The Wisteria Clothing Design Shop **OPEN**


"A sprinkle of colors, a dab of fabric, a mindful of imagination, and viola!  You got fashion!"




Welcome to Wisteria Clothing Design Shop where a little of ordianry magic happens at out pencil tips...



We are...






What is the shop for?

This is like a graphics request shop except it does clothing designs. For example, if you want to give your readers a visual of a character's outfit, you can request here. Or, you are just stuck on what you want to make for Halloween, and you want a design. :)


How long have you, Sapphirebluewings, been drawing?

I have drawn for a good six years now.


Is there another shop like this?

Not that I know of. I have done research and found none. Guess I am trying something new!


Will I, Sapphirebluewings, be mad if other shops like this popped up?

As long as they give me a little bit of credit I'll be fine. I am happy to set a “trend”.


What does wisteria mean?

Wisteria is a light lavender color that is absolutely one of my favorite colors.


What does premium color mean?

It is when I shade and make the color look all realistic and stuff. Regular color is just blocks of color with no shading.                                                   




1. Please subscribe! You may unsubscribe after you request is done.

2. Fill out all of the form! Don't leave anything not indented empty.

3. Don't bash if the design doesn't please you. I am happy to redo.

4. You may request up to two at a time.

5. You may cancel if you are under the “pending” section. DO NOT cancel if you are under the “processing” section.

6. Violet any rule I will PM you to warn you. After two PMs, on the blacklist you go. Sorry.

7. Password is highlighted letters.

8. Leave your request in the comment section.

9. Give shop and artist credit. I will check.


Request Forms

User name:

Story Link:

Character Gender (male, female,):

Formality (super formal, formal, semi-formal, casual, really casual):

Time Period (ex. Modern, futuristic, now, 1600s, etc):

Attractiveness (super y, y, slight y, regular, concealing, antisocial concealing):

Color (yes, no, premium):

Shoes (yes, no):

General Description (anything else you want to add? If not, just put in “get creative”.):

Finish (pencil, ink):









 Chapter one: Aissh

  Chapter One: Staff and Example

Chapter Two and on: Requests


 **Might be looking for staff members.  PM me if you are interested.**



Calling Aisssh


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Do you hire?
aisssh #2
Chapter 2: But can you make a casual one? Bcos it's not likely to turn out good in those designs lol if u want tho, since u seem to really like designing~
aisssh #3
Chapter 2: Well. Actually no it's not silky lol it's just usual fabric idk what to call it haha not cotton tho not that soft idk, if I use your design ill tell you, thanks anyway :)
aisssh #4
User name:aisssh
Story Link:not for any story
Character Gender (male, female,):not for any story
Formality (super formal, formal, semi-formal, casual, really casual): casual
Time Period (ex. Modern, futuristic, now, 1600s, etc): um. now?
Attractiveness (super y, y, slight y, regular, concealing, antisocial concealing): casual, cute & beautiful
Color (yes, no, premium): um. i have my fabric
Shoes (yes, no): no
General Description :okay so you say i can request for halloween or anything. well i have this 'batik' fabric i bought some other day and i need a design for ideas and i came to your shop:p
my fabric pattern:
can you help me? tell me if you need me to photo the fabric.
i was thinking about making it jumpsuits or bubble dress, but idk. and dont make it sleeveless because i cant wear it to school ._.
Finish (pencil, ink):anything my tailor can see