Hurt people, hurt feelings

When I First Met You


Joey's P.O.V.

            I just couldn’t stand to watch unnie get beat up like that, but if I helped I would have been beat up too, because we both know that I can’t fight back. “This isn’t over yet! You hear me you es?!This isn’t over!” I said Anyway I was about to pull out my phone to text someone for help but I remembered that I left my phone in my locker. So I grabbed unnie’s phone to text someone for help, but as soon as I pulled it out we got a text from Youngmin.

To: Miki

From: Youngminie

Where are you and Joey? Class started 10 minutes ago!

I replied back for unnie.

To: Youngminie

From: Miki

YOUNGMIN! IT’S JOEY BUT ANYWAY I NEED YOUR HELP!!! MIKYOUNG IS REALLY HURT BECAUSE OF SOME OF A GIRL! I think her name was Dasom… anyways, she can’t move… so excuse yourself from class and come help please!!

Youngmin’s P.O.V.

So we were in class, but suddenly my phone vibrated in a special pattern meaning that I got a text from Miki. I looked at it, but as soon as I opened the text it turns out that Joey was the one who sent it. I read on and realized that Mikyong was seriously hurt… but while I was reading she mentioned something about Dasom. “Damn that ” I muttered quietly. So I excused myself from class and went to go find them.

Kwangmin’s P.O.V.

I looked over to hyung and he looked very worried. As soon as he looked away from his phone he excused himself from class. I had a bad feeling about what was happening, so I excused myself too. I followed hyung and when I caught up to him I asked him what was going on. “Hyung what’s going on… you look very worried?” “Kwangmin there is no time! Mikyong is very hurt and Joey asked me to go help. If you are going to follow me, we might as well go split up to go find them. ” “HYUNG what has gotten into you? Why don’t you just text them…Oh by the way I’ve kind of noticed…you must really like Miks because she is making you go crazy! And please don’t sleep kiss me if you ever dream about her.” “KWANGMIN WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU THINK THAT AT A TIME LIKE THIS!!” So hyung got his phone out and texted Joey back.

From: Youngminie

To: Miki

Where are you guys?? Kwangmin and I are coming to find u.

Youngmin’s P.O.V.

So as Kwangmin and I were waiting for Joey to reply, we split up and ran around in circles looking for them. Luckily I found them before Kwangmin did. Not too long after, Kwangmin had found them too. “Hey where were you? ... OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU MIKYONG?!?!” Kwangmin yelled. I thought to myself… “Wow even though Miki is very badly hurt, she still looks really cute! Wait what am I doing?! I shouldn’t be standing like an idiot thinking about how cute Mikyong is when really we should be on our way to the hospital, hoping that Miki is ok… BABO YOUNGMIN BABO!” “OK guys we really should be going to hospital.” Anyway I ran over to pick up Miki, because obviously she is in a lot of pain and can’t move. But as soon as I pick her up, her eyes start to open a little, slowly opens and her voice was very weak. “Oppa… w-where is Minwoo?” At that moment my heart sank and fell to the ground. “Minwoo is still in class” I replied very quietly trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. “Kwangmin and Joey, you guys go take Mikyong to the hospital first. I’m going to tell our teacher we need to be excused for the rest of the day.” I lied. Anything to get me away from everyone at the moment.

Joey's P.O.V.

“Kwangmin you take Mikyong unnie to the hospital first, I’m going to see what has gotten into Youngmin Oppa” So at that moment I felt bad about leaving Kwangmin alone, but I was heartbroken when Youngmin ran away, So I ran after him. Even though he says he’s going to tell the teacher to excuse us, there was something wrong. I can tell. I hope he can handle taking unnie to the hospital. Right now, what’s bothering Youngmin oppa is really worrying me.

Kwangmin's P.O.V.

“Kwangmin and Joey, you guys go take Mikyong to the hospital first. I’m going to tell our teacher that we need to be excused for the rest of the day” Hyung said, handing me Miks and running off. “Kwangmin you take Mikyong unnie to the hospital first, I’m going to see what has gotten into Youngmin Oppa” and left. At that moment my heart fell onto the ground. Is it possible? Does Joey like my hyung? B-bu-but I thought we could’ve had a thing. Right now, no matter how bad I feel and how much it hurt, I had to stay strong for Joey and Mikyong. But I Just couldn’t do it. As I was taking Mikyong to my car, a tear slowly rolled onto my cheek. Why couldn’t Joey have liked me instead? I’m just like Youngmin, but 4D and better looking… “Do you hear me Miks? If hyung starts sleep kissing again, it’s entirely your fault. Don’t act innocent or pretend not to be like every other fan out there. We know you are just like them. Stop faking. Stop lying. Just stop…”

Mikyong’s P.O.V.

