007 . Fake Friendliness

Queenka vs. Kingka

Shinyeong -


" Dude, why are we in the janitor's closet?"

Baekhyun covered my mouth with his hand and shh'ed me. 

Aish..What a weird way to start off a morning. I was just chatting with Luhan about the school's drama when Baekhyun snatched me into this closet.

" You know you're crazy, right?" I said.

" SHH!"

I obeyed. Now I'm staring at his hand. Uhh is it just me or does he have pretty fingers?  Then I bit his finger. Yes, for real. I DON'T KNOW WHY !

" Ahh!!" He let go of me and rubbed his finger. " What was that for?!"

" Uh. I don't know..?" I bit my lip.  What's with me biting things now? Ha.

" You don't know why you bit my finger just now?!"

I slowly shook my head. He looked at me like I was an alien. I squatted down on a mini chair while he was watching the window of the door.

After I felt like he calmed down ( and his finger) , I murmured a soft ' Sorry'.

" Ok."

" Um can I ask why are we in here?"

" Look." he motioned me over to look at the window.

. . .

Sehun had his arm wrapped around a girl's waist. Hey, I know her. She bullied Luhan when we were in junior high, and it was not pretty. I could feel my fists clenching and unclenching.

" Wanna do me a favor?" Baekhyun asked who was next to me. 

" Wae?"

" Just. Do." he sounded irritated.

" Mmkay, what?"

He put his hand on my shoulder. " Pretend to be my girlfriend."



" BWOH?!?!" 

I woke up from my small nap. Everyone was staring at me.  Ms. Sohee paused her lesson, forming an "o" shape.

" Shinyeong? Do you have a problem with your homework?" she asked.

I stood up and bowed down. " No, sorry for bothering the lesson. Please continue."

She kindly nodded and started talking again about decimals.

At the corner of my eye I saw Baekhyun smirking at me. 

It was just a dream. He never asked me anything and we never saw anything. I pulled my binder out from my bag and made it stand on my desk, covering my side view. I'm so smart~ 

For the rest of the period I didn't see Baekhyun nor could he see me. I let out a sigh of relief when the bell rang for lunch. I packed my notebook, folder, and pencils. I was about to reach for my binder that was still standing, when a hand grabbed it first.

" Can I please have my binder back?" I asked flatly.

Baekhyun just stared at me with his famous stare.

I walked out of the classroom with him following next to me. I was getting frustrated. What's his problem?

" You're going to get uglier if you keep staring at me!" I lied.

" Uglier? I'm ugly?" he asked innocently.

( >w< imagine him asking it like that with that face)


THIS GUY. I narrowed my eyes and entered the cafeteria. 

" You are not paying for me this time," I said as I was filling my lunch tray.

" Fine with me." 

I quickly paid the same cashier lady before she could say another comment about Baekhyun. Luhan was sick today, so I didn't see him usually eating his chips. I guess I'll sit by myself, and then he sat down the same time as me.

" Wae?!"

Baekhyun looked confused. " Wae what?"

" Wae are you sitting here?!"

He crossed his arms on the table and laid his head down. " I just wanted to ask you why are you ignoring me."

I blushed at the small dream I had in class. " Nothing."

" Yeah, right."

" Ah-what-you know, nevermind!!" I grumbled and twisted the cap of my milk a little too forcefully. It spilled a bit on the sleek table. Whoops.

Baekhyun got up right away and got some napkins from the dispenser nearby. He wiped the table and said, " You're welcome."

I blinked. Since when did he get so nice?



Baekhyun -

I seriously saw her again.

" Jieun?"

She was wearing a short skirt and a thin shirt. I was just taking a small walk after having dinner at Kyungsoo's when I spotted her.

She raised her beer bottle. " Oohohoh, Baekhyunnie? Is that you? You've gotten much more ier than 2 years ago."

" Thanks..."

She then "accidentally" dropped her purse. She bent down trying to show off, but I just looked the other way. How dumb is that trick.

" So," she took a sip of her beer. " Did you miss me, Baekhyunnie?~"

" Nope." I strolled away with my hands in my sweatshirt. I could hear her calling my name in her drunk voice.

What did I even see in that girl?

Shinyeong...is better.

Then I remembered my motive.

Break her heart like how Jieun broke mine. Yep. That will teach the world to not mess with me.

For now, I need to act friendly to Shinyeong to make her heart rip.


Hi guys. I know I haven't updated >.< 

Been busy with stuff ._.;

Thanks to all subbies for putting up with me and this story ! 

I mean like srsly, Y U GUYS EVEN READ THIS LOL 

but anyway here's a kisseu for all of you~ 







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Got the poster! So cute with the animations x3


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weeniehun #1
Chapter 1: On the first chapter and love it already<3 please update soon~ author-nim~
HyunaSong #2
Chapter 7: update soon :D
Chapter 7: So interesting. :D update soon, please? :D
Chapter 7: NADO SARANGHAEYO author NIM! For making this amazing story ^^ AND BAEKHYUN... HOW COULD YOU TRY TO BREAK HER HEART >.<'
pikachubread #5
WOW i love you so much for commenting on every chapter i update x3 ♥
OHH HAHA. And lol BAEKHYUN youre jealous :P
pikachubread #7
Yus they used to be together xP
pikachubread #9
@ MinnaForever : Ok ^_^ I'll change it later when I get back.
@ Un1c0rns : xD thanks!