Snow Day!

☆~♥~NEXUS' Hello Baby!~♥~☆

A/N-I'm back! Hehe. BTW school starts tuesday for me :/ so yeah I won't update everyday like I used to. Maybe every other day? IDK, plus I'm a senior and I'm busy over college apps. (HOW FUN!) LOL so yeah bear with me. Sorry if I don't update a lot.


Episode 5-Snow Day


Jonghyun: So where's the guest room?

Taemi shows him the room

Jonghyun: Thanks! Does anyone want to sleep with me?




NEXUS: Sleep well Jonghyun sunbae!

Jonghyun: Ok. Goodnight Min Chan, Suk Hyun.

Taemi: Say goodnight!

Min Chan: ....

Suk Hyun: Goodnight!

Jonghyun: Thanks Suk Hyun ah! You're the only one that'll talk to me!


A night passed with 1 day papa Jonghyun, NEXUS ummas and the babies.

Next Day

Jellie is already awake?

Full makeup and awake.



Question: Why are you up so early?

Jie Lie: I usually wake up earlier than other members to jog around. Then I put on my makeup.

Question: Make up already? Are you insecure about your looks?

Jie Lie: I'd rather walk into a pitch black room than to be caught with no make-up on. My early morning self isn't flattering enough.


Jie Lie: I guess I have to wake the other members up. (smirks) Though it will be hard to see my bare face, you will get to see my member's bare faces. So anticipate that.

She walks in the unnie's room.

Eunmi is sleeping on the top bunk, Miyoung is sleeping on the bottom bunk.

Jie Lie: !!!

Notices the weird gnome.

Jie Lie: When did they have a gnome in the bedroom?

She suddenly smiles.

She grabs the gnome and puts it next to Miyoung. Right in front of her face!

Jie Lie: Unnie! Miyoung unnie! Wake up!

Miyoung groans but goes back to sleep.

Jie Lie: WAKE UP!

Miyoung slowly wakes up.

Her eyes slowly open and BAM! Weird gnome is in front of her face!

Miyoung: AHHHHHH! What the?!


Jie Lie puts a finger to .

Miyoung: You scared me! That gnome is so annoying! Get it out of my way!

Jie Lie: kekeke. Sorry. But isn't Miyoung pretty? Even with no makeup.

Pretty Miyoung!

Miyoung: What are you talking about?

Jie Lie: Now time to wake up Eunmi.

Puts the gnome in Eunmi's bed.

Jie Lie: Eunmi! Wake up!

Eunmi doesn't budge.


Eunmi wakes up and sees the gnome.

She gets startled at first but then she slaps Jellie playfully.

Eunmi: Stop it.

Jie Lie: kekekeke Sorry unnie.

The 2 unnies are up!

Now the maknaes.

Jie Lie: WAKE UP!


Eunmi goes to maknae Vivian's bed and hugs her tightly.

Vivian: Aish! Umma! I can't breathe!

Eunmi: Wake up.

Vivian: I'm awake! I'm awake!

Eunmi gets off.

Taemi also woke up.

YAY Everyone is awake!

Vivian: I'll wake the babies up.

Goes into the baby room.

Suk Hyun is fast asleep.

Min Chan looks like he woke up a little.

Vivian: Min Chan. You woke up?

He nods and stretches out his arms.

Vivian holds him and sets him on the ground.

Vivian: Go wake Suk Hyun up.

Min Chan: (cute voice) Suk Hyun! Suk Hyun! Ireona.

Vivian: Kyaaaa so cute!

Min Chan: (louder) Ireona! WAKE UP!

Suk Hyun wakes up.

Suk Hyun: Aigoo so noisy!


Vivian is dying from laughing.

Vivian: Suk Hyun, Min Chan. Let's go wake up Jonghyun appa.

They go to Jonghyun's room.

Suk Hyun and Min Chan climb on his bed.

They jump around saying, "WAKE UP APPA!"

Vivian: SO CUTE!

Jonghyun: Omo! Min Chan Suk Hyun! You came to wake me up?

They hug him.

Jonghyun: Gomawo! Kiss!

They kiss him.

NEXUS family is all awake now!



Question: What did you think of the babies morning call?

Vivian: They're so cute and unique! Jumping on the bed while waking Jonghyun appa.

Jonghyun: It was so cute! I loved it. I love getting morning calls from babies now.

Question: Did you like the morning call that Yoogeun gave you? Or do you like Min Chan and Suk Hyun waking you up?

Jonghyun: Min Chan and Suk Hyun were cute of course but I love my son Yoogeun more so definitely Yoogeun's morning call was the best.

Only Yoo~~~geun. (song reference. idk what it's called)


NEXUS members are outside?

NEXUS: It's cold.

Why are you outside?

Taemi: Why are we outside?

Eunmi: We decided to have a little fun day with the kids and 1 day papa! Since we have a nice little hill in the back, we decided to go sledding!


Vivian: But it's cold.

Eunmi: I like the winter.

Jie Lie: Same here!

Eunmi: And you can do so many things in the winter for example, sledding! So lets' have fun and sled around, make snowman, have snowball fights!

Jie Lie: YAY!

SMTOWN-Snow Dream (song to fit the winter mood? keke OMG I love this song. Those were the good days)

Taemi and Miyoung mostly plays with the kids.