            I was half conscious and aware of what was going on around me. The moment I realized Minwoo wasn’t around, I asked Youngmin where he was and he ran off. He seemed kind of in pain. I felt bad and seeing Youngmin run away while Joey chased after him made me feel worse. But I miss Minwoo’s cute face and his ageyo. I felt myself being slowly carried and placed into a car. I pretend to be asleep as I try to listen to what was going on around me. I seem to hear some crying. I opened my eyes to find Kwangmin oppa sobbing and mumbling to himself as he drives to what I think will be a hospital. I felt really bad for Kwangmin oppa. Then I heard him saying something to me. “Do you hear me Miks? If hyung starts sleep kissing again, it’s entirely your fault. Don’t act innocent or pretend not to be like every other fan out there. We know you are just like them. Stop faking. Stop lying. Just stop…” it’s as if he doesn’t know that I’m conscious. I opened my eyes slowly and tried to sit up straight in my seat no matter how painful it was, I had to endure it and believe me... It was really painful. He seemed to be mumbling something about liking joey… I was shocked but at the same time it didn’t seem too shocking "Kwangmin oppa?" I whispered. Kwangmin stopped mumbling to himself and it seemed like he tried to keep his sobbing sounds muted. "Oh Mikyong, you’re awake.” "Yeah I am… oppa, do you by any chance… I don’t know... Uhm..." "What is it Mikyong?" he said in between sobs. "Do you like Joey?" I said while handing him a tissue. Kwangmin was silent for a while. His sobs slowly fading. Then he finally answers me. "Dae" he whispered in the quietest tone I’ve ever heard. "It doesn't matter anyways. I can tell she's interested in Youngmin and I don't want to stop her from being happy. But she might not be happy for long..." "What do you mean oppa?" "You can't tell can you? Maybe it’s because you're busy drooling over Minwoo?" "I can't tell? What? And, you're not supposed to notice that..." "Hyung obviously likes you and earlier you broke his heart the way my heart split in half seeing Joey run after hyung, by worrying more about where Minwoo was instead of what happened to your rib." "Oh… Kwangmin oppa. I think you should tell Joey that you like her. There is a chance for you. She never said she only liked Youngmin. She loves all of Boyfriend, especially the maknaes. You are part of them. Don’t lose hope oppa. And I really, truly am sorry for everything." I whisper to him as I feel a few tears on the edge of my eye lids are ready to roll down and start a flood. But then, the car stops. I guess we arrived at the hospital. Kwangmin looks straight into my eyes. He flashes me a small smile. Next thing I knew, he leaned in for a hug. At least I thought it was a hug… I push Kwangmin away. "Uhm, Kwangmin... I think you have the wrong girl." "Yeah I know. I just saw it in a movie, but I think we better not go with it." "The popular 4D Kwangmin.” I say and smile while wiping away tears before anything happens. “Tell you what, I will take the chance and tell Joey how I feel as long as you consider Youngmin’s feelings and give him a chance too. I know deep down, you have feelings for him.” It was an interesting thing to say. But I agreed to. I mean, why not? “Deal. And how would you know? Maybe I do, maybe I don't.” "You do." Next thing we know, we hear something, or should I say someone in the back seat. I try to turn to see who it is but it’s too painful.


AUTHORS' NOTE: kekeke~ who's in the back seat and why? ;) comment and tell us what you think. please anticipate. 

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Chapter 27: hmm I was re-reading the chaoter & even though kwangmin did make her cry, I think she would be a bigger jerk if she really believes that Miki said those things about her. -.-
Chapter 27: Omg Kwangmin is perfect for Miki!
She has a pile of pikachu's!!! :o
Chapter 26: Whats wrong with him? >.< I'm gonna have to say I'm liking her more with kwangmin than his brother xD
Chapter 25: Aww now I hope they can become mikwang they seem closer then they were before and they don't even notice that its so cute!!! xD
zyrazain #5
Chapter 2: so far it's ok... you are good writer-nim ^^
ChanChanyeol #6
So far I really like it!!
I want Youngmin to end up with Joey!!
Did you make the collage youself? haha I like it ^^ I'll start reading this tomorrow, I have other things to do tonight. :) I've upvoted though, because this seems really cute and sweet:) FIGHTING~!
Chapter 21: I really like the story ^^
First i wanted Joey to be with Kwangmin, but now when Youngmin is so sweet for her... i don't know anymore.
update soon~
Starship Ent
Lov em the best :)
waa it looks nice :D i was gonna sub last time i came across this fic but i didn't think i could read 21 chaps, but they don't seem very long and i like your foreward ^^ i will try and read all you have wrote so far when i can ^^ hwaiting with the story :)