For Eva

Summer Replay


The sun was shiny and hot, warming pleasantly the people that were spending their free time of this spring morning in the neighborhood park. The birds put special effort today in their rhythmic singing, creating a harmonious symphony in the small green paradise in the middle of the monotonous gray landscape of the metropolis. The clouds were traveling across the crystal clear blue sky by playful gusts of wind, forming many different shapes.

There were people who jogged, people who sat on the benches and read or talked between themselves, people who walked calmly enjoying the cool breeze with their friend’s, or lover’s, company. And then, there is Eva. A long haired brunette who stood in front of a canvas, lost in her own world, oblivious to anything and anyone, trying to paint on the thick paper her version of this cozy place.

A lone runner stopped at the bench nearest to her, seemingly to drink water and rest a bit. He watched her tug her untamed hair behind her ear repeatedly, bite lightly the pointy end of the long brush, frown as she weighted the best angle for the next line that would be drown.

The morning run had become a daily habit of his years ago and to this day he made sure he kept it without fail. His schedule was hectic but he always found time to go at least for a short run because a healthy mind must reside in a healthy body too.

In one of those runs, approximately two months ago, was the first time he saw her, struggling to move too many things at once with her frail hands. Since that day he saw her twice a week, if he was lucky, three times. Every time in the same spot, with the same equipment, pondering over yet another painting of hers.

Today was a rare half-day off. His schedule wouldn’t start before 4 in the afternoon, so he could spare all the time he wanted. He tall boy stretched, relaxing his muscles, before sitting on the bench. He continued to watch the painting girl, contemplating the idea of whether to approach her or not and if yes, how.

A familiar melody startled him from his thoughts and had the brunette rushing to pout down her drawing stuff and searching frantically in her bag. Minho listened amazed at the first notes of his debut song being played. Then came Jonghyun’s part, and then Onew’s. She still couldn’t find it. At the middle of the first chorus she finally fished a small white device out of the enormous bag and answered the call. An involuntary smile formed on his lips. He had just figured out what to say.

He waited patiently for her to hang up and put on his left earphone. He hit the play and waited for the intro to pass before starting to sing. He saw her turn around surprised, eyes wide, mouth forming a small ‘o’.

“Girl you’re so pretty~ Please tell me your name~ Replay Replay Replay~ he changed the chorus lyrics to suit his purpose.

Her succession of startled expressions was so cute he wanted to extend his arms and pinch her flashed cheeks. Instead he just smiled and asked again, this time normally “Hi. What’s your name?”

“Me? Uh, I…” she stuttered adorably and mumbled something in a language completely foreign to his. “I’m… No. I… My name’s Eva.”

“And I’m Minho. Nice to meet you.” he offered her a handshake. Eva blushed an even more deep red and gave him her hand to shake. “I’ve seen you here painting many times. Would it be ok for me to see your drawing?”

This was the first meeting out of many. They were never planned but both knew that they would meet in that small park, at the bench near the old oak tree, two times every week.

After the initial awkwardness, they slowly opened up and shared their dreams and problems. Minho found out that Eva is a Greek art exchange student that came to Korea to study their culture and art. She was also his fan, a shawol for many years. He listened to her stories about her exotic country, the differences she observed, the new stuff she experienced her and in return he told her about this land’s traditions and peculiarities. He found someone to share his burdens from work and insecurities.

Sometimes she would join him and they would run together. Sometimes he would stop his routine earlier to sit by the canvas and talk with her while she painted.

Time flew by unnoticed and before they knew it, summer had almost passed and autumn was just around the corner. The time had come for Eva to return home.

“I don’t want you to go.” he whispered hugging her closely.

“I don’t want to leave either.” she buried her face in his broad chest. “But I have to. There’s nothing I can do about it.” a sob shook her.

“Hush. Don’t cry please. Please.” he took her head between his two hands and kissed ever so gently her eyes.

“But…But I…” she couldn’t finish what she wanted to say because the tears blocked .

“Shh…Don’t cry. This is not goodbye forever.” he hooked his index finger under her chin and lifted her face up. “This summer you came to me. Now it’s my turn to go to you.”

He smiled at her and lowered his head, bringing their lips together in a kiss that sealed many unspoken feelings and promises. They parted knowing that they would be together again someday.

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