Chapter 2

Part Of Me



Dongwoon slowly opened his eyes and adjusted himself to the surroundings.

White ceiling, soft colored curtains, peach wallpapers... He frowned and rubbed his temple with his left hand because his right felt heavy. Dongwoon tried to remember as he winced.

This isn’t his place. But it sure is cozy.

Something was definitely heavy—and warm—beside him. He turned to right and greeted by the most beautiful view he’s ever seen.

Kikwang was there, sleeping soundly, cuddling against his chest. Dongwoon held his breath and he’s suddenly scared to move, as if he’s gonna wake the sleeping beauty with any slight gesture. He had trouble breathing for a second until his brain reminded him that he’s gonna die if he’s not inhaling and he inhaled carefully.

So beautiful.

Dongwoon had forgotten when was the last time he felt like this.

He felt like...he wants to see this view everytime he wakes up. He wants to see Kikwang in his arms, beside him, everytime he opens his eyes. He wants to see Kikwang so badly everytime he greets the world good morning. He wants Kikwang to be the only reason for him to open his eyes everyday...that if he’s not around, then Dongwoon doesn’t want to see anymore.

God, I am so in love.

Dongwoon stared and stared at the beautiful male.

Kikwang’s eyelashes. Kikwang’s cheekbones. Kikwang’s lips.

He would give anything for Kikwang.

He would give anything, so that this male won’t leave him.


Please don’t let us apart.

For a moment, Dongwoon was grateful that he had made the decision to find Kikwang, even if it was wrong, to think that they both got lovers, and worse, Kikwang was getting married. He thought at first by only looking at Kikwang’s pictures he would feel complete, even though he didn’t have him. But as he wrote his book, as he wrote their story, Dongwoon realized that he couldn’t hide the fact anymore, that he was really in love with Kikwang.

Dongwoon realized that he wanted to turn their stories to a happy ending, no matter how impossible that may be.


Kikwang grunted softly and moved, before slowly opening his eyes and stared straight at Dongwoon. The pretty male blinked his eyes sleepily for a moment before his lips curved into a smile. A beautiful smile.

Dongwoon could swore he almost died when Kikwang smiled.

“Good morning, Woonie...”

The taller male smiled back and leaned forward to catch Kikwang’s full lips.

Good morning, love.






Yoseob took out a piece of paper from his pocket and stared blankly at the list of food.

It’s been a few days since he cried the moment he found Kikwang’s pictures in Dongwoon’s drawer, it’s been a few days since Dongwoon had left and he didn’t come back, and it’s been a few days since Yoseob had proper food. So he took a long, cold shower, dressed up as tidy as he could and went shopping.

Yoseob took a little too much ingredients into the basket, he forgot that he’d be eating all alone and not cooking for two. He wondered what to cook, because all the menus that popped in his head were Dongwoon’s favorites. It’s not like Yoseob thought about Dongwoon anymore, but they’ve been together for a few years, so it’s pretty hard to forget.


The name brought so much memories...

Yoseob shook his head and randomly grabbed several more vegetables just to end the shopping quickly. Just as he queued in line to pay, someone bumped to him and Yoseob almost fell forward. He almost cursed but thankfully the person managed to catch his arm from behind and steadied himself.

“I’m sorry,” the person behind him spoke, his tone was full with guilt.

Yoseob sighed and nodded nonchalantly, not paying attention.


He blinked as his name was mentioned and slowly looked over his shoulder. Yoseob blinked as he remembered exactly who the person was, because he never forgets.


“I’m sorry I almost made you fall,” Doojoon scratched his head in guilt. Yoseob waved his hand as if to say it’s okay. They both fell into an awkward silence for a moment. “”

“Yeah,” Yoseob quietly replied and they both were still silent. Finally it was Yoseob’s turn to pay at the cashier and he gestured Doojoon’s things. “Let’s just join yours with mine.” Just as Doojoon nodded and put his things into Yoseob’s basket, it got the latter to frown. “Wait, just...instant noodles?”

Doojoon grinned wryly. “Too hungry.”

