Author's point of view:

     Walking down the park, walking aimlessly for hours on end without a specific place to go, you roamed the quiet park deep in your thoughts as you breathed in the enticing scent of the blossoms of the magnolia trees. Here you were thinking hard, thinking about your family who was in America, thinking about your reasons as to why you moved to Korea in the first place. You didn't regret any of your choices but instead you always questioned them. What were you doing in Korea? What were you doing following a man to the other side of the world for a so called love he did not even express. You may love him unconditionally, but did he? 

     It was his choice to bring you back with him to Korea. It was him who had insisted that you never leave his side. So why? Why were you now in the middle of a park about to break down all by yourself? You never understood how his job seemed to take up all of his time, how he left early morning and came home late at night. Their was no job in the world that should possibly take that much time, the job of an idol shouldn't be that way.
     This was all you could think of as you now exited the park, early in the afternoon, and headed back to your lifeless apartment. You paid no attention to the passerby's that stared at your now grim face. It's like the whole world knew, knew how lonely you had become, knew that your boyfriend of three years paid no attention to you whatsoever. You felt self conscious having so many eyes on you but it was just you being paranoid, no one paid that much attention. No one could really know how lonely you had become because you never talked to anyone long enough for them to come to that conclusion. 
     As you reached the supposedly empty apartment you became confused at the sight of the living room lights brightly lit. You could have sworn that you had turned them off before leaving the house that early morning and yet they were fully on. You first looked around the room trying to see what could have caused them to turn on but saw nothing and no one. It was too early for your boyfriend to be home and you were beginning to get scared. Who else could it be? 
"You're home?" You hear someone say from the kitchen.
     You recognized that voice almost instantly, you knew very well who that was. It was your boyfriend, Ryeowook. 
"Ryeowook? What are you doing home this early?" You asked as you entered the kitchen.
     You quickly noticed the apron that's tied around his waist and the mess of pots and pans on the counters.
"Our schedule ended early so I decided to surprise you." He simply stated with a huge smile as he continued to stare at the boiling pot in front of him.
     His smile instantly melted your heart and any insecure thought you had earlier quickly disappeared. You hated yourself for loving him too much, hated that he never seemed to realize how much you missed him, how much you needed him. You walked over to him in a daze, uncomfortable because you never saw him during the day, and because of this you didn't know what to do with yourself. 
"Do you need help with anything?" You asked in a low voice. 
"Nope, I'm almost done. Why don't you just take a seat." He said without even looking at you.
     Ryeowook seemed completely focused on what he was cooking to even realize how sad you really looked. He was completely oblivious at the hurt look on your face as he told you that he didn't need your help. Even though he had said he was almost done, you had wished he would have said that he did need your help. You wanted to feel needed but that was something that you felt would never happen at this point. He didn't need you. He could live perfectly without you waiting for him all day.
"How was your day?" He suddenly asked as he walked over to one of the cabinets to get two plates.
"Mm? Well, it was okay I guess. I went to the park for a while. ." You hesitantly answered.
     It's not like he cared, right? Why should you tell him exactly what you did? It's not like you would tell him that you went to the park to escape from this jail that you both called home. You weren't going to tell him that you wandered off just to think about how your relationship ended up like this. None of that was to be expressed and yet you wished you could say all of that. You wanted to yell at him for not caring, for not showing any kind of interest, for not wanting to be with you whatsoever. 
"It's been a while since I've gone out to the park. Let's go after dinner?" He asked as he brought over both plates, now filled with food, and setting them both on the dinner table.
"Sure." You shrugged in return.
"Hurry up and eat then." He motioned for you to start eating, looking up at you for the first time since you arrived.
     At that moment he realized very well how you were feeling. He knew that he left you unattended way too long and he was sorry about it. Ryeowook felt like he needed to do something for you but he was never quite sure of what. What could he possibly do to make it up to you? You weren't the kind of girl to receive gifts so openly from him and he knew that if he did, you wouldn't take it as an apology but more as a bribe. Work always seemed way more important to him than anything and he'd wish that it wouldn't be, but it truly was. He wasn't an average guy, he was Super Junior's very own Ryeowook. He had a tittle to keep, a full time job in a way.
     That didn't mean he didn't love you though, he actually loved you more than anything. More than you could ever imagine. Ryeowook was determined to let you know exactly how much, let you know how important you truly were to him. Dinner went by all too slowly for Ryeowook's liking. You were used to the silence so you didn't find anything unusual about it, which was a bit sad in itself. After dinner, you both cleaned up the kitchen which was also all too silent. 
"Ready to go?" Ryeowook asked.
"Yeah." You said as you zipped your jacket up.
"Let's go then." He motioned with his hands towards the front door.
     You both walked out then and headed over to the park. After fifteen minutes of walking, Ryeowook got fed up with the silence and decided to start a conversation.
"The flowers are really pretty. What kind of trees are these?" Ryeowook asked as he looked up at the trees that lined up along the pathway.
"Their magnolia trees. The blossoms get prettier every day." You muse as you reach out to touch the soft flower petals. 
"Do you come here everyday?"
     Ryeowook was saddened by this possibility. Did you really spend so much time here? 
"I - I guess, well not everyday. It's just-" You begin to say as you look back at him.
"I'm sorry." He interrupts you, "I am so sorry."
"For w-what?" You stutter.
"For not being around, for neglecting you. I feel like one day when I come home you won't be there anymore. I'm scared that you'll get tired of living this way and leave me. Even though I don't say it, I need you to know how much I love you. I love you so much and I need you." 
     He took hold of your waist then, pulling you close to him, making you face his pleading face. He needed you to understand how he felt, he needed to hold onto you no matter what. You were now speechless at his confession however, you didn't expect him to say that at all. You had believed that you meant nothing to him but apparently that wasn't the case at all.
"I don't know how to make it up to you, but no matter how, I'll make it up to you for sure. I can't imagine my life without you." He continued. 
"I love you, Ryeowook." You said while looking into his eyes.
     You loved him with your entire heart, nothing could change that fact.
"I love you too." He replied with a full smile. 
     Your heart beat increased as Ryeowook began to inch closer to your face, kissing you sweetly for the first time in a long time. Your lips matched perfectly, both yourselves were a perfect fit. There, under the white magnolia trees' blossoms, love which was once forgotten bloomed again and this time you were sure that this love was more real than you had believed and you weren't going to let it wilt away. 

Authors note: Thank you for reading.

This oneshot was inspired by Ryeowook's performance of 'White Magnolia' on Immortal Song 2.
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Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so sweeeettttttttttttt :3

omgg major coincidence while reading this sweet story...
was listening to this song...
turquoise_star8 #3
Aaahhh ..., so sweet ^_^