
It hurts

Crap! did he just kissed me?!


“You didn’t like it?”


“It’s not that,  I was just asking” I bow my head, trying to hide my tomato face


“Because, I think that was the right thing to do”

He entertwined his hand on mine. GOSH! Butterflies. Butterflies over. I saw him smirked and pull me with him outside my room outside the house. I shut my eyes for a seconds, is this a dream? if it is, i don't want to wake up anymore. I just wanna be like this. Everything i want in life is right here.

He took me to his car and drove to the nearest cafe.

"You can head on up and look at the rooms there while i go get us some coffee" Jiyong said.

"You sure?"

He grinned and nodded. "There's so much to see upstairs- you won't be disappointed."

I headed up the narrow stairway leading up to the second floor, there was a roof deck with wooden plank floors, cozy tables for two, and a balcony that looked out to a view where i could see the HanRiver. I Picked a table that looked straight out into the view and snapped a photo as quickly as i could. Just as i tucked my phone back to my bag, Jiyong came throught the sliding doors holding up a wooden tray with our coffee.

"yay!" i immediately went to him, excited to get another taste of that violet potato latte.

"Don't" He said, raising the tray so i wouldn't able to get my cup. I pout and fold my arms on my chest,

He set the the tray down on the table and pinched my cheeks.

"Aiggooo, so cute"

I was about to get my cup when he stopped me again.

"What! those two cups are just for you?"

"Wait..." He grabbed the cup and hide it.

"now look" He smiled at me and gestured for me to come nearer to where he was sitting. I edged my chair over, next to his chair and looked at my latte and his cappucino, all foamy and delicious-looking. My purple drink had a faint big heart on it.

"cool~" I said, picking up the cup.


We spent the next three hours on that roof deck, he took my hands and held it all night..

i was tiptoeing around my grandma's house the next morning. I'd got home early last night after spendin with my non-yet-boyfriend Jiyong. Jiyong was so much fun to hang out with. He already knew how to make me laugh with his trips. 

All the words i said about love, i thought it was just all joke and too corny for the people who haven't fall in love yet. I didn't want to say i love him yet, I just knew i liked him a lot but i never want to think what would happen when things got real between us. That in the end, he will left me. That is the reason i don't want to enter relationship yet, i just want to focus on my studies and wait for myself to get ready to love and to get hurt.

When Eunjae saw me going back to my room, she runs to my room acting like a butterfly flying and doing with the spinning thing before jumping on my bed. I know that thing when she's going to share something to me about her lovelife.

"so.. what now?" i asked her while taking a seat on my bed beside her.

"i sensed something...what happen between you and that guy?"

"who's guy?"

"aww, don't play with me Yumi, i already knew that! you like him!"



Eunjae was playing with my pillow when i got a text from Jiyong

Beep,~ beep~


From: Jiyong

Working late at studio tonight :( Dinner on my midnight break, Yumi?


I bite my lips to prevent from smiling, Eunjae was just watching me the whole time.


To: Jiyong

Sounds good. Dinner later :)


I couldn't prevent myself from smiling anymore when i send my text to Jiyong. When look away from my phone i saw Eunjae shifted her head to her side.

"psst" i called out to Eunjae, she's holding the CD of "dream high" and showed it to me, then i smiled. "Do you have to head to work or can you stay to watch?" i asked her. She bolted straight up and sat on my bed.

"I'll just watch the last episode of "dream high". After that, i need to head back to the office to help with the midnight shifts"

"perfect!" I stood up and clapped my hands, while Eunjae bobbed up and down in her seat. I unhooked my laptop from it's power cord, sat next to Eunjae, and slipped the DVD in.

We sat in silence as we watched the last episode of "dream high".

Beep~ beep~

Jiyong's name popped up on my screen asking a videocall. My heart skipped a beat, it still did that everytime Jiyong called me. I put my finger to my lips and motioned Eunjae to keep quiet and stay off to the side while i pretended to video chat with Jiyong in "private"

I clicked "Accept Call"  and there he was on my screen, wide smile, wearing his "giyongchy" beanie on his head, cocking his head to say "hey"

I pushed my bangs off to one side before giving him a wave hello while my flashing him my eye smile,

"Hey, Jiyong" i said.

"I've got so much work" He pouted and took a sip of coffee. "writing songs for the new girl group and also for our comeback" i pouted at him too, trying to copy him but he just laugh at me.

"too cute! i want to pinch your cheeks right now"

I could hear a couple of voices coming from Jiyong's phone window- some girls talking and giggling on and off.

"You're working with some people in the studiio now?" i said, this time, it was my jealous tick ticking in.

"uh, yeah. they're with teddy hyung"

"ahh." okay jealousy.

Eunjae threw me a quizzical look from her corner, mouthing "who is that?" over and over again. I ignore her and she tried to snach my phone but it fell on my bed, we raced to my bed and luckily i got it first.

"what happened?"

"no.. nothing. It's just something fall off and then.."

"and then what?" he teased me, i saw him stopping himself from laughing.

"whatever! go back to work! just text me when you're on your break. i'll hung up" I said hurriedly and hung up the phone. Eunjae laughed, getting up from her seat. She waved her goodbye to me  teasingly as she  headed to the door.


beep~ beep~

From: Jiyong

Just kidding, Yumi. Just continue with your business there! -- talk later ^^



I glanced at the DVD box Eunjae left lying on the floor and smiled as i stared at Jiyong's heart emoticon on my phone screen until it's light went off









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xxihyeji #1
Chapter 29: Not a really happy ending :((( too sad :'(
Angel0817 #2
Chapter 29: This was a really awesome story! I loved it!
Hatsumomo #3
Chapter 29: I really enjoyed this story with all its ups and downs, thank you author-nim :) i even forced myself to finish before i fall asleep because i usually read this at night, in my bed haha :) i am excited for the sequel too !
Chapter 28: Great story!!! ^^
Chapter 28: thank you :)
everyrosehasitsthorn #7
love your story authornim. looking forward to the sequel. fighting :D
Chapter 28: awesome! Can't wait!
pinkpurple #9
Chapter 28: thank for sequel..
i will wait for the next story :)
michily #10
Chapter 28: SEQUEL? hooray