
The Imaginary Friend

{chapter two-

-5 Years Later-

"Luhan Ge! Look at this!" EunMin ran towards the Ferris wheel in amazement. Lu Han's family is out in Beijing to celebrate Luhan's 10th birthday, it's a tradition. Ever since he was a little baby who couldn't even speak.

The streets were packed, full of beggars, entertainers, and merchants thanks to Chinese New Year is just right around the corner. And Christmas day is tomorrow didn't help either. 

Luhan looked around to look for EunMin in the ocean of people. EunMin stuck out of the crowd making him find her in a snap. There she was in a trance looking at the Ferris wheel. Fascinated at it's glowing lights.

"Wah! Want to ride it?" Luhan nudged her lightly.

EunMin smiled, "Sure! Just to make some memories for your 10th birthday!" 

He smiled, "Mama! Baba! I'll be riding the Ferris wheel!" Waving at them. They just nodded, Mama and Baba were busy on their phones. Making appointments and calls since New Years is the busiest days of the year. Luhan is used to it, both of them always ignore him since they're too busy for him. He understands the stress they were enduring. 

EunMin keeps him accompany instead. "What are you waiting for! Let's go!" Luhan gestured his hand towards the Ferris wheel. She nodded and headed towards his direction.

"Riding by your self kid?" The engineer asked the little baby face boy curiously.

"Eh? Noo..My friend is right next to me!" Luhan eye smiled at EunMin.

"Kid, there's no one here." The man narrowed his eyes while looking all over the place. Nothing. Lu Han furrowed his eyebrows.

"She's RIGHT HERE!" He pointed at Eun Min. She waved politely. The man still couldn't see the boy's friend and gave up. 

The engineer looked at him weirdly since there is no one beside him at all. Made the Ferris wheel stop, walked towards the booth and opened it

"Enjoy the ride with your. Friend." he said sarcastically.

"Thanks!" Luhan and EunMin entered the booth, looking at the features. The engineer closed the booth and pressed the red button making the wheel starting to spin. Both they're eyes widened as the machine made a undesirable squeaky sound. 

The wheel started to spin counter clock wise. "Waaah!~ Beijing is more beautiful than I thought!" EunMin sighed at the beautiful landscape of China. Luhan was in shock as well, all  his life he lived in China but he didn't know it was this breath taking. He was looking over at the palace of the king and the cool shopping malls. 

"Gege, I have a question for you." EunMin faced Luhan looking at him curiously, "Hmm. Mei Mei?" "When you grow up. What do you want to do?" 

Luhan has never thought of a question of that. It was always fun and games. But the thing that popped in his mind was."Maybe a singer or a dancer one day. But I doubt that will happen." He huffed. His parents were business not entertainers. Luhan knows that they will force him to do a regular boring job that requires a suit and PAPER WORK. 

"Ah~ I'm pretty sure you'll get that career for sure Ge! Your a good singer and your dancing isn't that bad!" EunMin nodded in delight. She has heard him sing once in the music room in school. Luhan always hangs out there since he didn't have any friends. They found him.Weird or strange. Luhan's eyes brighten up.

"Really Mei Mei?" 

EunMin nodded, "For sure! You owe me one if you do turn into an singer! Every girl will be spazzing over you. LUHAN! LUHAN GEGE!" She pretended to scream her heart out like those delusional fan girls. Luhan giggled at her dorkiness and realized the ride on the Ferris wheel had stopped.

"Food time!" Luhan jumped off the booth and ran to Mama and Baba. 


"Mei Mei, look at this." Lu Han tugged on Eun Min's sleeve. She turned her body around a bit annoyed at his pestering. She raised an eyebrow and narrowed her eyes at him.

"What is it Lu Han?- WHOA!" Her eyes grew wide as saucers. A glowing Christmas tree with  lights of different colors. 

"I know right! That's what I said too!" Lu Han laughed. Eun Min was amazed at the beautiful lights. Words can not explain how beautiful it was. With the help of the cherry blossoms, it made the Evergreen Tree even more extravagant. Her eyes glistened, absolutely lost in the lights. It was more amazing than last year and the year before that! 

"Merry Christmas Eve!" Lu Han hugged Eun Min tightly. Eun Min hugged him back holding onto his arms.  Everyone looked at the delusional child who was just hugging himself in the middle of street. He didn't care less. Lu Han was absorbing the moment before he releases. He just loved hugging his best friend. There was that little something in her that made her special than anyone in the whole world. 

 "Merry Christmas Lu Han,"she whispered softly. Glazing upon the dazzling star on the tip of the tree. Shining ever so brightly. With that, fireworks shot off the ground, the sky was fill of colorful sparks. A birthday has never been so perfect. 


Luhan and EunMin sat down next to each other in the restaurant. "Remember this?" EunMin picked up one of the chopsticks and stuck them up her nose. The same thing she did when she was 5 years old. Celebrating Luhan's 5th birthday together.

"Hahaha! Of course that was hilarious!" He lightly chuckled. His parents looked at their child who was talking to himself. "Every year he's like this..."

"Baba, could I get a Chocolate Milkshake?" Luhan asked him with pleading eyes.

" Just for the birthday boy!" He called in the waiter and waited. 

