Chapter 26: Bubibu

The Hotties and The Beauties

“Yixing, are you home?” Wufan asked as he, and the others, closed the door of his boyfriend’s house. The place remained silent which confused the male. Usually, Yixing would be up around 12pm making some lunch or watching TV but there was no sign of anything. “Yixing…?”

He headed up to Yixing’s room and slowly opened the door, only to find his boyfriend still sleeping in bed.

“Is he in there?” Luhan asked gently. He asked again when Wufan didn’t answer and pushed him out of frustration. “Yah, when I ask you a question, answer me!” He shouted before realizing Yixing’s state. “Yixing, are you alright?”

The unicorn sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes. “Hey guys…” He said weakly and almost fell down unconsciously before being caught by his boyfriend. “Fan…”

Wufan gave a worried look at his lover. “Xing, what’s wrong?” He asked but only to receive a weak smile from Yixing.

“I’m fine…”

“No you’re not. You’re burning.” Wufan said after checking his boyfriend’s forehead. “You have a fever.”

“I’m fine…”

“No you’re not. I think it was because of the pool yesterday.” Wufan said and looked over to the others. “See. Luhan, you made my baby sick.”

Luhan’s eye twitched. He glared at Wufan. “Yah, who do you think you’re talking to with that tone…” He growled. “Remember who’s older between the two of us…”

“Guys, really I’m fine.” Yixing smiled weakly with a cough. He decided to stand up to show that he wasn’t sick until he had accidentally fallen onto Wufan arms again. “Okay…maybe I might be a little sick…”

“Babe, get back to bed.” Wufan said as he picked his boyfriend up bridal style and placed him back onto his mattress. “I’ll go get you some med –,”

“No, don’t go…” Yixing pleaded lowly, gripping onto the back of Wufan’s shirt. “Stay with me…” His small voice as audible, Wufan looked at his lover then looked at the others who nodded and headed off to downstairs to find some medicine.

Wufan decided to lie next to his boyfriend. Yixing smiled and snuggled onto his boyfriend’s chest as his lover covered him with the blanket. “How did you even get into this mess?” Wufan mumbled before earning a small laugh from the younger.

“It’s not my fault…things happen.”

Wufan chuckled at the sick boy’s logic. He kissed Yixing’s forehead and wrapped his hands around his thin waist. “Is this comfortable?” Wufan asked as he rested his chin on top of his boyfriend’s soft hair.

Yixing answered with a nod. “It’s perfect…”

“No, you’re the one that’s perfect.”

The younger giggled at his boyfriend’s cheesiness. His legs shifted underneath the blanket and moved in closer.

Wufan could tell this was a perfect couple moment despite Yixing being sick. He loved it when Yixing’s all cute and fluff. He loved it when Yixing’s all pretty. But he especially loves the most is whenever Yixing snuggles onto him.

Although this moment would be even more perfect if the shouted from downstairs would stop…

“Sehun, you better stop touching my before I beat the crap out of you!”

“Oh no, you broke the plate!”

“I can’t find the TV remote!”

“Baekhyun, you got makeup on you!”

“ you!”

“Shush! I’m trying to find Yixing hyung’s medicine. HE’S TRYING TO SLEEP UPSTAIRS!”

“Where’s the bathroom?”

Yixing giggled at the shouts while his boyfriend was extremely annoyed. He looked up at Wufan and smiled. “They’re just kids, give them a break.”

“Yeah well one of them happens to be older than the two of us.”

“Oh come on Fan, Luhan’s a great gege. Remember that school field trip when we were in middle school and he saved you out of the river?”

“Uh recap; he was actually the one who pushed me into the river.”

Yixing blinked. “Oh…” He said before giggling. “Oops, I forgot.”

Wufan sighed. He smiled when Yixing beamed at him. Despite having a fever, Yixing’s still shining. “Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?” Wufan asked lowly since it was only the two of them alone.

Yixing shook his head as he played with his boyfriend’s long fingers. He watched as Wufan entwined them. “You’re hands are so big compared to mine.”

“Well your hands are pretty. Scratch that, they’re beautiful.”

“Then I guess your hands are manly.” Yixing smiled. “They’re soft too.”

“Your hands are feminine. Maybe that’s why you can cook so well. You’re like a mom, Xing.”

The younger giggled. “Oh so you’re saying you can’t cook?”

“Wah, I so can cook!” Wufan pouted. “I’ll cook something up for you then. You stay here to get some rest while I’ll be in the kitchen. When you wake up, you’ll have an amazing brunch.”

Yixing giggled. “Okay then.” He watched as Wufan stood up and brushed his shirt. “I’ll be waiting then.”

Wufan smirked. “Just watch, babe. You’ll have the most amazing meal ever.”


“Wow you were right. This is amazing.” Yixing said as he sat down at the dining table. He coughed before looking at his boyfriend. “Fan, you really made this?”

His boyfriend nodded with a winning smile. “Try it babe.” He said and Yixing nodded, slowly taking his spoon and taking a bite of the fried rice. His eyes widened. “I told you I can cook, babe.”

Yixing giggled. “I’m sorry for doubting you, Fan, but this is really good. Your cooking can be gone up against Kyungsoo’s.”

Yixing noticed Baekhyun was about to say something before being blocked by Wufan and Kyungsoo. “What’s wrong?”

Wufan laughed awkwardly. “Nothing, babe…just love seeing your lovely face, that’s all. Now keep eating, love.” He said and both Kyungsoo and Wufan gave a glare to poor little Baekhyun.

