rushed near the end .
But then again it's your first time and you can always improve , no ?
It's interesting how you built Tao and Kris' character .
Well done and I'm looking forward to one of your next piece of work . ^ ^