


You were probably having the absolute worst day of your life. You woke up late causing you to miss the train that you normally caught to school. After walking into class late, your teacher, who you thought was a total jerk, decided that it would be a good time to take about the importance of punctuality and made you stand in front if the whole class while he bashed you for being late. After being embarrassed during first period, you had two tests, left your lunch on the kitchen counter at home, and was yelled at by your last period teacher for forgetting your homework at home. 

So when you unlocked the front door to your house, you plopped you bag down on the floor and collapsed onto the couch. You were drained, exhausted, and just wanted to forget about this day. You were just about to let sleep overcome you when you heard the chorus to In The Summer start to play from your backpack. You tried to ignore it, hoping that whoever was calling you would just leave a message. But after a few minutes, you guessed that the caller, whoever it was, wasn't going to stop calling you until you picked up.

You groaned and dragged yourself off the couch and dug in your bag for your phone. 

'Of course it would be at the bottom of my bag under all of my stuff,' you thought bitterly as you pulled the phone out of your bag.

"Hello?" you said, a little angrily into the phone.

On the other side, Sungjong was a little startled by your hostile answer, "______-ah?"

"Oh, oppa," you replied flatly, going back to the couch and laying down on your stomach.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Yes, I'm fine," your voice was muffled since you had burying your face into a pillow, trying your hardest not to cry out of frustration.

"Liar. I just got off of schedule so I'll come by your house, okay?"

You nodded your head but then realized that he couldn't see your response, "Yeah, that's fine," you replied if a soft voice.


You stayed in the same position, not moving a muscle. You didn't even look up when you heard Sungjong unlock the front door when the spare key under the mat or when he walked into the house squatted next to you.

You turned your head to see Sungjong's face inches from yours.


"Hey," you replied glumly. 

"What's got you down?" he asked, tipping his head to the side.

"Everything," you said as your buried your face in the couch cushion once again. 

Sungjong pursed his lips, trying to figure out how to cheer you up. 

You were normally such an optimistic person and rarely got frustated about anything. On top of seeing you frustrated and angry, Sungjong hated seeing you sad.  Witnessing your usually bright and happy aura turn dull and depressing broke his heart. 

"______-ah," Sungjong whispered as he turned you on your side so he could fully see your face, "What can I do to cheer you up? Name anything."

You merely shrugged your shoulders and looked down, drawing invisible designs on the couch with your finger. 

Sungjong let out a sigh, "I'm sorry I didn't bring Sunggyu for you to punch."

You looked up at him, your eyes widening.

"My stuffed bear!" Sungjong quickly clarified, "Sunggyu, my stuffed bear! Not Sunggyu, my hyung!"

A small grin formed on your face as you watched Sungjong start to get flustered, trying to explain how he would never punch his hyung to let out frustration. In his panic, Sungjong caught a glimpse of your small grin and relaxed a little bit. But just a quickly as it came, your smile disappeared from your face and your lips turned down into a frown again.

'Aish, I can't believe that I'm actually going to do that,' Sungjong thought in his head and closed his eye, taking a deep breath. 

"Jagi," Sungjong called softly. 

You looked up at him.

"Smile~" He tipped his head to the side and had a small grin on his face.

Laughter exploded from you as you clutched your stomach. Sungjong bowed his head, hiding the flush that was creeping up on his face, much like he did on the fashion king episode of Ranking King.

"Do you feel better now?" Sungjong asked as you wiped some tears from your eyes. 

You nodded your head, "Thanks, Sungjong-ah."

You sat up on the couch to make room for Sungjong. He laid down and rested his back against the armrest. He gently pulled you by the arm so you laying between his legs, your back against his chest. 

"So," he said as he wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder, "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

You let out a sigh and began to tell him all about your horrible day. 

"And then I thought I was locked out because I forgot my key when I was rushing out of the house," you finished.

"At least you remembered the spare under the mat," Sungjong said trying to point out a positive in from your day.

"I guess," you muttered.

Sungjong wrapped his arms tighter around your shoulders, "Well, that's all in the past. It's over now, so just .... smile."

You laughed softly and let out a content sigh, "Well, all I want to do right now is take a nap."

You snuggled into his chest and closed your eyes. Sungjong smiled to himself and rocked the both of you gently as you fell asleep. 

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melody-b1a4 #1
Chapter 1: I love this one-shot :D
llAsianNerdll #2
LMFAO!!!!! Sungjong named his bear after his Hyung xDDDDD
Kyaaa!~~ I would love to be in that position with jongie and fall asleep on his chest!!!!!
this is really cute and sweet
LOOOOL "I'm sorry I didn't bring Sunggyu for you to punch."
Jonggie, you're so adorably hostile towards your hyungs <333

Really cute oneshot! I know if I'd had a bad day, I'd love to be cheered up by Sungjong :3