My Story

Mirror Castle


Hello to all of you.....It's me, Amber. Current status : In front of the well-known castle, Mirror Castle.


Why am I here? Let me tell you....



It's all begin when I blushed when looking at Chanyeol (My First Love) Then, the evil wicked witch, Sulli saw that and making fun of me.


"Oh lookie, there's a 'manly' girl who fall in love with the cute prince~" Sulli mocked then laughed with her other friends.


"Wha-what's your bussiness anyway?" I startled


"So...she IS fall in love with him!" Luna assumed


"Oh and she doesn't have courage to ask him to be her boyfriend." Sulli added and then laughed with her gang


"You're right. I saw her secretly looking at Chanyeol everytime he passed her." Krystal agreed.


"So?" I started to be annoyed


"Coward!" Sulli smirked


"No, I'm not!" I argued because I felt my pride being underestimated.


"Yes, you are~!"




"Prove me!" Sulli challenged


"Deal!" I answered with confidence


"Meet me at The Mirror Castle in the midnight." Sulli's eyes were gleaming.


"YAH! You crazy?! That place is very dangerous you know!" Victoria shocked


"No, just to prove that this 'chicken' is brave enough to accept the challenge." Sulli chuckled


"Fine, in midnight." I snorted


"Bye bye, 'chicken'" Sulli left with laughter.



So....that's the reason I'm here....Geez, this place kinda creep me out...I shivered


"Hachuu!" And cold.


Where are they? I'm freezing here! I stomped my leg.




"Oh, there she is!" A voice shouted


"Wow, she's fast." Another voice impressed


Finally! It's about time I will prove them that I'm brave enough!


"So, am I brave enough?" I smirked


"No, haven't. You must explore the castle first and come out safe and sound." Sulli explained


"Ow! That's creepy!" The other girls shrieked in unison


"Okay, I'm in!"


"Good, now here's the flashlight and good luck!" Sulli gave you a flashlight.


I accepted it and walked into the front of the gate.


"Bye, good luck and come back safe and sound~!" Victoria shouted


This is it.... I took a deep breath and opened the gate.




The gate closed behind me.



(Inside the castle), my first impression is....this place's dusty and STINKS! I coughed and covered my nose.


And also it's creepy in here....I my flashlight.


Hmm...let's see, where should I go....Aha! That way. I ran and arrived in front of an ancient door.




Urgh..the sound's making the door like thousands years ago.


I looked around the room and found a royal bedroom, "WOW! It's a queen size-bed!"


I jumped to the bed and started jumping like a kid, "Ahahaha!" I never had fun like this before.

*squeak squeak 

Err...what was that?


Okay, this castle was freaking me out. I jumped from the bed and landed successfully in front of a mirror

Wow, the mirror's huge! No wonder people call this castle Mirror Castle!

I tried to look my reflect but the mirror was blur.

Hmph..old mirror! I turned around and get ready to continue my journey....

"Help!" Ng?

"Don't leave!" That's sounded like me....

I turned and saw my own reflect but the different is...the face in the mirror looks like she's terrified of something.

"Help Me!" She screamed again. I tried to hold her hands so I placed my hand onto the mirror.

"Coward!" A mysterious voice sang in my head.

Argh....the voice's making my head hurts.

"Loser!" Stop It...

"She's too 'manly' for him!" Please, stop...

"Really? I don't think so. She even doesn't have the courage to ask him." Tha- what's your problem anyway!

My head really hurts like there's a bomb inside my head...I couldn't stand of it so I lied in the floor while holding my head. I felt my eyes were teary so I close my eyes.

"........." Phew, finally that 'voice' was gone.

I opened my eyes and walked toward to the mirror.

I gasped when I saw there's a stair and a man standing on the stair.

"Amber dear, come here." He elongated his hand, inviting you to come here.

Who're you? I was about to ignore him but..his eyes were hypnotizing me. And also he's the most beautiful creature I ever see.


My body moving itself, it doesn't listen to me. " Yah, pabo, control yourself."