“It’s not healthy, you know,” Yoseob still frowned and he shook his head at the cashier as she was trying to grab the instant noodles. “Cancel those.”

The taller male gave Yoseob a confused look, and Yoseob gave him a silencing look. When they were done, both of them walked out from the supermarket with Doojoon holding a bag of grocery and Yoseob was holding nothing. Doojoon was probably hungry..

“I know a good place to have a breakfast,” Yoseob said. “Care to join me?”

Doojoon stopped for a second and gulped. He was dumb if he said no.







“How’s your bookstore?”

“It’s good,” Doojoon smiled. “I had a sale last week and it went great. At least some of the old books were gone.”

I know.

Yoseob smiled back. “And you’ve got someone working with you.”

“Yeah, she was really...”, Doojoon trailed off. “Wait, how did you know?”

“...I passed by the other day and I saw her.”

“Oh...”, Doojoon frowned. “You passed by and you didn’t even say hello?”

“You were pretty busy, so I decided not to disturb you,” Yoseob shrugged. “She was really cute, by the way.”

“Yeah, Seohyun’s my cousin, she’s helpful, really clumsy, but helpful. She’s working on her thesis and decided to work at the store, since she’s studying History and sort.”

“But it’s a bookstore. Not a library.”

“Old bookstore is like a library, you know.”

It got Yoseob to smiled and he played his spoon in the cup of tea. Funny, they didn’t talk this much last time. Now that they met again, they were like old friends. Yoseob didn’t realize that the person infront of him had been staring. When he looked up, their eyes met and none of them seemed to want to break the contact.

Doojoon tried to cough away his nervousness. “How’s your boyfriend?”

Yoseob stayed still. “We broke up. How’s yours?”

Doojoon looked surprised and he mentally kicked himself. “I’m sorry,” he immediately said and Yoseob shook his head.

“Don’t be sorry. We’re over, just that. It’s not like it’s the end of the world.”

It’s true, though..

Doojoon searched for a hint of sadness in Yoseob’s face, but there was none to be found. Yoseob was expressionless as he looked away, eyes fixed to the window and the people who’s passing by. He regretted asking that, now that he thought about it, it was a sensitive question, even though deep down inside he felt relieved. Relieved for what, he didn’t know. He’s just relieved that Yoseob’s not in a relationship anymore...perhaps.

Stupid Doojoon, why are you relieved over such thing?

“Have you moved in together?”

This time it was Yoseob who asked first and it snapped Doojoon back to reality. “Not yet. Maybe in a month or two...”

“I see.”

Again, they fell silent and Yoseob looked down to his plate. Doojoon couldn’t stop staring at Yoseob no matter how much he wanted to take his eyes somewhere else, and Yoseob still stayed expressionless. His food was left untouched on the plate, Doojoon didn’t feel like eating anymore. And why the hell did he start the conversation about lovers? It’s not exactly what he had in mind...

Yoseob was the first to break the tension between them. “I should go.”

“Okay,” Doojoon quickly replied and thought maybe he shouldn’t’ve done that. Did it make him sound like he desperately wanted Yoseob to leave? When Yoseob grabbed his grocery and was about to stand up, Doojoon spoke again. “Wait.”

Yoseob stared at him. “Hm?”

“I...I was wondering if you’d like to work at the store? I mean, you...knew a lot of books too, right? It’s—it’s just that, lately there had been so much people coming and I just needed a hand or two...”

There. Doojoon had said it.

He’s not sure if he really wanted Yoseob to work at the store, he actually doesn’t mind if Yoseob’s not working at all, just as long as he’s there. Just as long as...he’s there, beside Doojoon. Unconsciously, Doojoon bit his lower lip, hoping for a yes, really hoping for a yes, and Yoseob wanted to laugh because he noticed it.

Doojoon got a nod as a reply.

“You would? Oh my God that’s awesome!!”

Yoseob almost burst out laughing at Doojoon’s reaction. He managed to hide it well and smiled. “Tomorrow?”

Doojoon was still excited that he could only grinned and nodded in enthusiasm. “Tomorrow. At ten.”






