Chapter 9

The War Between Love

"Lay, she-" You stopped your sentence as someone burst into the alleyway. Light purple hair caught the light as Se Hun jogged toward you and Lay.

He stopped in front of you and sent you a sympathetic smile. "Are you okay?"

"No," You wanted to respond. You wanted to tell him to go away so you could tell Lay about Xiu Li. Instead, you just nodded, feeling ashamed of your tear-stricken face.

You wondered why he came as you gazed up at him. "Could you give us a moment?"

Se Hun gave you a strange look before answering. "No, we have to go to the radio performance, sorry. That's why I came."

Lay's arm retracted from you as he stood up. He wiped off his pants before extending a hand out for you. You ignored the hand as you stood up on your own. Se Hun started to walk away, giggling. "Kris isn't going to like that you got his pants dirty." Se Hun giggled again before eyeing Lay's pants.

Annoyance began to fill your mind. Why did everyone have to get in the way when you were trying to Lay about Xiu Li? You couldn't catch a break. So much had happened today, your thoughts were all over the place. 

"Why are you glaring at me?" Se Hun's voice woke you up out of your trance. Your eyes automatically softened at his pouting face.

"I'm sorry. I've just had a rough day." Se Hun seemed to understand as he nodded. You all walked in silence and in no time you were back in the van, sandwiched between Lay and the window. Your eyes found Kris's, as he raised his eyebrows as if to say, 'Did you do it?'

You shook your head dejectedly. His face contorted into an angry and accusing one. His eyes continued to burn at you the whole ride, even though you tried your best to avoid them. You had so many emotions swirling around in your head that you couldn't even fish one out to concentrate on. All you wanted to do is turn off your brain and go to sleep. Wheels squeeked and your body leaned forward, signaling the car was stopped.

The members' backs led you into a small recording room inside of a large building.

EXO's manager looked the boys up and down. "You haven't changed yet? Go! The bathroom is down the hall!"

They scurried out of the room and you followed them. In front of the men's bathroom you handed out their outfits.

"Try not to screw up your hair when you change." The words were monotone as they left your mouth, and they sounded as tired as you felt.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lay worriedly asked. You nodded without looking at him and went back inside the recording room. Soon they joined you in the recording room one by one. You sat off to the side and they sat in front of microphones.

"Why did we have to change if no one can see us?" Chanyeol muttered, and the manager's glare cut him off. 

Soon, the room filled with the voices of EXO asking generic questions, like their favorite foods and whether they were dating anyone. The answer was always no. You tuned out, uninterested. You lay your head back against the wall and closed your eyes. When you opened your eyes, they connected with Lay's.

'I'm bored.' He mouthed. The corners of your mouth threatened to dance upward, but you controlled it by feigning a yawn. 'Me too.'

Dimples appeared on his face as he smiled. 'I can tell.'

This time you couldn't stop your lips from curling upward. His body shook with quiet laughter as you rolled your eyes and mouthed back, 'Well, who wouldn't be?'

Baekhyun, who was sharing a microhphone with Lay gave him a weird look as Lay shrugged. 

"I'm sorry, what?" The host had been asking Lay a question, which he had missed do to his non-verbal conversation with you.

"You weren't paying attention?" Su Ho teased and everyone laughed.

"No, I didn't understand." He played the foreigner card as Kris explained the question in Chinese. After quickly answering, his eyes flicked back to yours, a half smile plastered across his face. He raised his eyebrows slightly, to which you smiled. Soon, the broadcast was over and you were heading back to the apartment.

Everyone was finishing up an uneventful dinner. You stared at Chen, the last one to be eating. Once he put the last bite of food in his mouth, you immediately stood up.

"I'll do the dishes." You saw Baekhyun open his mouth to offer to help but you were too quick. "Lay, would you help me?"

Multiple skeptical looks were sent your way, but you didn't care. You needed to get Lay alone and tell him about Xiu Li. The rest of the members filed out of the room, painstakingly slowly, you thought. Lay picked up a plate. "I wash, you dry?"

"Look, Lay, I have to tell you something." He set the plate down and turned to face you.

"You have been saying that for a while now." He crossed his arms across his chest and eyed you curiously.

"Yeah, I know, but I really need to tell you. Xi-" 

"Lay?" Xiu Min asked as he came into the kitchen. "Could you-"

"No!" You snapped at Xiu Min and he stepped back a little.

"O-okay, I'm sorry to bother you guys." He looked hurt as he stepped out of the room.

You sighed at Lay's confused expression. "Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry, I just really need to tell you and I keep getting interupted."

Lay gave you a look that told you to go on.

