Chapter Two

My Life Upright

Chapter Two:


One Week Later…


            I was unpacking my stuff in a five bedroom loft that was going to be my home from here on out. There were six others living with me. When I had gotten off the plane the man that was at the auditions was there, he had turned out to be the man running the show, they called him SM. I guess a nickname.


            Grace had failed to tell me that she was already in a group that was getting ready to debut that had recently decided on adding another member, a female member. Somehow she had thought of me through it all, came back for the summer from her ‘boarding school’, and brought me to an audition.


“I said I was sorry Mel!” she said pulling on my arm, as I was trying to pull out of her grip.


“You should’ve told me,” I said resentful. “I would’ve understood.”


“I didn’t want to hurt you,” she said dropping her hands to her sides. “Because of your dad and all, I didn’t want you to be sad that I was here being a trainee while you couldn’t even dance anymore.”

“Like I said I would’ve understood,” I said sighing and pulling her into a hug. “You’re my best friend Gee, and I know that you want to care for me, but I can do that myself.”

“Grace we’re back!” a male voice yelled from downstairs.


“They’re here!” Grace squealed, then proceeded to grabbing my hand and pulled me with her.


            We ran down the stairs to see five people standing in the entryway. Three boys and two girls. I smiled politely and waved.


“Guys this is Melony our latest addition to the family!” Grace exclaimed giddy. “Melony these four are our band mates, Kevin, Kim, John and Jay. Kevin and Kim are brother and sister by the by and lastly our beautiful manager, Miyoung unni!”


“It’s nice to meet you all,” I said.


“Hey,” Kevin nodded as he ran his fingers through his hair.


“Grace where do you find all these hot girls?” Jay asked completely serious.


“Jay!” Grace whacked him on the arm and he feigned pain.


“Stop kidding around Jay,” John said, I guess he was the serious one in the group and Jay was the dumb one. And Kevin was, well Kevin.


“So the six of you have school tomorrow and I got Melony’s uniform from the tailor this morning. It’ll be hanging in your room sweetie,” Miyoung said smiling formerly.


“Mel you’re going to hate the uniform,” Grace said looking at me like it was a horrible ordeal.


“What are you talking about? The uniforms are adorable,” Kim said as if there was nothing wrong with the uniforms whatsoever.


“Look at her,” Grace pointed to me, making me feel self-conscious. “She’s wearing sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. The last time I saw Mel dress up was for a show she did and she was wearing cargo pants that hugged her like no other and a white tank top. Skirts and dresses are not in her vocabulary.”


“You make it seem like a bad thing,” I said offended. “I mean I did wear a dress to dad’s banquet thing. And I also wore heels that one show.”


“I wasn’t there for that,” Grace countered. “So it doesn’t count.”


“Just because you weren’t there doesn’t mean it doesn’t count!” I argued. “I even have a recording of that performance somewhere!”


“Prove it,” Grace smiled devilishly.


“You’re an evil person you know that?” I asked feeling defeated.


“I know,” she was smiling happily again.


Next Day…


            I stood in front of the mirror staring at myself trying to figure out why God was so cruel as to make uniforms like this. I felt like a catholic school girl working the streets. Every part of the uniform hugged my curves and it was awkward.


“Hey it’s time for school,” Grace walked in wearing the same, identical uniform as me.


“This is uncomfortable,” I said tugging at the tie. “Why do they torture young souls with uniforms anyways?”


“You look cute Mel just leave it alone,” she said as we walked out of the apartment.


“Just think about it, you only have to wear it for a few weeks and then we graduate,” Grace said trying to lighten the mood.


“I’m not thinking of that as a good thing,” I said bitterly. “I was supposed to graduate in early June and now I’m graduating two months earlier.”


“Well at least you’re a genius some of us others really have to worry about college entrance exams and stuff,” Grace said.


            I sighed as we made it to the three story high school. I smiled at Grace and we walked to the faculty office, where they sent me with Grace to class because apparently we were late.


“It’s going to be fine Mel,” she said as she slid open the classroom door.


            The room was quiet as we entered and I introduced myself to the class. There wasn’t a lot of commotion as the teacher told me where to sit and continued giving her lesson. It was very unproductive considering it was all material I had learned already.


“You know you could at least act like you’re listening,” Grace said at the break. “Not everyone has to know you’re a genius.”


“I’m not a genius, I just have a good work ethic,” I replied as she glared, not believing my answer.


“Yeah sneaking out instead of doing homework is a great work ethic,” she agreed sarcastically.


“Hey Grace who’s your friend?”


            We both turned to see a boy a little taller than Grace smiling happily as he stood next to her.


“Oh hey, this is Melony. The girl I’ve been telling you about,” she answered as I looked at her, now in disbelief. “Melony this is Taemin.”