Yoseob came an hour early.

The entrance was still locked, of course, and Yoseob walked the other way around to find a backdoor, and it was also still locked. He knocked and knocked, and after a few tries, he sighed and gave up. Maybe he’s taking a shower. Surely he’ll come down in a minute because he’s going to open the store. Yoseob sat on the ground and waited.

It was silly.

To think that Yoseob had actually wanted to stay near Doojoon and the latter somehow said it.

It was silly.

To think that after their last kiss, Yoseob had never kissed Dongwoon anymore, because he’s scared it would be different.

It was silly.

But Yoseob didn’t mind. He didn’t mind at all. He kinda liked it, actually...

Yoseob grabbed his phone and sighed. If only he asked for Doojoon’s number, he wouldn’t be sitting on the ground like this, waiting in uncertainty. After a few moments more of waiting—and he almost fell asleep because he was so bored, a curly haired girl showed up and she blinked at Yoseob. The latter quickly stood up and dusted his pants.

“Oh my God! Are you waiting for Doojoon-oppa?”, she looked panic and touched her head with both hands. “Have you been knocking and that sleepyhead’s not answering? Stupid, stupid Oppa!”

“It’s okay, it’s my fault too,” Yoseob said. “He said at ten and I arrived at nine—“

“If his date’s coming at ten then he should’ve been ready by eight!!”, the girl panickly took out a spare key and unlocked the door.

“But, um... I’m not his date.”

She stopped and turned to Yoseob. “’re not?”

Yoseob almost shook his head but then he himself wasn’t sure. He’s actually not...but...

“What’s this ruckus in the morning?”, the door was opened and Doojoon showed up with a shirt and jeans. It was obvious that he was taking a shower, judging by his wet hair.

Yoseob must be crazy to think that the view was y.






Yoseob was about to stack the books when he heard Doojoon’s stomach was grumbling. He smiled in amusement, put the books down and went upstairs to make something for the taller male to eat, but as he reached the second floor, Doojoon’s room was a mess. So Yoseob voluntarily cleaned up the whole mess before going to the kitchen to make something from the available ingredients.

As expected from a male who bought too many instant noodles, there wasn’t much there, but Yoseob was an experienced cook so he was able to make something out for the three of them. Forgetting the fact that he’s actually there to work, Yoseob started cooking and the smell drifted downstairs.

Seohyun inhaled and she also felt her stomach grumbling.

“Doo-oppa,” she said. “He’s not your boyfriend, is he?”

“What’s with the sudden question?”

“Because you have this ‘I’m crazy for this guy but he’s not mine’ kind of expression.”

Doojoon’s eyes widened and he stared at Seohyun like she’s also crazy.

Seohyun shrugged casually. “I don’t mind, I like him. And I’m sure Aunty’ll like him, too. She loves everyone who can cook, so that they definitely can take care of her son.”

“That’s absurd. And to be honest, I still don’t know much about Yoseob myself. And he just broke up.”

“He’s your type, cute and little. Come on Oppa, I’ve known you since we were kids.”

Doojoon smacked Seohyun and the girl wailed in pain. “I would really appreciate it if you would just shut up, Seohyunnie.”

“What? I’m not at fault here. Seung-Oppa is pretty, reaaaaaally pretty with his doe eyes and slender body, I admit, but he’s not actually your type. Yoseob-Oppa is your type. Much more your type.”

Doojoon was about to retort when a customer walked in and he immediately greeted her. “Good morning...” He threw a ‘we’ll talk about it later’ look at Seohyun and the latter just rolled her eyes.

Yoseob could hear noises from downstairs and a soft music was played, it probably means the store was opened. He wondered if both of them could go up together to have breakfast, but maybe they’d have to take turns. Yoseob pondered for a moment before finally deciding to cook a bit more for lunch...and probably dinner. He just didn’t want Doojoon to starve and eat unhealthy food again.

There was pasta in the drawer and all Yoseob needed to do was to make the sauce. After searching for a while, he found enough ingredients to make the sauce and started cooking.