Eunmi and Jie Lie plays on their own. Vivian kinda goes back and forth.

Jonghyun is watching all this.

Snowman time!

Vivian: Suk Hyun Min Chan! Do you know what a snowman is?

Babies: .....

Miyoung: Look!

Oooh a cute little snowman is made!

Vivian Eunmi Suk Hyun and Taemi make a snowman together.

Jie Lie Miyoung Jonghyun and Min Chan make a snowman.

Vivian: Suk Hyun, pack the snow tightly like this.

Shows an example. Suk Hyun follows.

Vivian: Good job!

Taemi: You're doing well Suk Hyun!

Finally the snowmen are done!

Jonghyun: Do you guys have names for it?

Taemi: Our snowman name is...

Suk Hyun: (suddenly) Pororo!

Eunmi: It's pororo. Suk Hyun said it was pororo.

Actually Suk Hyun was referring to Min Chan's pororo mittens.


Taemi: Anyways, our snowman name is pororo.

Miyoung: Our snowman name is...Min Chan what's his name?

Min Chan: (mumbling) powerranger....

Jonghyun: What?

Min Chan: Power Ranger.

Jie Lie: Oh Power Ranger!

Each teams takes pictures with their snowman.

Then they all go in for some hot chocolate.

PD: Was today fun?


Babies: NEH!


PD: It's time for Jonghyun appa to go.

NEXUS: No!!!

PD: But before he goes, he will say the best mom and worst mom.

Eunmi: In front of us?

PD: Yes.

NEXUS is on the rainy side.

Jonghyun: Well all of you were pretty ok at taking care of the babies so it was kinda hard to pick. But I pick Taemi umma as the best mom.

Taemi: Wow! Really?

Vivian: What about worst mom?

Jonghyun: Worst mom, I'm sorry but Eunmi umma is the worst mom.



Questions: Why did you pick Taemi umma as the best mom?

Jonghyun: It was kinda hard to choose. I was actually stuck between Miyoung and Taemi umma. Both were always with the kids while we were sledding. They didn't run off on their own like the other ummas but they stuck by the baby's side. They made sure they didn't get hurt and just have fun. But I had to choose between them so I just chose Taemi umma. Miyoung umma, you were good too! You're tied in my opinion with Taemi.

Questions: Why did you pick Eunmi as the worst mom?

Jonghyun: I don't know if you noticed it, but Eunmi seemed to be far away from the babies. I could tell she was a bit awkward with the babies. She's just like Onew hyung. I think you should invite Onew hyung as a 1 day appa. He was awkward at first but was able to get close to the baby so I think he can help Eunmi umma not be awkward with her kids.

Questions: Would you like to say something to NEXUS ummas? Any advice?

Jonghyun: NEXUS ummas. Hello Baby is a really good show and an opportunity to show your natural self to the viewers. An advice is, always play with the kids and have fun! Oh and of course skinship! (proudly) Remember, I am number 1 in skinship.

Who says?


Jonghyun: Though you are a new group, I hope through this show you will become popular among everyone and become a top kpop group in the Hallyu Wave. But not too famous, you can't be more famous than SHINee.


Jonghyun: NEXUS Hello Baby, Hwaiting!


Jonghyun appa leaves.



Question: Are you happy that you're first?

Taemi: Of course! Thank you Jonghyun appa for picking me!

Question: Were you upset about the results?

Eunmi: Rather than upset I agree with him. I do admit that I'm awkward so I hope that this will be like a little warning sign to me saying get close to the baby! I will try hard and get close to the babies.

We hope you 3 get close too!

A few days passed with NEXUS family.

What will happen in the future?

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sorry but im going on a picnic today with my church peeps :) so i will update tomorrow


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Chapter 21: hi! it's blueiris891 here! i just changed my username to -catalyst and thought you should know :)
i just reread the latest chapter... oh goodness. hahahaha how awkward of my character and Onew-oppa x3 hahaha
Chapter 21: hahaha oh goodness... the completely awkward atmosphere with Eunmi and Onew and the kids... this is cute and awkward and fun all in one (also because Onew is one of my biases... haha :3)... the games are a good idea! i wonder how close they'll be after this day ends~
_Tirm_ #3
Chapter 21: YAY ~ :D
MORE updates haha
I've been waiting for your updates *.*
Chapter 21: I agree with pandagirl84
I can't w8 for le UPDATES * me sitting in front of computer and thinking i have no life TT.TT *
Chapter 21: awww Eunmi LOLOLOL
omg i can completely imagine the awkward duo xDDD
excited to read more updates!! :D
LOLOL i guess we'll just have to wait patiently for you to update ^.^
Chapter 20: so cute~ love minchan
Chapter 20: haha yay~! honeydews :3 love them! haha and the babies are learning their manners now :) i wonder what else is going to happen! good luck with school and everything~ i'm jealous you have no school tomorrow. haha
_Tirm_ #8
Chapter 20: YAY you updated!!
Awwwww, does it??? Don't worry it might get better :3
Chapter 20: omg i dont have school tomorrow either!! ^.^
teaching them lessons every episode is actually a really goood idea.
good luck in senior year!! thought it was supposed to be pretty easy cept SATS.
excited for more updates ^.^