Luhan looked around the restaurant since he was bored then he noticed a mirror was next to EunMin. She was playing with the forks and spoons. "Hey, don't look not but I think I just saw the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen." He whispered lightly.

"Really?! Where!" EunMin dropped the spoon and quickly looked around happily. "Look to your left. But! Don't move your head fast." 

EunMin looked to her left and found herself looking into a mirror. She smiled and saw Luhan smiling behind her as well. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dear Luhan! Happy birthday to you!" The waiter came out with a cake in his hand. Luhan buried his face in embarrassment.

"Thank you Mama, Baba and EunMin!" He blew out the candles with a big grin on his face "What'd you wish for?" EunMin raised her eyebrow. 

"Secert!~" He sang. EunMin pouted, "Man. I wanted to know," she crossed her arms over her chest blowing her bangs out of her face. Luhan laughed at his best friends childish acts as he happily slurped his milkshake.


The  Lu family walked into a jewelry store. They have bought him a new necklace for a present for the turning of double digits. 

EunMin was looking through the glass cases at the beautiful silver diamond rings. But the thing that caught her eye was a pink stoned cherry blossom clip glistening in the light. "Beautiful." she whispered. 

Meanwhile, Luhan was looking over jewelry as well. Wedding rings actually. "Well, I don't see a young fella here so often. Your getting married already?" The jeweler teased. Luhan jumped back.

"N-No!Just looking around!" He gave him a cheesy smile and looked for EunMin. She was looking at a stunning cherry blossom clip in awe. 

Lu Han walked over there, "We could always get it. It's really pretty. Just like you," he smiled. Eun Min just stayed silent, ignoring his comment. Her facial expression was more dark and gloomy than her typical happy-go-lucky smile. 

"Mei Mei, is there anything wrong?" Luhan tapped on her shoulder. Terrified, he hasn't seen EunMin this upset. She took a good look at him and sighed,

"Luhan, I need to leave at 6:00 o'clock.."

He was a bit dumbfounded, "Wae? Where? You shouldn't go out thid late at night.!" Luhan raised an eyebrow.

EunMin shook her head, "Lu Han," she said under her breath. "There are times when...people come and go," Her finger traced the glass cases, not trying to dare make eye contact. "...and leave." 

 "What are you trying to say Mei Mei?" He looked at her curiously. EunMin heavily sighed, "I need to leave Ge," she lifted her head and looked straight into those doe eyes. "Soon." 

"You're going to come back right? When?" Lu Han tilted his head to the side, "Tomorrow? next week?" She shook her head at all of the suggestions. 

Luhan's heart began to pick of rapid speed, seeing that EunMin keeps rejecting. "Next Year?" He didn't want his best friend to leave him and on his birthday as well. "I'm only allowed to stay here with you until a child turns ten- 6 o'clock. The time you were brought into this world. After that." She looked at him, teary eyed. "All imaginary friends have to leave.." 

Her worlds stabbed his heart, "No.NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" Luhan began to hug her tightly. EunMin shedded a tear and hugged him back.5:59 the clock spoke. She released herself from his grip and walked towards the elevator.

Her cherry blossom clip fell from her hair "I'm sorry, Gege.Rules are rules," She hopped on the elevator and turned around. Seeing his face for the last time. 

EunMin crossed her heart and waved."Forget" She mouthed. The elevators doors began to close shut. 6:00pm.

"EUNMIN!" Luhan cried, banging on the elevator door.

"LEE EUNMIN!" He kicked the door. Tears were running door his face. His only friend. Gone. The store clerks looked at the crying boy.

"WHAT HAPPENED??!" Mama came out running towards Luhan who was balling his eyes out. Pressing the elevator door vigorously.

Luhan looked at the cherry blossom clip and picked it up. "How could I forget about you!" he whispered."What happened sweetie! Forget, who?" Mama squeezed her child in secure arms. 

"E-Eun M-Min...she's gone," Luhan croaked out. Mama began to rock him back and forth. The elevator doors opened,

"Look it's EunMin sweetie! She's right there!" Mama pointed out. But no one was there. Nor Luhan could see EunMin. Just a empty elevator. 

"She's gone and she's never going to come back," Luhan laid his forehand on her shoulder crying. His friend, Lee EunMin disappeared in mid-air.

Never to be found again. 

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HEROOO~ GUYS! Updating tonight! :D Omg I can't wait but homework comes first! WAIT FOR ME!


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Chapter 11: update plz
abbe_28 #2
Chapter 11: Ayyiieeh!! Luhan finally found his son!! I hope he will not get mad on her.. :( Hwaiting!! :) Update soon~
Chapter 11: an update yeeeey! hanging ending tho
Chapter 11: hehe finally an update!!! lulu finally found his son!
Chapter 11: :O hanging ending...
abbe_28 #6
Chapter 10: My thoughts are right. EunMin find Jaemin! :D Well, I hope they could be good friends!! Hwaiting!! I also hope that Luhan would find his son soon! :D
Chapter 10: so okay i want min in my name too jjmin
abbe_28 #8
Chapter 8: oH its okay! we'll wait!! :)) Jaemin is missing? How come? Maybe EunMin will be finding him!! :)) Thanks for the update! Update soon~
Chapter 7: r u rewriting