"Xiu Li, she cheated on you." The words burst out of your mouth before you could think of a better way to say them. His expression dropped, and you winced. You had never seen someone so sad in your life.

He opened his mouth, but no noise came out. "What?" He finally managed to whisper, pain looped into his voice in a way that was unimaginable.

"Lay, I'm really sorry." You reached out to try to touch his arm, but he shifted out of your grasp. You shook off the hurt feeling that consumed your body. "She sleeps around in my town a lot. I have personally witnessed it. I'm really sorry-"

Before you knew it he was moving quickly toward you, stopping when face was inches away from yours, his hurt and pained expresssion replaced with something that you feared more; enragment. 

"You're lying." He hissed in your face, almost quiet enough that you couldn't hear it. You shook your head and dropped your eyes from his.

"You're lying." He had raised his voice now, a little bit louder than a normal conversation tone.

"YOU'RE LYING!" He screeched in your face. Suddenly he moved away from you and stood breathing heavily, his fist clenched as his side as he glared at the wall.


A large boom reached your ears as his fist connected with the wall, creating a small indent in the wall.

"Don't," He turned to you, "Talk to me."

You stood in silence, a tear threatened to spill out from your eye but you held it in as you watched him fall apart. His hands ran through his hair and then latched on, pulling at the hair on his head as he crouched on the ground, continuing to pull at his hair. A small intake of air reached your ears from behind you, and you realized that all of EXO stood in the room watching the scene unfold.

All of a sudden, Lay slowly got up and walked toward the doorway, where the now gathered EXO was.

"Move." He mumbled, looking down at his feet.


"MOVE." He shoved past the members who didn't move quick enough. It was silent as you heard a door slam.

"What... Just happened?" Baekhyun asked quietly, and you slumped into a chair. Kris came over and put a hand on your shoulder. "You did the right thing." His voice was gentle as it reached your ears. As Su Ho quickly explained the situation to the rest of EXO they looked extremely sad.

"I've never seen him like that." Xiu Min commented, and he shook his head, trying to will away the memory of Lay upset.

Kris's hand that was resting on your shoulder began to your shoulder. "Hey, it's okay."

"No it's not." You looked up at him with tear filled eyes and shook his hand off of your shoulder. You grabbed your bag off of the counter and grabbed some papers from it before running to Lay's room.

You raised your hand to knock until you heard his voice. "Why Xiu Li?" Agony laced the words.

"That's not a reason." You wished you could hear her side of the conversation, but you knew it couldn't be very good. You heard the beep of the phone call being ended, followed by a couple of sniffs. You raised your hand and knocked on the door, to which you recieved no response. You opened the door and walked into a neat room with Lay sitting stiffly on a neatly made bed, tears running down his face. You placed the papers on his lap and he stared unmoving at the wall opposite him.


"Get out." He finally turned to look at you, his icey eyes shooting daggers at you.

The sounds of the papers falling off of his lap broke the heavy silence that filled the room."What?"

He stared at the papers scattered on the floor. They were pictures from Xiu Li's Facebook of her with different guys. He reached down and picked one up, studying it, before crumpling it in his fist and turning toward you.

"Get out. And never come back." 


{A/N: Haii guys, I apologize that this chapter D: My editor was busy so this was all me :/ I hope that you enjoy it anyway<3}

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--peperokiss #1
Chapter 10: OMF I need the next chapter.
I need to know what happens ; m ;
Chapter 10: Oh My Gosh ~ my heart is hurt because you late update :'(
EXOforever24 #3
Chapter 10: Yay finally you updated! So gooddd!!!! Update soon, poor lay :'(
Chapter 10: they all have problems omfg get over yourselves like Lay yup it's totally her fault that your of a girlfriend cheated on you like a thousand times yeah. and Kris did you not see what happened with her and Myungsoo like 30 minutes before? don't freaking blame her because she didn't tell Lay right after, and when she was about to, Sehun came. it's not her fault stop blaming her i'm so upset
Chapter 10: aww.. ;; kris being nice (in dis story) FINALLY. OTL. 101
Chapter 9: Oh my god everything Myungsoo has done has crossed every single line in existence I'm so mad and that teacher what a fricking oh my god I'm going to slap someone poor girl awwww ;-;
Chapter 9: OMG ~ brilliant idea .... update soon !! can't wait anymore :)
Yeohana1733 #8
Chapter 9: please update soon!
EXOforever24 #9
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh that was such a good chapter!!!! Update soonnnn!!!!!!!! ^.^
Chapter 9: why end it there .. q-q /cries in a corner/ update soon was so emotional..i actually cried ;~;