What Are You?

The Fallen's


I slid myself into a pair of skinny jeans and wore a top that said Miss Lil Rehab. I ran out of the door as soon as I heard a familiar honking.

It was Hae Jun’s car and guess who was at the driver’s seat? Her boyfriend of course. I sighed as the thought of being the third wheel came into my head.

Getting at the back seat, Hae Jun turned around beaming. “Yonnie, this is Thim Yung and Thim Yung this is Yon Jei,” Hae Jun introduced.

“Sup?” He said smirking.

I smiled back but even I could sense the fakeness in it. so the entire ride, Hae Jun went on and on telling Thim Yung about the funny things we did in school and occasionally I’d agree with her and fakingly laugh along. It’s not that I was jealous of her but the fact that she’s dragging me along for no apparent reason is just making me feel sick.

We reached the curve on time but were having trouble searching for a parking spot. “Hmm…This is gonna take forever. I have an idea. Why don’t I drop the two of you here so you guys can buy the ticket while I search for a parking spot?” Thim Yung suggested.

“Yea su—” I begin to say but Hae Jun interrupted.

“Or why not Thim Yung and I search for a parking place while you buy the ticket?” Hae Jun suggested.

I knew where she was going and what she wanted, so I just said, “Yea. No prob.”

With that I got off the car and walked into the mall. What’s the use of bringing me along if she was already planning to do that? I sighed and stood on the escalator as it went to the top floor. Walking towards the queue, I decided to look at the choices of movies they had.

Hae Jun and I both planned to watch Snowhite and The Huntsman. But there were other movies too. So I was just looking at the trailers.

Until something brushed pass me. I felt a weird tingling sensation travel through my veins. I turned to look at who it was.

It was a boy with a weird hair color combination; of blue and blonde. He was perfectly fair and not a single bump on his skin. Everything about him was just perfect.

He caught me staring at him and surprisingly he stared back. Feeling uncomfortable, I looked away. But that didn’t get rid of the feeling in me. It wasn’t fear or excitement but more of a combination of both. I found it hard to breathe; as if something was blocking my throat. My eyes begin to feel watery and just then I felt a sharp feeling of pain shoot me in head. It was extremely painful. I lost balance and fell to the ground.

Everybody’s voice were muffled and unclear. I didn’t pass out but my vision was very blurry and fuzzy. That’s when I felt a pair of arms slide below my knee and neck; carrying me. But the pain became stronger and unbearable.

But then I felt a weird feeling of power and managed to catch my breath. Regaining my vision, I saw who was carrying me. It was the blonde-blue haired boy. He looked rather surprised.

Without wasting much time, I quickly got down and looked at him in the eyes. Though the pain was slightly stinging me, I managed to ignore it. I quickly thanked him and turned to queue up again.

As I tried my best to look normal and ignore the gazillion pair of eyes on me, I tried to comprehend what happened. Never in my entire life did I ever feel such pain and power at the same time.

My turn came and I bought three tickets. Then Hae Jun and Thim Yung came and we went to Mc Donalds for dinner. The entire time, I tried my best to ignore their lovey-dovey actions and just join in their conversations at times.

But I really couldn’t bear it when were watching the movie. Hae Jun will out of the blue giggle as if she was being tickled and they would whisper something and chuckle to themselves.

I tried concentrating on the movie, but it came; the stinging pain. And it was even worse than just now. My head was throbbing like hell. I can’t take it anymore.

I barged out of the cinema and ran to the ladies. I didn’t bother telling Hae Jun because I knew she’d hardly notice my absence. I looked at myself in the mirror but everything was once again blurry. The whole room was moving.

I held unto the sink for support. I then splashed my face with water incessantly. And I felt that power in me again. Finally, the pain was gone. I looked at the mirror again. To see my wet face and the blonde-blue haired boy again!

Before I could turn or run, he circled his hands around my waist aggressively and pinned me unto the floor and just gazed into my eyes. I struggled against his grasp. And out of nowhere, I actually got the strength to push him back.

Without thinking twice, I just ran bare footed out of the toilet and the mall; not having much time to put my shoes on. It was super dark outside and everyone was staring at me weirdly as I ran to I don’t know where.

I just continued running. My feet ached as I stepped on all sorts of pieces of junk. I just had to get away from this guy. I don’t know why but I just know that he is behind the pain that I’ve been going through.

As I was running, I felt leaves brush pass me. ! Did I end up in the forest. ! ! ! This can’t be. What am I supposed to do now?

In a blink of an eye, I couldn’t  feel the ground anymore. In fact I felt a pair of arms once again carrying me by the waist. I looked and the person was that boy! How’d he get here? We were practically flying in the forest. I didn’t struggle because if I were to do that, I would have fallen and died.

We landed with a thud on smooth ground. My earlier wound started to hurt. But I was soon distracted by someone’s voice.

“You thought you could take her first?” a guy asked the boy who was standing next to me.

“I didn’t think, I knew. She’s mine now,” the boy fought back.

How can I be his?

The guy chuckled. “You can’t fool me Zelo. Her aura is still roaming around freely.”

Zelo! That’s the name gramyma told me earlier. This boy came to see me. Why? And now he’s saying that I’m his?

Zelo gritted his teeth and ed his fist at the guys stomach.

