Chapter 5: Crash

The Hotties and The Beauties

Days passed, weeks, a month, since Luhan went to school. The Beauties, even the Hotties, were getting worried.

The two groups had somewhat soften a little, just a little (sorta like a peanut size little) to each other. Though, Yixing and Kris (what he calls himself now for no apparent reason but to look cool even though it was a bit stupid to Yixing) still have their glaring wars (mostly during their decoration time for the talent show), eventually separated by Baehyun and Chanyeol.

Suho and Kyungsoo had finished their cleaning duties but kept in touch. Baekhyun was selected to participate in the talent show while Chanyeol was in charge of the stage’s curtains and lights.

This only left out one person: Oh Sehun. He’s quietly lately and actually paying attention to class instead of picking his nose and putting it on the teachers’ desk.

The boy’s life became…plain. He’d go to class, find Luhan’s seat still empty, and then get bubble tea during lunch, class again, then finally out of school. Even with the Hotties, Sehun didn’t talked much, which bothered the other members.

Today was another boring day for Sehun. Being with Chanyeol alone was probably…okay, was NOT a good idea.



“Lay's Chips!”

"Krispy Buns!"




"leChen Flan!"

"Sehun-tery egg!"

"Suhoisin Sauce!"

"Kaiser Rolls!"


Aish, why does Sehun have such a weird hyung? And is he seriously the maknae, or is the derpy one right next to him?

“Hey, why so quiet?” Baekhyun suddenly appeared with them, sitting down across him.


“Yeah, hi to you too Chanyeol…So what’s wrong Sehun?”


But Sehun knew he lied. Everything’s wrong! Without Luhan, every single thing, including puppies and kitties, are wrong!

“Hello? Earth to Sehun? YAH!”

“Sorry hyung. I’m not in the mood right now.” Sehun said. But just as he got up, Baekhyun said the most desirable thing.

“I’ll buy you two bubble tea.”



A few moments later…

“Oh…I understand now.” Baekhyun said as Sehun nodded with the straw in his mouth.

“Now I don’t know what to do…”

“Well, we’ll see when Luhan comes back.”

“Do you think he will?”

“Of course.” Baekhun said though, his mind is doubtful. Just then, his phone rang. “Hello? Oh, hey hyung. Again? Alright, I’m coming soon. Sorry Sehun, that was my older brother. I gotta go, see you later.”

“Kay, bye hyung.”

As Baekhyun walked out the shop, a pair of arms wrapped his waist. “Where are you going? Let’s go together.”

“Aish, arraso. But hurry up, I’m late.”

“Tell me where, I’ll drive you.”

“You can drive?”

“Not really.”


“I have a motorcycle.”

“…is it safe?”


“Sorry but I seriously can’t take you seriously with that derpy face of yours.”

Chanyeol pouted.

“Alright, alright. I’ll go with you. To my house. XXXX Street.”

“Sweet. Let’s go.”

Before Chanyeol got onto his vehicle, he gently placed the helmet on Baekhyun’s head. The shorter one just let out an exaggerated expression, not liking the fact that the helmet ruined his hair.

“Grab around my waist.” Chanyeol said as he started the engine. At first, Baekhyun refused, but then he thought about death and eventually gave in.

He wrapped his arms around Chanyeol and laid his head on the taller boy’s back, a squeak came out his mouth as they headed off.

It only took a while when they arrived at Baekhyun’s place. As the shorter boy opened the door, they were greeted by a baby’s cry.

“Baekkie hyungie!~”

Baekhyun giggled. “Hyunwoo, why are you out of your crib?” He asked, picking up the baby boy.

“That’s because he was tossing and fussing about seeing his favorite hyung.” A sorta short, but taller than Baekhyun, boy said.

He walked towards his dongsaeng and ruffled through his hair. “Yah. Do you know how many times this kid threw carrots in my hair when I slept?”

“Aish, Jonghyun hyung, he’s only two, give him a break.”

“Give me a break. I’m freaking tired.”

“But you have work.”

“Actually I have a date, little sis.”

Baekhyun pouted at Jonghyun’s nickname for him. Sure he likes makeup, cupcakes, fashion magazines, puppies, rainbows, etc, doesn’t make him a girl right? I mean, he’s a fan of SNSD. That’s makes him a man!