See what happened was…

A few minutes after Wufan had stepped out Yixing’s room to cook; he had decided to cook some chicken soup the way his mom would make it for him.

It was going well at first and even the others were thinking it was going to be fine. But then after Wufan had finished…the soup was sort of green.

Chanyeol had given it a taste first. He looked at Wufan who was anticipating the result and then looked at the others. It was only a matter of seconds until Chanyeol rushed towards the bathroom to puke everything out.

Luhan tried it next. That poor deer didn’t stand a chance.

“Is it really that bad?” Wufan asked his friends, who had all passed out at the horrible taste of his cooking.

“What did you put in there, crocodile?”

“Are you trying to poison us?”

“You’re seriously not going to feed that to Yixing right?”

“I think I might have constipation…”

Wufan pouted at himself. He bravely took a bite of his own soup…his face wasn’t pleased. Now he knows why his friends were at this state. By god, the soup could kill people if it wanted to.

“I can’t stand this absurdity.” Kyungsoo said strongly, wiping out his familiar frying pan out of nowhere. “Wufan hyung, you’re an abomination against cooking. I’ll cook for Yixing hyung instead.”

Wufan’s bottom lip quivered. “B-but I promised Yixing that I’d make him food…”

“With your cooking, you’re better off with just your looks. Let’s just pretend you cooked all my dishes for Yixing hyung.”


Alright so Wufan’s cooking didn’t turn out so well. But it was the thought that counts right? Actually…the thought was probably and dissolved into the Wufan’s soup as well…

“That was amazing, Fan. I think I might be feeling better already.” Yixing smilingly said after he finished Kyungsoo’s dishes. He coughed a little more, making Wufan’s smile disappear.

“Babe, you should get some more rest.” Wufan said reassuringly. He smiled down at his boyfriend who just pouted. “You guys should go to.” He said to the others. “Otherwise you’d maybe get sick too.”

Suho nodded at the suggestion. “Alright, we’ll be off then. Yixing, get well soon,” He said and walked out the door with the others.

“Bye, bye hyung! See you later!”

“Xing, when you get better, let’s go out shopping with just us Beauties!”

“Bye hyung…I hope you enjoyed your meal!”

Yixing smiled. “Bye guys, thank you.” He stared at the door. “Fan ah…”

“Yes love?”

“You just kicked them out of my house so that you want to be alone with me, didn’t you?”


After they left and silence entered the house, Wufan had brought Yixing to the living room. He spread the blanket from upstairs and romantically covered his boyfriend.

They flipped through random channels on the TV, yawning from time to time on the boring shows.

“There’s nothing interesting.” Wufan mumbled, changing the channel again. He felt Yixing shiver. “Babe, are you cold, do you want another blanket?”

Yixing shook his head with another yawn. “I’m fine, Fan.” He said, resting the side of his head on Wufan’s shoulder. “It’s already this late?”

Wufan looked at the clock and realized it was already 9…so they’ve been flipping through TV for about a few hours now?

“Let’s go to sleep.” Wufan said and began to carry his sleeping Yixing upstairs to bed. He placed his princess onto the mattress and kissed his forehead.

“Where are you going, Fan…?” Yixing asked after he noticed his boyfriend walking out the door.

“I’m going to take a shower. I worked hard for your meals remember?”

Yixing giggled. “Alright then…”

When Wufan came back, his boyfriend was already fast asleep. He smiled and crawled into bed with them, wrapping his arms around the smaller.

“Fan ah…”

Wufan was startled at his boyfriend’s sudden voice.

“Yes, Xing…?”

Yixing smiled against Wufan’s neck. “Don’t think I don’t know that Kyungsoo was actually the one who cooked the meal. You can’t fool me.”



Yixing woke up the next morning, full of energy. He looked over to Wufan, who was still sleeping. The boy gave a giggle and placed a kiss on Wufan’s cheek.

He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and fixed his hair and everything before heading down to the kitchen to make him and his boyfriend breakfast.

He the TV for some morning news and weather report and was quite shock there was breaking news so early in the morning.

But after watching the breaking news, Yixing let out a huge scream that even woke up Wufan, who flew down the stairs to see the commotion. “Yixing, what’s wrong, why did you yell?!”

Yixing was speechless, his eyes not tearing away from the news. He ran past Wufan and picked up his cellphone.

“Luhan gege…!” Yixing shouted into the other end, making his boyfriend worry to death. “Is the news true? Are you alright? Tell me it’s fake, please!”

Wufan then heard the news by the TV as well. He looked over at Yixing who was on the verge of tears. “Yixing…” Wufan called his boyfriend as he back hugged him, hoping it would comfort him.

Wufan then took the cell phone away from Yixing. “Luhan…is it true?”

He could picture Luhan nod on the other end. “My family’s fortune gone broke…”

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will be updating soon ^^ ohoho it's going to be interesting xD


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WeAre1InAMillion #1
Chapter 1: I can due laughing here
WeAre1InAMillion #2
Hahahah I want to read this
Please continue this story :)
taylor_fox #4
I think I m going to like this story
Chapter 38: (T^T) Please update soon (T^T) I love this story so much!! I'll be waiting...
Marclooney #6
Chapter 38: Please author~nim update already I've been waiting since last year , my heart my mimd is perfeclty ready and really2 excited . and incased you don't to continued this please think twice and .

Message me if youndont want to continued it ..!!
gett-n #7
yixingmaid #8
Chapter 38: *still waiting*
Chapter 38: Update soon!!
Poor Yifan, Xing, Soo, n Suho...
Gud luck too^~<