Yoseob really enjoyed this.

He suddenly remembered that cooking was his favorite thing to do whenever Dongwoon’s writing. Yoseob loved to cook, especially because whenever Dongwoon’s tired, he would crawl out from his room and begged for supper. And Dongwoon’s expression when he ate whatever it was that Yoseob cooked...priceless.

He added a bit salt to the boiling pasta and sighed.

Was I not being a good boyfriend?

Was I too noisy?

Too possessive, too protective...?

And he’s not that sad when they broke up. Even now, everytime he remembered Dongwoon, it would only bring back memories at him, but his heart felt nothing. It’s not that painful.

“It smells wonderful.”

Yoseob flinched in surprise and turned to stare at a middle aged woman who was standing beside him. She dressed neatly and decent, with a bag of grocery in her right hand. She wiped her forehead with the other hand and smiled at Yoseob.

“Hello. You must be Doojoon’s boyfriend!”


“You are so cute!”, she shrieked happily and glomped to Yoseob the moment she put the grocery bag at the table. “My son is really good at picking a lover! And you can cook, too! What’s your name, sweetie?”

Yoseob nervously swallowed. It seemed like Doojoon’s mother misunderstood. “Y—Yang Yoseob.”

She raised her brows and touched his shoulders. “Yoseob-ah, I’m Doojoon’s mother. Nice to finally meet you. So, this is the first time I see you here in the morning...not that I come everyday, though. Oh my God, don’t tell me you two have moved in together?”


“I thought Doojoon said you weren’t ready, and you were still waiting for a month or two...or maybe I heard it wrong,” she kept on talking as she grabbed a spoon and tasted the sauce. “Hmm... This is awesome, Yoseob-ah! Are you planning to make spaghetti? Isn’t it too early for breakfast?”

“I—I was thinking for lunch...”

“Nice choice,” she stared at Yoseob in amazement and Yoseob mentally sweatdropped.

“Umma! You didn’t tell me you were coming!”, Doojoon suddenly showed up and he looked surprised to see his mother was here. He glanced awkwardly at Yoseob. “You didn’t do anything to Yoseob or something right?”

Doojoon’s mother looked annoyed and hit her son lightly. “What do you mean, I didn’t do anything to Yoseob? Good thing I came here today so I got to meet with Yoseob! All this time you were alwaaaaays saying, please be patient Umma, just a little bit more, it’s as if he didn’t want me to meet you,” she turned to Yoseob with puppy eyes. “But now that you’re for Doojoon, I couldn’t be happier. Where did you learn how to cook, Yoseob-ah?”

Yoseob looked down on the floor for a second before answering. “My mother died when I was little... My dad was working, so I kinda did everything back then.”

Doojoon blinked. His mother has already...

“Oh,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry, dear...”

“It’s okay,” Yoseob smiled and tried to change the topic. “Ah, the sauce.”

“Right,” Doojoon’s mother handed him the spoon. “It tastes okay. Doojoon will be very full. Well, I should go now. Yoseob-ah, how about tomorrow you and Doojoon go to the house and have dinner together? Appa will be very happy to meet you.”

Doojoon held his breath and he mentally facepalmed.

It took years for Hyunseung to finally say yes to meet his parents—and it’s not happening yet.

He got a yes, but Hyunseung kept on canceling and saying that he’s not ready.

Yoseob will surely say no, after all he’s not Doojoon’s boyf—

“Sure,” Yoseob softly said.

“Sure?”, Doojoon couldn’t believe his ears.

“Sure!”, his mother smiled happily and pulled Yoseob into a hug. “Wonderful, dear. Then I’ll also make sure that it will be a wonderful night for all of us. See you tomorrow then, Yoseob-ah.”

She kissed Yoseob happily in the cheek and grabbed his shoulders for the second time. Yoseob looked confused but she only shook her head and smiled. “I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. From now on, you can treat me as your mother, okay?”

Yoseob stunned and his eyes softened. His lips bloomed into a smile and nodded. “Thank you.”

When his mother left and Doojoon had a thousand questions he wanna ask Yoseob, Seohyun called him from downstairs and he left Yoseob with his cooking.