"Good girl, come here." He smirked

I was about to resist him mind had been taken control by him...


I was a half way to him...

"Come on.."

"" I mumbled

I stopped in front of him and going to take his hand...


Hmm? I slowly regained my consciousness.


I realized what's happening so I held back my hand.

"Amber!" I saw Chanyeol standing below.


"Come here quick! Don't fall for him!" Chanyeol demanded

I was about to escape but the 'mysterious' man got me and arrested me.


"Stay there!" I saw Chanyeol trying to step up but the 'mysterious' man put a barrier around us.

"DAMNIT!" Chanyeol trying to punch the barrier.

"Leave her alone!" Chanyeol threaten.

"HAHAHA! What's so good about her? She just a coward girl who doesn't have the courage to ask her love to be her boyfriend!" The man smirked.

"No! Don't" I panicked.

"Oh lookie, she's embarrassed now!"

"No!!!" I felt my eyes were teary.

"YAH! I said leave her alone!"

"Ooh, the prince charming trying to help the crybaby princess~!"

"" My tears were rolling down.

"Stop crying, there's your prince watching everything."

"...." I cried.

"I don't know what did you two talking about but, no matter what happened....She's still be my love." Chanyeol confessed.

Mwo? Did I misheard? He said that he love me?????? I stopped crying.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The man disappeared along with the stair. 

"WHAAA-" I fell.

"AMBER!" Chanyeol caught me.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked in worried tone.

"Ye-yeah.." I embarrassed.

"It's good to hear you okay." He grinned and helped me to stand

"Umm, Is it true? The you love me thing?" I scratched my head.

"Oh that's....true." He avoid my stares.

"Well...I love you too..." I grinned.

"Jjincha?" He looked surprised. "I thought you like Se Hun...." He mumbled.

"No, silly! Everytime you passed, I always take a peek to see you, not him!" I smacked his head playfully.

"Ouch!" He groaned

We stared at each other face then we kissed...

His lips was soft...

Then we parted after we heard the clock ticked "TENG...TENG...TENG"

"Oh yeah, that reminds me...They're waiting.." I sighed


"Sulli and others."

"Okay, let's go!" He grinned and we walked together, holding hands.

"By the way, how did you get in here? I did you know I'm here?" I confused

"Oh, that because Sulli contacted me to catch up with you."

"And do you know another story of Mirror Castle?"

"No, Wae?"

"I don't know the exactly but I heard that except being a dangerous castle, this castle can be a "Romeo & Juliet Castle"."


"Many people who wanted to make sure their feeling towards their partner by testing their love in this castle. Like you and me just now. That 'mysterious' man actually is a prince who built this castle for his love but his love married with another man. So, he died with broken heart."

"Oh I see, maybe the man doesn't want the others felt the same way." I assumed

"Yeah, Sulli wanted to test us so she challenged you because she knows this castle's story."

....Mianhe Sulli, for suspecting you as a annoying girl.

"Look, we're already arrived." Chanyeol reminded me

Outside the castle, there was Sulli, Krystal, Victoria and Luna who smiled after seeing us holding hands.

"Look! There's a new couple!" Victoria squealed

"Yeah! They looked like a prince and a princess!" Krystal nodded

"Congrats you guys!" Sulli approached us and shook hand.

"How about we searched for boyfriends too? I'm bored being single." Luna complained

Yup, this my life with my new boyfriend and my best friends. Thank you God for giving me a good boyfriend and caring friends. This is Amber and I'm signing out.

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Vezalius #1
@shajol518 : Kamsahamida ^^
@VelAngela : I'm planning to write another horror FF but, still confuse who's the maincast. Should I make Amber as the maincast again or another? @.@
Vezalius #2
@hello_livia : Kamsamida :D
@Aethel : Yeah...O.Oa
Somehow, Amber in this chapter looks like Daniel from Dalmatian.. Who currently being the Vj in Pops in Seoul... 6(O.O)9
Kyaaa, unnie hwaiting!!!
Vezalius #5
@anjel189 : There will be a light romance scene...unless, I make the sequel?