“I know who he is thank you very much,” I said full of enmity.


“Are you a fan?” Taemin asked curiously.


“Not really, just someone likes to listen to your songs nonstop and make me watch your videos,” I answered honestly annoyed.


“She’ll be joining us tonight for rehearsals,” Grace said slightly glaring at me and then smiling toward Taemin.


“Oh so she’s the new member to your group?” he asked surprised.


“Yup,” Grace smiled happily. “She’s going to be the best leader anyone’s ever seen.”


“Who’s a leader?” I turned to look at her quickly.


“You, silly!” she giggled pushing my head to the side playfully.


“First! You lie to me,” I said very annoyed by now. “Second! You get me to audition for an entertainment company because you lied to me.” I could see her cowering away as I stood up from my seat. “And now you’re forcing me to be the leader of this band?! Grace if you run I swear to sweet peas I’m going to find you and hurt you until you can’t feel the pain of the peas anymore!”

“Run, Taemin, save yourself!” she pushed him toward the door as she ran.


            I seethed with anger as I sat back down while Grace booked it out of the class. I sighed in aggravation and heard a chuckle. I looked up to see Taemin still standing there and laughing.


“Are you two like this all the time?” he asked genuinely curious.


“Fighting? No. Funny? All the time and then some,” I answered with a wry smile.


“You seem tired,” he noticed.


“Yeah, I was staying up late catching up on what the group was doing,” I said rubbing my eyes. “Then I stayed up doing some new choreography.”


“They already have you practicing? Didn’t you just get here?” he asked surprised.


“No, it wasn’t practice,” I answered. “I was making new choreography to relieve study stress.”


“Oh,” was all he said as we became awkward.


“Late! We’re late!” I could hear Grace’s voice as she ran back into the classroom.


“We’re always late!” Jay came in after her.


            The two grabbed my stuff pulled me up from my seat and pulled me out the door. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Taemin, who we left just standing there by himself in a class he’s not even in.


“Why are you dragging me?!” I yelled as they shoved me into a van.


“Because we’re late!” Grace yelled as the driver started the engine.


“What are we late to?” I asked more calm as we started driving.


“Lee Soo Man wants to see us,” Jay said.


“Apparently he wants to talk to us about our debut,” Grace smiled happily. “I’m so excited, Mel it’s finally happening! Everything we’ve been working for!”

“But didn’t they just debut f(x)? They’re not going to debut us this quickly,” Kim said pessimistically.


“She’s right they wouldn’t want to debut us so soon,” John added leaning his head against his seat.


“Yeah but we’re cool so he’s totally going to let us debut soon,” Jay replied. “I mean we’re his first mixed group, making us something amazing for the world to see.”


            The six of us arrived in front of the SM building and got out of the large van, all the while Grace singing and skipping along with excitement.


“It’s good to see you kids,” SM said sitting at his desk. “Sit down, please.”


“Is there something you want from us sir?” I asked sitting down on one of the white leather couches.


“It’s time we talk about your debut,” he said leaning forward on his desk and intertwining his fingers. “I’m thinking within the next two months.”


“Don’t you think that’s kind of early?” Miyoung asked surprised by SM’s decision. “I mean five of them are ready, one of them just got here. She can’t handle that much within that short of a time span. It’s ridiculous to even think it!”


“Are you questioning me?” he raised his brow.


“N-no sir,” Miyoung replied with a stutter.


“Melony is capable,” he said and I looked up at him surprised also. “Two months with her skills she’ll easily be ready.”


“But what if she’s not?” Miyoung kept pushing it.


“She’s right sir, I don’t know if I can be ready by then,” I added in, not wanting to let the rest of the group down.


“All you need to do is get a few songs ready for a mini-album, a couple dances and do some photo shoots and a music video that’s all,” he said knowing my answer already.


“Okay,” I replied taking up the challenge. “I’ll do it.”


“Good,” he leaned back into his chair comfortable with a smug smile. “Tonight you’ll have your rehearsal and since tomorrow is a Sunday you’ll rehearse all day.”


“Okay,” I repeated as we all stood up.


“It was good to see you,” SM said before we left. “Now go have fun!”


“’Fun’, he says,” Kim scoffed when we were in the practice room.


“But this is fun!” Grace tried to lighten the mood.


“No, just no Grace,” Jay shook his head.


“Okay so I’ve got a lot of work to do so the four of you go back to the dorm and Grace and I will stay here and work,” I said.


“What? Why me?” Grace’s eyes grew big and round.


“I’ll stay,” John offered and Grace took it as her chance to leave, slipping out the door unnoticed.


“I guess you’ll have to,” I said, noticing everyone had already gone.