That night, when Yoseob had gone home, Doojoon realized that his picture with Hyunseung was facing the ground.






The dinner went okay.

His parents thought that Yoseob was Doojoon’s boyfriend all this time, and they didn’t ask a lot of questions because they looked so happy they finally get to meet him. Yoseob didn’t talk much, and Doojoon hadn’t asked him why did he agree to meet his parents,’s not that Doojoon mind, in fact, he himself acted like he is Yoseob’s boyfriend.

After they were done eating, Yoseob stayed in the living room with Doojoon’s father, while Doojoon helped his mother with the dishes.

“You really like this boy, aren’t you?”, his mother suddenly spoke.


“Come on darling, I’m your mother, I know from the way you glance at him, you really adore Yoseob-ah,” she threw a look at her son. “And I like him. Uppa seemed to like him, too. Now it’s all up to you.”

Doojoon stared at her blankly. “It’s all up to me?”

“Yes, are you going to take this to the next step or not.”

“Well, I am thinking about it...”

“Don’t think too much. Or someone will snatch Yoseob-ah away. I’m picky for my son in law, you know?”

Doojoon cleared his throat. This conversation needed an end. “Well, it’s pretty late... I think I should take Yoseob home.”

“But I thought you two have moved in together?”

Doojoon blinked. “Oh. Right. We have.”

Not a perfect liar, Doojoon.

“Silly son,” she laughed and nudged Doojoon in the ribs. “Be a gentleman and take good care of your boyfriend, alright? You’re my son, I believe in you. You won’t do stupid things.”

It got Doojoon to smile. He would take care of Yoseob even if his mother didn’t tell him to. “I will, Umma. You need not worry.”

They went home after Doojoon’s mother could let go of Yoseob—she kept on hugging Yoseob and sniffed at how cute he is and how proud she was of Doojoon. It’s like she believed that Yoseob’s the one.

“She’s really nice,” Yoseob commented. “And your father’s really welcoming. You have such a nice family.”

“Thank you,” Doojoon replied. “You’re really nice too. They like you.”

And they wanted you, really wanted you to be part of the family.

But Doojoon didn’t go there. He just didn’t want to scare Yoseob.

The next day, Doojoon didn’t open the store. When Yoseob came—he has a spare key now—Doojoon was still sleeping on his bed and Yoseob put the breakfast he had prepared from his apartment on the table and went downstairs.

Doojoon was still wondering whether he wanted to close the store or renovate it. He wasn’t sure, that’s why he’s been having all those book sales. When he asked Yoseob—he didn’t even know why he asked him instead of his real boyfriend, Yoseob answered that it’s probably better to renovate, afterall, the store’s been going for generations and it just needs a few simple touches here and there.

Now that Yoseob thought about it, he never saw Doojoon’s boyfriend coming to the store, not even once. Maybe he’s not in town. It’s better to keep it that way though. Hopefully they’ll never least not for now. He tried to shrug it off and took a dustcloth before working on the books.

Doojoon jolted awake by the sound of the phone, and he immediately recognized the ringtone. He sat up and quickly reached out to his handphone and cleared his throat before answering.


“Doojoonie,” Hyunseung softly replied on the end of the line. “Are you still sleeping?”

Doojoon rubbed his eyes sleepily. “Kind of... I had dinner with my parents last night so I slept late.”

“Dinner? The three of you?”


“, with a...friend.”


Doojoon pressed a hand to his mouth, regretting saying it. “Where are you?”

“I’m out of town. I’m at...”


“Yeah...I...I got a job, Doojoonie.”

“But—but there? It’s—it’s pretty far away from here, right?”

“Yeah, but I might like it here... I’m still a bartender, but the salary’s much higher...”

“Seungie, what are you thinking? I thought we had an agreement,” Doojoon felt anxious, but he didn’t know why. “What about our plans?”

“I’m sorry, baby,” Hyunseung sounded really sad. “But I just can’t anymore. I’m sorry. I can’t... I can’t go on like this.”

