

Check: a threat to the surroundings

Checkmate: an inevitable defeat

Stalemate: no win. no progress.

Zugzwang: an undesired act




Life is a game of chess.


I'm suddenly in the mood to write drabbles lately @-) Majority of these are angsty so you have been warned!


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GuiLD15 #1
Chapter 1: Hell yes YunYoung.
Chapter 1: The last drabble....
Huaaaaa sobs sobs my tears

I love this fic :)
Waaaa!~~ ChangSoo was so cute! XD Nice way of shutting her up Min! :D

SooHanKris DDDDDDDDD: Lulu~~~~ :((((( *sobs*

Yunho is scary xD better not mess with his girl :3

Poor Yoon and Vic T___T
KamiliaBBC #4
I love SooHanKris part..Luhan is acting mature..poor Yoona and Victoria..They tried everything to get Kyuhyun's heart but Sooyoung,she did nothing yet she get Kyuhyun...

Make more drabbles..Love it...
SooHanKris... T.T
I'm proud of Luhan ^^
bcuz that he can let go the ONE he LOVE =3

make more please..
Thanks ^^
please share more
poor Yoona and Victoria, hahaha, misery loves company after all. AND THAT SOOHANKRIS OMG.asdfg;lkholkjl.
Chocolate_loves #8
More kyuyoung plz
akxshi #9
Omggg soohankris my precious ot3 ;;;~~~~~;;;- whywhywhyyyy eafghdfghmjhgstdhghextfth
And the kyuyoung too,poor yoona and victoria TT