“We should start,” he took the stereo remote and hit play. “Follow my movements.”


            I did as I was told and followed his lead. John wasn’t much of a talker, but he could dance very well and I had no trouble following him.


“This should be enough for today.”


            I looked up at him from my position on the floor. He was grabbing a bottle of water and handed it to me. I gratefully took a drink.


“There’s a part I’m still a little iffy on,” I said getting up from the ground.


“Which part?” he asked wiping his sweat with a towel.


“The one where you—”




“Oh,” I looked to see a tall boy at the door. “I guess this room is occupied.”


“We’re almost done,” John stopped him from leaving. “Just give us a few moments. Tell me which part.”


            I snapped my gaze back to John, but I could feel watchful eyes on my back as I danced my trouble spot.


“Just bounce down onto your knee then spin and stand up,” he said demonstrating. “It’s more of a b-boy move than anything else.”


“Ah, okay,” I tried again. “That feels much better.”


“Are you guys working on your dance for the video?” the boy that had walked in asked.


“Yeah, we’re about ready to start filming in a few days,” John answered grabbing his duffel. “We should get going, the rest of them are waiting in the recording studio.”


            I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself as John proceeded to herd me out the door. Once we were in the recording studio Grace handed me a sheet of lyrics.


“You guys are going to make me sing a song I don’t even know now?” I asked in disbelief.


“Just read the lyrics,” Grace said tauntingly. “They’ll seem familiar to you once you’ve read them.”


            I started to read through them and started to sing them to a familiar melody in my head.


Easily you walked away

So easily you slipped back in

Don’t leave this time


Don’t leave~


I tried my best to stop you

I screamed at your back

Yet you still walked away


Don’t leave~

(Don’t leave me~)


            I stopped reading them and looked up at Grace in confusion, she nodded in glee. She knew where this song came from.


“You stole my song?” I asked surprised. I didn’t know how to feel about this situation.


“I didn’t steal it! Remember, you told me I could sing it!” she pointed out.


“It sounds different though,” I took note as Kim was singing in the booth. “The beat is much faster than originally intended and there’s added instrumentals.”


“We had to make it more of a dance-beat song for our debut,” Jay said sitting on the leather couch in the back.


“I should have realized when we were doing dance rehearsals. But it was a little more difficult without the lyrics,” I said sitting down next to Jae and singing through my part. “It’s such a sad song too! Why did you pick this one?!” I voiced my frustrations.


“The answer we all want though is if it’s about a boy,” Jay asked sitting next to me.


“Jay, let’s not talk about this,” I watched Grace’s nervous movements.


“Why not? I just want to know,” he said confused as she pushed him away.


“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” she said sitting next to me. “I mean I know you won’t want to talk about it.”


“Grace,” I sighed, I wasn’t angry just tired of thinking about it, about her. “I think it’s my turn.”


            I stood up and got in the recording booth. It was an unfamiliar little box, but the microphone and headphones were familiar. They reminded me of my makeshift studio at home, in my room, where I’d compose most of my music.


“Are you ready?”


            The producer asked and I gave a nod back. He started the track and for the first time in a long while I sang to it. I could feel every emotion I had put into it when I wrote it, every part of my memory was rushing back to me and before I knew it I couldn’t help but cry.


            I was thankful my voice didn’t crack but once the song was over I saw Grace staring at me sympathetically. She was the only one that knew the feeling of my pain.


“You okay?” she asked once I stepped out of the booth.


“Yeah I’m fine,” I say shrugging as she pulled me into a hug.


“It’s okay if you’re not alright,” she murmured.


            I loved Grace, she was my best friend, the closest thing I had to a little sister. She was also someone that could easily tell a person’s feelings.


“Thanks Gee,” I say pulling away with a smile. “But I’ll be fine.”


“Doesn’t mean you are fine,” she replied with a motherly expression. “I’m just worried about you, you know that right?”


“You’re always worried about me,” I tell her as she pulls us out of the room.


“That’s because you’re someone that I care about!” she exclaimed.


“I’m going back to the rehearsal room to practice,” I say waving her inside. “Call me if you need anything else.”


            She doesn’t respond and turns on her heel back into the room, it’s not that she was angry with me she just wanted to know what was wrong. I silently thanked her for worrying as I headed to practice more.

A/N: Just to get this out now, no she's not a lesbian, no she didn't have a girlfriend who walked out of her life... I know it sounds like that but you'll know who it is when the time comes. Thanks for reading, and if you make graphics, could you make a pic for me? It'd be much appreciated. :)

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yulkris #1
adorable!! :DD
update soon
rinichaaan #2
Sounds interesting. Please continue! ^^
oww, seems interesting,, hehe i like it,, please update soon,, ;)