“...are we breaking up?”

“You’ll be better without me, Doojoonie, thank you, and I’m sorry for everything,” Hyunseung’s voice was trembling and he hung up.

Doojoon stared blankly at the phone. It was all so sudden and he didn’t know what to think. He knew that ever since he met Yoseob, they hadn’t talked at all, and it’s not like their communication was good. They didn’t try to contact each other. And ever since Hyunseung quit his job at the club, he hasn’t been the same. Maybe...

Maybe breaking up is the best.

He sighed and was about to lay his back on the bed again, but stopped as his eyes caught the breakfast on the table. Doojoon smiled calmly, noticing that Yoseob had already arrived and rise from the bed, heading to the bathroom to take a shower. After dressing up and finishing the food, he heard a thud from downstairs and rushed down, head filled with worries.


Doojoon found Yoseob between the shelves, his feet were brought to his chest and he buried his head in his arms. The taller male could see the books that were scattered on the floor. The same books. The very same books that brought Yoseob to the store for the first time.

, I should’ve tossed those books away.


Yoseob looked up and for the first time in a few days, he looked so full of emotions.

“Hey...what’s wrong?”

Doojoon touched Yoseob’s hair caringly and the latter burst out crying.

“I... I...”

“’s okay...”

“When he said he’s sorry... I could only think, ‘finally’... When I found those pictures of the beautiful male, I thought to myself, that I could never win from this guy... His smile is so wonderful, and everyone who sees him definitely would think that he’s beautiful... I could never compete with this guy...

When he said he cheated on me, I didn’t feel angry or anything. I felt relieved, because finally he admitted it... And I could feel that he’s really in love with him, because I’ve read his last book and it was different than before... I was his muse for his books, but when I read the last one, I could feel that it wasn’t me, he wasn’t writing about me, it was like he’s really head over heels and that he’s in pain because they could never be together...

I wasn’t mad, I wasn’t mad at all... I was mad at myself because how come I didn’t see this one coming, and I didn’t realize it sooner... I didn’t want him to suffer... I couldn’t stand to see him like that...

And I couldn’t bring myself to say that I cheated on him, too...”

Yoseob sobbed and his shoulders were shaking. He didn’t want to share it, but after seeing all those books again, he remembered all the painful things and his kisses with Doojoon. Sweet, tempting, luscious kisses they shared...

It was unforgettable.

Yoseob’s voice were soft, and no, Doojoon didn’t want to see him cry.

“Please don’t cry,” Doojoon whispered as he pulled Yoseob into an comforting embrace. “Please...”

“I couldn’t bring myself to admit that I had kissed another guy and he’s been on my mind since then... I couldn’t bring myself to admit that I wanted to see that guy that even though his place was so far away from my apartment, and I spent a few times on the train just to pass by his place...just to see his smile...”

Doojoon’s eyes widened.

“I couldn’t... I just couldn’t... I couldn’t even kiss my own boyfriend after the sweet kisses...”

Yoseob felt like letting everything go, but he just couldn’t. Not after he read the sentence behind Kikwang’s pictures. The sentence by Dongwoon’s handwriting.

Because there’s just a part of us that longs for a certain person.

And maybe...

For Yoseob, that person is Doojoon.’s not a maybe. It’s definitely him.

He longed for Doojoon...

Doojoon’s mouth was dry and he could feel the desire for Yoseob was growing even stronger.

He realized...that he had fallen for Yoseob.

“Just as he’s in love with someone he can’t be with, I am too...”

And Doojoon couldn’t hold back anymore.

The next minute, Yoseob was thrown to the bed.

He was stripped slowly as Doojoon devoured his soft lips, enjoying every bit of Yoseob’s mouth. The smooch sounds were heard and it echoed softly in Doojoon’s ear, he loved how perfect it was to have his and Yoseob’s met endlessly together. Yoseob’s body was so smooth, and Doojoon loved to glide his tongue on it. Their body pressed tightly against each other, and Yoseob threw his head back in pleasure as he could feel the bulge in Doojoon’s pants moved against his.