Instead of attacking back, the guy moved in extreme quick speed appearing in front of me. I was startled at his speed.

He smirked and held me by the waist but soon dropped me when Zelo attacked him again. ! What am I supposed to do? Run? I learned my lesson the last time I ran away from Kai.

Zelo and the guy were actually fighting with each other. The weird part was that it was for me. They’re too busy to actually notice me running right? So why don’t I just run? I quickly scrambled unto my feet and ran to the opposite direction. Thinking that they didn’t notice me at all.

But I was wrong when one of them hugged and pushed me. Making me land on the ground roughly and dragged waiting for inertia to stop us. I winced in pain as I opened my eyes to see Zelo covered in dirt; holding onto me. “You can’t run away from me Yon Jei,” he said in a whisper like way.

He knows my name too?

And as expected that guy earlier turned out of nowhere pushing Zelo and punching him on the face.

I tried crawling away from them but I couldn’t because I was too injured. My jeans were torn at certain places and covered in dirt. My arms were covered with blood and scratches.

Zelo once again came running to me but surprisingly he fell backwards as he was a few inches away from me. It was as if he ran into an invisible wall and fell.

It took me a while to realize who that wall was. I looked up to see that familiar body and hair. “Kai!” I said, surprised.

He ignored me. “Stop acting like amateurs and get the hell outta here,” Kai ordered Zelo and the guy.

“Not without her,” Zelo said pointing at me. “She’s mine.”

The guy snickered. “In Your dreams Zelo. She’s mine now.”

Kai chuckled in a serious way. “You guys never learn do you. I guess I’ll have to teach you the hard way.” He cracked his knuckles.

Kai’s gonna fight them? He’ll get killed! They’re not humans that I know!

It’s okay. I’ll be fine.

I heard Kai’s voice in my head.

I gasped. He could read my mind.

Now, do as I tell you. When I tell you to run…you run.


Run! Kai yelled in my head.

So without thinking, I just got up and ran as fast as my legs could bring me. Ignoring the pain I just ran. I ran with my eyes closed.

And after minutes of running, I couldn’t feel the ground anymore. It was only wind; pure wind.

It took me a while to realize that I was falling. Am I gonna die now? It’s too early. I still have loads of things to do. It can’t end here! God, help me!

I felt water all around me. I must’ve fallen down the cliff. And now I’m gonna drown. This is it! I only lived 16 years of my life. Goodbye gramyma. I opened my eyes slightly to look at everything blue around me. I was sinking deeper and deeper. No air…can’t breathe…death.

But before I knew it, I felt those familiar arms around me. Pulling me up. It was Kai! He’s alive! He placed me on the ground as I coughed out the water. He patted me on the back as I tried coughing out the excessive water stuck in my throat.

He saved me.

“I’ll never let you die,” Kai said getting out of the water.

He was shirtless. And he had many scars on his body. How did he get it?

“That’s a long story.”

I sighed in annoyance. “Can you not read my mind for now?”

He chuckled. “Sure.”

He turned around to take his shirt. I then realized that he had two super deep scars on his left and right sides on his back.

Taking his shirt, he sat next to me. “Those guys won’t disturb you for now.”

I gulped as my eyes were still on his scars. “What are you,” I bravely asked.

He looked tensed at my question. Sighing he turned to look at me. “I’m an angel. A fallen angel,” he said taking my right hand and putting it on one of his scars.

I felt like I was being covered by mist again and everything went blank until there was a small source of light. I walked towards it and I just couldn’t believe my eyes.




A/N: FINALLY!! i'm done with this chapter. i just finished my exam for one of the subjects at school so now i'm like super happy to update this.

so yea i put in Zelo a.k.a my cuttiepie ...just hope u enjoyed reading this chappie cuz most of it just descriptions cuz i wanted to make u readers to really, really imagine it well :D

Oh and i just started a new fan fic entitled: Infected

...so...do check it out if u want to ^^

Please don't be a silent reader and comment~~



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chapter 10 is actually NOT supposed to be rated M but i dunno y everytime i change it nothing happens...so yeah...


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purpleshadeglow #1
waaaaa i like this story! ^0^ hwaiting author-niiim
shebangbang #2
Chapter 12: saviour EXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
myykris #3
Chapter 12: oh i'll be patient alright ;)
and yea finally EXO came!!
luluhanhan #4
Chapter 11: gosh i can imagine it so well!!
i love the way you write
xAnDeRbaby #5
Chapter 12: Finally EXO came...
i was waiting for her to meet them..
me likey jucy!!
Pinkteddy96 #6
Chapter 11: You're the best! Ohemgeee!!!!!! I was so happy when I read this. Honestly, I love you. Let's get married and have babies. I was kidding about that, sorry to have creeped you out! But still, thanks!!! :D
myykris #7
Chapter 11: yeah, don't give up!...there's still hope :D
when in the world is she going to meet Chanyeol?!?!?
i can't wait for that part!!
kiseoppiee #8
Chapter 11: awwwwww....
don't give up author-nim....
i'm sure you did well for other subjects :)
xAnDeRbaby #9
Chapter 11: KYAAAAA!!!!!!
they were so close!!! SO CLOSE!!!
Pinkteddy96 #10
It just gets better and better. Don't forget to update. ^_^