chapter seventeen

My Life.

Author's POV


It was night time, everyone was all set. Taemin was feeling bored in his room, he decided to sleep early. After laying in bed for what felt eternity, Taemin decided to just get up since he couldn't sleep. He picked up his phone from the side table, the time was 10 pm, he surfed the net for a long time and when he glanced again at the time, only 12 minutes had passed. He decided to text you but didn't, thinking you may already be asleep, he let out a sigh and laid back onto his bed, still with the phone in his hand. 

Suddenly an idea sparked in his head, he opened up whatsapp and clicked on your name, it displayed 'online' a wide smile appeared on his face. 

'Still awake?' he messaged you. 

'Yeah, I can't seem to sleep :(' you replied back.

'Wanna meet up outside?' Taemin replied.

'Sure, will be out in 2 minutes :p' you texted back.


_________'s POV 

I quickly got out of bed, and patted my hair down so I looked less scarier and straightened my pajamas and wore my nightgown over the top. 

I herd a soft knock on the door, must be Taemin, this boy was like a kid when it came to patience. I smiled to myself and opened the door to greet Taemins wide smiling face.

"Hello!" he loudly whispered.

"Hi, lets go out to the balcony!" I whispered back

He nodded in response.

I softly closed my door, so the noise from it didn't wake anyone up in the their rooms.


Me and Taemin proceeded towards the balcony.


It was a bit chilly but it felt nice and refreshing. 

We stood and admired the view. 

I thought back to the time when Taemin asked me to be his girlfriend, I still hadn't replied to him. 

"Hey, umm....about when I asked you to be my girlfriend..." Taemin started. 

Could he read my thoughts, I looked at him, he looked lost in deep thoughts. 

"I just wanted to say, you don't have to rush in order to give me your answer and I'll respect whatever your answer is" he looked at me and gave me small smile

He wrapped his arms around me "You look cold, lets go back inside." 

I merely nodded. 

It was a bit of an awkward situation right now, I was feeling a little embarrassed to look at Taemin in the eye, I knew that I had to give him an answer sooner or later and I couldn't just keep him waiting. 

After a minute or so he spoke up "I think we should get going, we need to get up early tomorrow morning" 

"Yeah,  I agree" I replied. 

We were stood outside my door and just before I was about to go in, Taemin gave me a hug, which I returned. 

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat. 

I turned back to see it was Jonghyun, he was returning to his room. He must've gone out for a walk, he often did that when he was worried about something. What could it be? 

I took my thoughts off him and turned back to Taemin. I smiled at him and he ginned back.

"Goodnight." I said to Taemin. As I was opening my door. 

"Night night jagiya*!" He replied.

Jonghyun slammed his door shut making me jump a little. I closed my door and leaned against it as I thought if the position Taemin had put me in, right now I didn't even understand my own feelings. Did I truly like Taemin and if I did then why do my thought keep lingering back to Jonghyun...
The amount of times I doubted myself was unbelievable, I wanted to answer his question before he asked again for the third time.

I switched off the lights and laid back in my bed. 

After a few minutes I fell asleep, with these thought lingering in my mind.


'jagiya' means sweetheart in Korean (for anyone who didn't know) 

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Blingsterswds781 #1
Chapter 18: Update please!!
Alfini27 #2
Update pleasee
Shroomies123 #3
Chapter 17: Wah, you're finally back!
Congratulations to the author
Shroomies123 #5
Chapter 16: you finally came back, this is a really great story. I hope you'll be back more often!
yunnielotus17 #6
Chapter 15: Please update soon..make her say YES!!!!
SooYeeon #7
Chapter 15: *chants* SAY YES!
chekkuame #8
Chapter 14: Even Salazar Slytherin?! What a Potter-head! :D