Doojoon had never felt this way before.

To have Yoseob crying his name like that, it felt so...wonderful. He felt complete.

Maybe Seohyun was right.

Maybe he did have the ‘I’m crazy for this guy’ kind of expression.

“Ah! Doojoon-ssi!”

The moment Doojoon saw Yoseob in the supermarket the other day, he knew he just had to see and talk to him again. He grabbed whatever it was that he could—instant noodles became his object—so that he could queue in line, just to be near him, and got a chance to talk with him again.

And now that he’s able to kiss Yoseob again, it’s a miracle.

Yoseob searched for Doojoon’s hand, and the latter entwined theirs together and he understood what it meant.

He’s going to make love to Yoseob, and he promised himself that he would never let the shorter male be touched by anyone else ever again.

Because Yoon Doojoon is insane for Yang Yoseob.






Hyunseung felt a vibration in his pocket and quickly took the phone out. “Doojoonie?”

“Hey. How’s it going?”

Doojoon’s voice was calm and soothing. And as he talked on the phone, he gazed lovingly at the sleeping Yoseob on the bed, with Doojoon’s clothes on him.

“Oh my God, I’m so nervous, anyway, it’s a pretty famous club around here and I wonder if I’m able to do my job right,” Hyunseung ranted panickly. “I must sound so stupid, right?”

Doojoon chuckled. “Hey, you’re gonna be alright. You were awesome back then, remember? They’re gonna love your drinks.”

“Hopefully,” Hyunseung sighed and fanned himself with a hand. “Uh... Doojoonie?”


“Thank you...for calling me.”

Doojoon smiled truly. “I just wanted to say take care. I’m not gonna be there to pick you up, so you have to promise me to really take care of yourself, buy a stun gun or a pepper spray, anything to defend yourself.”

Hyunseung giggled. “Always the protective boyfriend. Um...ex-boyfriend.”

“I’m still gonna be your friend, okay? And be selective at picking new boyfriend.”

“I will. And...I’m sorry, Doojoonie.”

“Stop saying it. I’m sorry, too, Seungie.”


“It’s nothing. Take care. I wish you the best.”

“Thank you... Goodbye, Doojoonie.”

“Goodbye, Seungie.”

Doojoon hung up and Hyunseung put the phone back into his pocket. Doojoon was right, he’s going to need to take care of himself. It was his decision to leave, and now Doojoon’s not gonna be around to pick him up anymore and take him home. But Hyunseung’s not going to regret it.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before entering the club. He’s going to be alright.

The sign on the club says,




Ecletic Thursday. Special Performance by DJ Junhyung.






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What :0
So not all of them will end up together?!
Chapter 2: fapfapfapfapfapfapfap I NEED SEUNG AND JUN TOGETHER *Q*
This story is so detailed I can't even, I literally felt their fruaratiom! Great job! ^^ (hopefully you will log in to see it)
707 streak #3
Chapter 2: hi.. can you please update for junseung sequel.. i know it's been a long time... but, i was wondering what happened to them...
straightcut #4
Chapter 2: When are u gonna update this?? I miss this fic so much.... plz....
kidoo4762 #5
Chapter 2: ur story is so ㅠㅠ at first u make them fell all the pain but bow u make them happy being together ^^
still wait for the last part for junseung
ByunyBunny #6
Chapter 2: yey! i love the kiwoon sequel! i knew it cant end like that....i will wait for junseung love ;) be healthy
tmullin #7
Chapter 2: love the sequel, please update soon! as sad as the breakups were, I'm glad that kiki and dongwoon & yoseob and doojoon are together now. Hope to read about JunSeung soon too! thank you!
Bwabwabwa #8
Chapter 2: Best story ever
chubbymorie #9
Chapter 2: new reader!!!!!
the next chap is for the junseung couple... right?
i ship those two among the others!!!!
update soon!!!
JHS_addicted #10
Chapter 2: God, this is one of those damn beautiful fiction that needs seriously special writing talent. I love KiWoon's'story the most but as junseung shipper i put my hope high to you author-ssi. Please make it DANG. :)