
ASTERI [아스테리] 2013's Hottest New Girl Group

Yejin’s POV


Uh, Asteri… We’re gonna get this started…

Yeah. Di-i-disaster! Leggo.


I started the song, our debut song entitled "Disaster," we have been practicing for about a month with the choreography and vocals and all that. I can’t help but be proud of myself and the whole group, of course. From the start, Andy sajangnim already assigned me to be in charge of Asteri. In short, I’m the leader. It’s a hard task but trust me, once you see how far you’ve been through in training, you’re going to feel the most proud. Just imagine when our group debuts.

It was not an easy road going here. Endless training, member changes.. we knew it was too much to carry but we handled it all. Except for Jimin.




For our training, we practiced different hardcore dances of songs by senior idols. Dances by After School, SNSD, Secret etc, we even learned some of their dance battle performances. We were all so tired but we kept on going. At one point of practicing, I noticed Jimin, who was supposed to be our lead vocalist, looking quite uncomfortable. I ignored it and finished the song, we were practicing “Bang” by After School. After the dance, I saw Jimin drop to the floor, I rushed to her and saw her very pale.


“Jimin-ah! Gwaenchanha?!” I asked, panicking. I was shaking her. I called Eunmi who was closest to where I was standing. “Eunmi-ya! Help me lift Jimin to the chair,” she came immediately and the other girls, Jaein, Ma-Rhee, Minkyung started to help too. Our choreographer came in with a surprised face and immediately called the standby paramedics in our building. They took Jimin out and we were left in the practice room, still worried about one member, she was very much like a sister and all of us have been with each other for more or less 3 years, some training longer than the other.


Jae-in’s POV (flashback continuation)


We were all so worried about Jimin-unni all day. We couldn’t even sleep and I noticed everyone was quiet, until I decided to speak.

“Do you girls think she’ll be okay?” I asked, taking a seat beside Minkyung. We were all in the room, gathered in a circle on Minkyung and Jimin’s bed. I heard Ma-Rhee take a deep breath and smiled a comforting smile.

“Of course, she will. She has got to be.” Ma-Rhee said, trying to comfort us all. Being optimistic, that’s her thing.

“But you guys just gotta admit she’s been working extra hard since the start of the school year,” Yejin-unni commented, still having a worried expression.

“She studies in an elite school even before she trained and she had to keep her grades up, which means, more stress for her. What did we expect?” Minkyung said.

“I’m worried for her, what if she quits?” Eunmi said, even her, who was also an optimistic girl was worried about Jimin-unni. “Or, how if her parents doesn’t allow her to go back to training?”

“Just think positive, okay? Whatever happens, whether she quits or not, we’ll still continue to be a group arasso?” Yejin-unni said, being the awesome leader she was. I smiled to everyone and extended my hand to our middle, signalling that team thing basketball players do before a game.

“To the future?” I said. They all extended their hands and all of us smiled an encouraging smile to each other.

“HWAITING!” our voices sounded throughout our dorm.


Minkyung’s POV (flashback continuation)


Days and weeks have passed since the day Jimin broke down at the middle of training. It took us a long time before we decided to finally ask Andy sajangnim about Jimin, and luckily it was right at the day he called us in for a little meeting. At the van, I was sitting beside Jaein and Yejin, while Eunmi and Ma-Rhee were seated at the back. I nudged Yejin.


“Ask him about Jimin okay?” I asked her.

“Why me?” she pointed to herself.

“Because you’re the leader?” Jaein joined in the conversation. The two members at the back leaned forward and joined in as well.

“What do you think he’ll talk to us about?” Ma-Rhee asked.

“Maybe Jimin is back and he wants us to meet her there and go back with her to the dorm?” Eunmi said, clapping her hands, showing her maknae side.

“So I don’t need to ask about her right?” Yejin smiled.

“Why are you afraid?” I asked her, giggling.

“I’m not! You know, sajangnim is a very busy man. And i don't want to bother him,“ Yejin said and all of them nodded.


The van stopped and we were in front of the T.O.P Media building.


“I’m so curious about what he’s gonna tell us!” I said while hopping out of the van.

“I’m so curious, yeah!” the 4 others sang in unison and giggled afterwards.


“Speaking of, do you think we would ever meet SHINee when we debut?” all of us squealed at the thought and made our way inside the building, anticipating the news Andy sajangnim will be giving.


SeonYul’s POV (flashback continuation)

I got a call from TOP Media 2 weeks ago and now I’m here, standing inside the building. I was told I’d be training to be part of a new group! When I auditioned a long time ago, I thought when I didn’t get picked, I was never going to live out my dream. I was so excited, though I know it wouldn’t be easy. I know I’ll make it. This is just perfect!

Other than telling me I was going to be a part of a group, they also told me I was a replacement for a member named, I think it was Jirin? Or Rimin? Anyway, I heard she decided to drop out and focus on her studies. I was also told she had health problems.

I heard footsteps from the outside of the office and saw the maknae of Shinhwa, Andy standing at the door beaming at me.


“Good morning!” I stood up and bowed at him. He nodded at me and signalled me to sit down again.

“I’m glad you accepted,”

“Yes, sir. It’s my dream,” I smiled trying my best to show a good impression from the start.

“Okay. Anyways, the group will be here any moment so-” a knock came on the door and a girl’s voice spoke.

“Sajangnim! We’re here!” it sounded like a child.

“That’s Eunmi’s voice, she’s the maknae” Andy said to me. “Come in, girls!”

“Jimin-un---” a girl was going to hug me but then she looked like she realized I was not the person she was expecting to see. The other girls seem surprised too. I stood up and greeted them.

“Annyeonghaseyo! SeonYul-imnida!” the girls bowed too.

“She’ll be your new member. In exchange for Jimin.”


“MWO?!” they all said in unison. I just smiled innocently. This is gonna be a long day…





LOL. How'd you like it?

Ma-Rhee and Eunmi's POV will be on the next chap! :) look forward to it!

Please comment. :) suggestions! :)


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A new look for the foreword! Check it out guys! :)


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 15: still waiting wat happened?
update? plez?
Chapter 15: Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been 1 month!
Oooh I like the new forward! ^^ It looks amazing good job!
Chapter 15: awwwwhz! Eun Mi and Ma-Rhee are adorbz! LOL Eun Mi with her imitation omg XD oh Yongguk XD
Chapter 13: Uwahaha this is adorable!! ^^ I can't wait for Ta-Dah It's Asteri to start omooo~ I will PM you soon!~
Chapter 13: the maknaes are so cute xD
Chapter 12: :) Oooh nice chapter! ^^ I'm glad you updated so thank you for the update! :) Looks like everyone's getting friendly with Seon Yul, which is awesome. I like the fact that everyone's being mature about the situation~