Keeping you with me


My favourite couple.... Bummie and Eunnie


Eunnie's phone rang. She switched to video call on her LG phone. "Anhyeong~" She rubbed her eyes as she pulled herself to the end of the bed.

"Anhyeong sleepyhead. Don't you have to be somewhere now?" Bummie said as he pulled his pants up. His phone was on the phone stand on his table, facing his .

Eunnie flipped on to her back. She answered groggily, "where?"

"Eunnie!" Bummie stood in front of the phone. "Get up and I will see you in 1 hour's time. Better not be late, okay?"

Eunnie propped herself up on her bed. She glanced around her room and saw the dress hanging on her wardrobe. Her room was almost bare, except for her bed and furniture. She got up and put on the dress after throwing her phone on the sheets.


"Eunnie~" Eunnie pulled off her shirt. "Ne?" "Maybe never mind." Eunnie jumped up and turned. She was half , revealing her front assets. She ducked down and reached over to end the call.

"You know, there is nothing to hide?" Bummie snirked. "Shh!" Eunnie hanged up.

Eunnie knocked her forehead. "Why do I keep losing face like this in front of him? At least it was not the full monty previously." Eunnie pulled her dress down from the hanger.


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