Chapter 3

Seducing Mr.

Comments always appreciated for a faster update :3






I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe this was 
happening to me. It was supposed to be the best day of my 
life, and here I was, experiencing the worst.

“I guess he’s a little late,” I said, looking at my 
watch. He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. And 
it was never good when you made any member of the Rose Club 
stand outside in the cold for twenty minutes.

“I can’t believe this ,” the girl with 
strawberry blonde hair said. It looked as though she’d 
gotten it dyed at some shabby salon, although I had to 
admit she looked like she could crush me to tiny pieces 
right there. “Let’s go, guys.”

“Please,” I said, “he said he would be here. I know 
he’ll be here.”

And at that, Strawberry princess gave a chuckle. 
“Do you think we’re stupid?”

“Not really,” I said, starting to back away. I 
could already see her advancing towards me, her hair in a 
bundled mess.

Jaejoong had texted me saying he would drop by the 
school twenty minutes ago, confirming that I had completed 
my mission. I should have known never to trust him, seeing 
that we had made a drunken deal (at least I was drunk) and 
I hit him on the head with my shoe and had taken one of his 
shoes in return. It was the stupidest thing I could have 
done: trust him. And all he had to do was make sure I would 
trust him, and then betray my trust.

“I think we need to teach this a lesson,” 
Strawberry said, rounding up her comrades. The Rose club 
members began to form a circle around me, and I couldn’t 
help but to wish that I’d maybe brought some muscle, 
perhaps Tae, who could have helped me in case a situation 
like this were to happen.

I looked around. They had dragged me out to a part 
of school where anyone hardly passed, except to smoke or 
pick a fight. Great, Eun Hye. You had to pick a spot where 
you were bound to get beat up. I looked at my watch, then 
at my phone, and then at the main entrance to see if there 
was any sign of Jaejoong. None.

“Come here .” Three of the Rose Club members 
were already reaching for my hair when I spotted the 

It was a normal ladder, lying flat against the 
wall, almost as if it was the guilty remains of someone who 
had obviously wanted to skive school. With one desperate 
heave I pushed myself through the three Rose Club members 
and reached for the ladder. It was all good when I was 
climbing up, but as I reached the top of the wall the 
ladder broke away at my feet, crumbling to the ground in 
two pieces. At least I’d know they wouldn’t be able to 
follow me up the wall. But the dilemma I was now in was 
that I was on top of a wall that was at least two meters 
high, and I had no way to get down.

I wanted to cry.

“Get down here right now,” Strawberry yelled, 
shaking a threatening fist in the air.

I could just jump down and get a couple of punches 
and then go home with a note. Or I could jump over to the 
other side, hopefully not die, and move schools. As I began 
to wonder about the possibilities, my pocket vibrated. I 
reached in and took out my phone, to see that it was my 
magnificent boyfriend calling me. I threw the phone on the 





I don’t quite know why I threw my phone to the 
ground; all I know is that I for sure didn’t want to talk 
to Jaejoong at the moment, and my behind was beginning to 
hurt from the sitting on the wall situation. I sure as hell 
couldn’t go back down the way I climbed up (due to the 
ladder being smashed to two) and I couldn’t jump off the 
other way because I could die in the process. Which is why 
I did NOT expect another person to be standing on the other 
side of the wall, directly in range to my falling calling 

“What the…?”

And just as I began to believe that my life 
couldn’t get any worse, I looked down and came face to face 
with Yunho. That’s right. The person who had reached down 
to grab the phone that hit him in the face was Yunho. And 
there I was, sitting on top of my wall with my crotch 
placed exactly on the horizontal line of the wall’s 

“I…” I didn’t really know what to say. I mean, what 
was I supposed to say?

“Is this your phone?” Yunho asked, still holding 
his head.

“Yeah,” I said, “I’m sorry about that.”

“Who’s that talking to?” I looked down and 
saw Strawberry reaching up, trying to grab my shoes. She 
must’ve heard me talking to Yunho because they were now 
trying to climb up the wall with only half a ladder, which 
to my fear, seemed to be possible. Anything was possible if 
you were a Rose Club member.

“Are you running away from someone?” Yunho asked.

I looked down. I couldn’t believe he was talking to 
me. I mean, not only was he a Romeo; he was famous for the 
way he acted, too cool for everyone. He didn’t really have 
any friends, and even if he did, he didn’t open up to any 
of them. Usually he just spent time in class sleeping, or 
listening to his music. I’m not even sure if he ever had a 
girlfriend before.

“Sort of,” I said, all the while admiring his face.

“Jump,” he said.

What…Did he just tell me to jump?’

“Excuse me?”

This time, he held out his arms. “Jump.”

He wanted…he wanted me to jump? On him?

“Hey we got another ladder!” that was the voice of 
another member of Rose Club.

I looked down at Yunho. I could either jump, or I 
could get beaten up by Rose Club. At the moment, I felt 
like my world was full of possibilities. There it was, on 
my left, the club I’d been dying to get in since years ago. 
And on the other side, Yunho—the reason I wanted to join 
Rose Club so badly.

“Are you sure you can catch me?” I asked. Smart, 
Eun Hye. The one thing you can ask a guy who offers to save 
your life is whether or not he’s capable of catching a 
hundred pound girl.

“You trust me?” Was all he said.

The last thing I heard was Strawberry shrieking as 
she saw me disappear from the wall and my own scream 
echoing through the streets as I fell, face first, to the 

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sanlly2419 #1
Chapter 12: Hoping and praying that this story will still be update. I am waiting for you authornim :)
YEHloverz #2
Chapter 12: Update? Please?
YEHloverz #3
Chapter 11: O\\\o : Wuah~
YEHloverz #4
Chapter 7: Kya~ it's getting hot in there!
YEHloverz #5
Chapter 6: Oh~ couple quarrel <3
YEHloverz #6
Chapter 5: Cute~ so cute~
YEHloverz #7
Chapter 4: I feel bad for Eunhye...
YEHloverz #8
Chapter 2: I could imagine eun hye drunk face while saying that! And the way you make Eunhye character! She is so lovable and cute in here! I mean...well... She IS lovable and cute but... I think you understand!
Chapter 12: I hope you will come back and update this great fanfic.
eunhyeabie #10
i hope you could update this story soon. It's very interesting