“Oh. Who’s this?” Jonghyun asked, surprisingly noticing Chanyeol’s presence just now. And was taken back by his height too. “Hoo~did my little sis bringing boys home at such a young age?” He teasingly said, nudging Baekhyun’s shoulder with a smirk.

Baekhyun’s cheeks immediately blushed. He punched his hyung’s shoulder, which made Hyunwoo laugh then punch his Jonghyun as well.


“Alright, alright. Calm down. I was only joking. Well, going to ma date, see ya lil’ sis.”


“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

As soon as the door closed, Baekhyun let out a sigh and rubbed his temple. “So I guess that’s your hyung?” Chanyeol asked. Though he’s been to Baekhyun’s house a few times, this was the first to meet Jonghyun.

“Yeah. His name is Byun Jonghyun. He’s twenty and he’s going out with a guy name Kibum but goes by the name of Key.”


“Yeah. I met Key hyung before. Rather have him as a brother.”

That caused Chanyeol to laugh.

“Anyway, I should practice my talent show.”

“But don’t you have to take care of Hyunwoo?”

“Oh he’s fine. He doesn’t hate me, only Jonghyun hyung.”




“No, no, no! That goes over there, idiot!”

“Call me idiot one more time, I dare you.


“Aish, why is it so hard working with you?!”

“Why is it so hard telling you to put it over there!”

Yixing and Kris were in the school auditorium putting up the decoration and props. But Kris…yeah it’s not going that well.

“What’s wrong?” Suho asked, walking into the room along with Kyungsoo. “Kris, you look like you were rolling like a buffalo.”

“Aish, this bish face doesn’t know how to put up decorations!”

“Well this cute dimpled guy can’t decide where to put it!”

Both Suho and Kyungsoo looked at Kris with a bored ‘wow’ face and both said, “…nice insult.”

“You’re in idiot!”

“You’re indecisive!”

“And I’M going to go there before my ears go deaf.” Kyungsoo said, walking out between the two arguers and next to Suho.

“How about we just calm down and talk this through?”

With a sigh, the two agreed. They sat down on the stage to begin.

It took a while but they finally finished. The surprising part was that Kris and Yixing weren’t arguing, in fact, having fun.

“Alright. So everything’s settles. Kyungie, let’s go get some ice cream!~”

“Arraso. See you later Suho hyung.”

Suho nodded and waved goodbye with a smile. As they left, Kris and Suho decided to clean up. First he started with the props, but then Kris found something interesting.

“Hey…Suho. Come here.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

Kris held up a book. “It’s Yixing’s diary. He must’ve forgotten it. Let’s check it out.”

“I wouldn’t if I were you. Remember what happened when you tried to pick up his pencil from him?”

“Hey, flying is possible ok?”

“Yeah yeah yeah…but…there would be some good stuff in there. I mean, who knows what goes on in Yixing’s mind.”

“You’re right. A sneak peak wouldn’t hurt right?”

“Fine. Only a little.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Deciding to take only a peak, Kris turned to the first page. “Hey. It looks like he has a crush on someone.” Suho said with a smile. But it started to disappear as he kept reading and his eyes began to widen. “Holy…”

“He’s really tall…” Kris read out loud. “The way he flips his honey blonde hair is just capturing. I try to talk to him, but he always have this angry look on so I’m scared that he hates me and try to act childish in front of him. I really like him a lot, especially his smile that doesn’t come often, but when it does, I feel like I’m in heaven.”

“He’s always hanging around with his friends.” Suho continued. “Oh, he has such a handsome face, I blush every time I’m face to face with him. He’s just too handsome and I like him too much for my own good. P.S. we also have a boyfriend-girlfriend height difference.”

“Oh my god….Yixing has a crush…on me.”

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will be updating soon ^^ ohoho it's going to be interesting xD


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WeAre1InAMillion #1
Chapter 1: I can due laughing here
WeAre1InAMillion #2
Hahahah I want to read this
Please continue this story :)
taylor_fox #4
I think I m going to like this story
Chapter 38: (T^T) Please update soon (T^T) I love this story so much!! I'll be waiting...
Marclooney #6
Chapter 38: Please author~nim update already I've been waiting since last year , my heart my mimd is perfeclty ready and really2 excited . and incased you don't to continued this please think twice and .

Message me if youndont want to continued it ..!!
gett-n #7
yixingmaid #8
Chapter 38: *still waiting*
Chapter 38: Update soon!!
Poor Yifan, Xing, Soo, n Suho...
Gud luck too^~<