Two Hearts One Love

Oneshot-Two Hearts One Love

Imai Naomi is the kind of girl who just study and doesn't care about anything other than her grades. She doesn't even care about her love life and dating boys and that made her friends worry about her. 

She has no experience at all in dating or taken any interest in boys at all. But who knew one unexpected day change everything in her life and she meet someone who will love her unconditionally.

It was a rainy day and she just came back from school. Upon arriving at the train station she rushed as she heard the announcement

"Train to ____ is ready for boarding. Passangers please take care of your personal belongings" the announcer said and she rushed inside, forgotten about her slierry shoes and almost falling onto the tile floor. She felt a pair of strrong arms carrying her up 

"ano...daijobu desuka?" the person ask and she look at him

"D-daijobu desu..arigatou'" she said and she look at his face. Despite him wearing a hoodie she can clearly see  his face. She rushed in the train and took a seat, thinking of him. Her heart were beating loudly like a big drum "doki doki''

"Nani....what is this feeling?'' she thought as she arrived home where her best friends; Yukiko, Miori, Karina and Achii were doing their own things. Yukiko was in the kitchen cooking when Naomi came in

''Oh you're back? How was your class?'' Yukiko ask

Naomi put down her bag onto the floor and said ''It's fine. I have more homework to do until the next upcoming exam next week'' 

Ýukiko knew how tiring it must be from all that studying ''You must rest least for a little while..." she advice her like a mother to her daughter

'I know but this exam is important! I will be needing it to enter the best university!'' Naomi replied

''Demo...don't overwork yourself ne Naomi...''Yukiko said

'hai hai!'Ne...Yukiko what's for dinner? I'm starving" she ask

Yukiko just smiled and said '' go and take a look like a mess!"

Naomi just nodded and left to take a bath, When she came out of the bedroom, Achii called for dinner and when Naomi saw the spread her eyes went wide

''Uwahh! Sugoii ne cook so much!'' she complimented and Yukiko smiled

''arigatou na....jaa......let's eat na before it gets cold'' Yukiko said

"and for dessert....I made these especially for everyone!'' Yukiko said bringing out cake slices from the kitchen

"SUGOIII!!!'' the girls said as they started to eat ''Itadakimasu!'' All of them enjoyed a great meal that night and soon the night comes to a end. Naomi retrieved back to her bedroom and started to study. 

While thinking of the Mathematical equations she started to think of something or should we say someone. 

''Dare.......who is he?'' she ask ''Nani I have this feeling?'' she thought and shook her head. Unknown to her Karina was spying on her. Karina saw the look on Naomi's face and knew something must've had happen to her best friend

Karina spied on Naomi for the next few days and saw her smiling at the train station. Then Karina saw Naomi interacting with someone and found the reason why her best friend is smiling widely.

Karina went on investigating about the guy and found out about him. The file about him was on her table and made a plan. She called her boyfriend "Moshi moshi....Keito-kun....I need your help'' and soon they a great plan for the both of them

Karina told Miori, Achii and Yukiko to go on a shopping trip dragging Naomi along with them and let her try on clothes. Naomi got really suspicious and ask the girls what's with the sudden shopping trip. They just grinned and said that it's a secret. 

They made Naomi wore a simple black beaded dress matched with heels and a clutch

"OI! What's with all these??" she ask as Karina put on some make-up for her 

"Dressing you up'' Achii said

''For what?'' Naomi ask

''You'll see!" Miori said

''There! All done!'' Karina said and the girl look at Naomi now dressed beautifully

''Uwahh!!!!!! Kireiii!'' the girls said and Naomi look at herself in the mirror. She was so surprised 

''I-is that me?'' she asks and the girls just nodded

''Okay! It's time!" Karina said and pushed her into a limo outside the apartment. 

''Go to the rooftop when you arrive.You will find out what is all this about there!'' Karina instructed

''Bye! Have fun!'' Achii said

''Don't fall!'' Yukiko adviced

''Tell us when you get back okay!'' Miori added waving at her as she leave

Naomi was brought to a high rise building and was escorted into the lobby and then into the elevator where she went straightup to the top floor. When the door opened she was escorted in by a man in a tuxedo in a restaurant and outside like a balcony.

She saw him, now fully dressed in  a black suit and he turned around surprised to see you

''It's look....beautiful'' he said and Naomi blushed

''Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself'' she compliment him. He took out the seat

''Have a seat'' he said and she sat down

''Oh, thank you'' she said and made herself comfortable. That night begun something for the both of them. When it was time to go home, he brought her home 

''I had a great time'' Naomi said

''Me too....I hope we can see each other again from now on'' he said ''If you like'' he added

She smiled and said ''Yes. I'd like that....'' 

She waved goodbye and went in. When she went in her room, from the balcony she saw him smiling at her. She waved at him and he waved back. She felt her heart beating like a drum again. She closed the window and tried to sleep but she couldn't as questions were flooding her mind. 

''Why am I feeling this way?'' she thought as soon she falls asleep

Karina and her boyfriend Keito planned many dates for them and it brought Naomi and Kouta closer. But who knew they were spied and articles came out about them. Naomi got beaten up in school and Kouta almost got a choice ; to break up with her or leave the company. 

Naomi got scared and told Karina about the situation. Keito too got worried about Kouta who got into a mess such as this and were given such choices. Kouta finally made a decision. 

''Naomi-chan.....despite the fact that our meeting is short, I hope you will live a happy life.'' he said

''Kouta-kun...w-what are you saying'' she ask

''Gomen....I...think I have to say goodbye'' he said and he looked down

''Kouta-kun....." she said and then she knew that it's already been decided. "'Wakata...I understand......daijobu na"' she said tried to smile. 

The both of them knew it's for the best to leave it at that. They remain as close friends and knew they can never be in a relationship. Everyone around them especially their friends got really worried and try to let them talk about it but they knew it'll be hard. 

The both of them can never be more than friends and that's the decision both of them made after they broke up. Until one day Karina told something to Johnny that made him change his mind. Kouta and Naomi got surprised when they received a call from Johnny himself saying that it's alright to date, only told them to date in secret. 

They were now dating secretly as both of them pursue their dreams. Who knew their life would end up this way and forever it holds great memories for the both of them. Always and forever!

The End

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Karina-Ai #1
Wah!!!!! So sweet!!!!
Auwww! :D