Valentine's Day

A Normal Fangirl

Today is Valentines Day and you could feel the festive mood already. Couples could e seen on the streets hand in hand and bouquets of flowers were everywhere.

"_____?" L.Joe said as he knocked on your door.

"Come in," you replied and closed your laptop. You saw L.Joe all dressed up and you knew that he was going out. Either for practice or schedules.

He had an apologetic look on his face and you almost wanted to laugh at it. He was pouting and his eyes were full of sorrow. he look exactly like a little kid! *Where have that charismatic and mischievous L.Joe everyone knew gone to?* you thought to yourself as you let out a small chuckle. "I'm sorry _____," L.Joe started.

"You've got schedule or practice and can't accompany me right?" you continued his sentence and looked at him. he nodded his head and his hands soon became like a praying action.

"I'm really really sorry," he pouted and did his aegyo to obtain your forgiveness. You decided to and wanted to embarrass him.

"You're sorry all the time yeah?" you smirked and opened your laptop and pretended to be doing something, but in fact you are just staring at your laptop's desktop and randomly hitting the keyboard.

"Aigoo... my baby, I'm really sorry! Pweaseee, forgive meee, pwetty pweasee?" L.Joe rubbed his hands together and pouted cutely. He jumped onto your bed and stuck his head right in front of yours because you were still ignoring him.

You looked at his face and could not help but laugh. he was just too adorable yet funny. "HAHAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE LOOK AT YOUR FACE AND HOW YOU SPOKE! HAHAHA!" you started laughing hysterically and his cheeks flushed red.

"Araso araso, just go alright? I'm fine! I'll be busy with this anyway," you pointed to your laptop and patted his head. L.Joe's face soon brightened up and he kissed your cheeks which made you feel warm and good.

"Thanks babe, I knew you would forgive me! You're so nice," L.Joe complimented you and you scoffed at it. "I'll be going now! I'll try to come back early for you alright?" he waved and left the room.

Your smile slowly faded and you did not know why, but you felt lonely. You walked out of the room to make a cup of hot chocolate before entering the room and start studying. Since you had nothing else to do as you had finished watching Running Man already, you might as well study. It is good for you though.

You took out your weekend assignment and started on it first before going on to revising your work. *x + y = 12. Find x* you read the problem sum in your mind. Your eyes enlarged and you could not believe it. This is like an elementary school's equation! You shook your head and started solving it.

After 2 hours, you finally finished your assignment and decided to take a break. You stood up and stretched before unlocking your phone to check if there were any messages. *Oh? There are 2 unseen messages,* you clicked on the first one and read.

From: Myungsoo Oppa <3

Yah Choi _____! Happy Valentines Day <3 are you having fun with your boyfriend? *wink wink* But can you ask him if I can borrow you for awhile? I've got present for you! :)

You smiled at the text and replied.

From: Baby _____ :)

Hello Myungsoo Oppa! Thank you. Happy Valentine too! <3 Nope, I'm not with Byunghun Oppa right now. He has schedule so yeah. But I'm sure he would allow! :)

Myungsoo read your reply and rang your doorbell. "Who's that?" you walked towards your door and clicked the button. "Yes?" you asked the man. He was wearing a cap and looking very suspicious in the screen.

"I'm here to rob you," the suspicious man said. Your eyes shot wide open and your heart started beating fast. You did not know what to do. 

"W-What do you w-want from me?" your voice was quivering and you started panicking. The person started laughing and he removed his cap, revealing who he was.

"YOU SERIOUS CHOI _____?!" Myungsoo could not stop laughing, causing his words to be muffled. You heaved a sigh of relief and unlocked the door and Myungsoo entered. "Yah Choi _____, you sure are one ! Who in the world would ring the door bell and tell someone that he's gonna rob them?1 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Myungsoo kept on laughing.

"Y-Yah oppa! Stop laughing, It's embarrassing. You look suspicious and your voice seemed fierce, that's why..." you pouted and your felt your cheeks burning. Myungsoo did stop laughing and he suddenly bear hugged you.

"Aigooo... I've not seen my baby for a long time now! How have you been? Great?" Myungsoo squeezed you and you almost could not breathe. However, you liked it. you missed his hugs and voice so much.

"Y-yeah, I'm great," you coughed out the words because he was hugging you too tightly. Myungsoo broke the hug and he went back out. He returned wiht a pink cage. Inside the cage was a cute little bunny! "KYAAAA! KYEOPTA!" you screamed as Myungsoo handed the cage to you.

"My Valentine gift," Myungsoo shrugged and smiled upon seeing your happy face. "You're welcome _____," he sarcastically said as you did not thank his for it.

"Hehehehe, thank you Oppa," you smiled and went into your room and placed the bunny inside. "Oppa! Come in," you bellowed from your room. Myungsoo walked into your room and closed the door.

"Wow, there's no difference between a girl's room and a boy's," Myungsoo stated.

"Thanks a lot Oppa," you replied sarcastically and took out the bunny and place it on your lap. However, he hopped off and went onto your bed. "Cute,"you smiled to yourself while looking at the bunny hopping around your bed.

"Hmmm? _____, since when do you play the guitar?" Myungsoo spotted a pink guitar beside your bed. He walked towards it and grabbed it.

"OH! An uncle from the music store gave it to me for free because he says that I look like I can play the guitar well," you explained to him as you put the bunny back into the cage. "Oppa, can you play me a song? I know that you know how to play the guitar," you requested.

Myungsoo sat beside you and started strumming the guitar flawlessly. although you never heard this song before, but it sounded really nice and great! Myungsoo's fingers were like made for a guitar. his hands fitted the guitar perfectly and he strummed it so sweetly.

You was awed with his skills. Although you knew that he could play a guitar, however you did not know that he could play it so well. He ended the song with a strum and you clapped wholeheartedly. "WAAA! You are so cool you know?!" you showed him two thumbs up and grabbed the guitar from him and started imitating how he strummed the guitar.

"_____, you know how to play the guitar?" Myungsoo asked you. However, you shook your head and continued strumming the guitar. "But you just played a G-Chord, and now a D-Chord!" Myungsoo exclaimed, a little suspicious that you said you did not know how to play the guitar.

"Hmmm... Let me teach you a C-Chord and if you place these 3 chords together, you could play a song!" Myungsoo suggested and you agreed to it. *Wow, guitar seems so easy! Just with 3 chords, you can play a song already! So cool,* you thought to yourself excitedly. 

Just like that, your whole afternoon and a little into your evening was spent with Myungsoo and the guitar. You was more interested in the guitar already as it was just simply so cool!

"_____, Oppa needs to go already, mian!" Myungsoo apologized.. 

"Anya! Kwenchana oppa, get home safely," you said and smiled genuinely. "Thanks for accompanying me today though, annyeong!" you thanked him and hugged Myungsoo lightly. He just smiled and ruffled your hair before leaving the dormitory. 

*Back to being alone again... Sigh,* you staggered into you room and play with the rabbit. 

*Brrr... Brrr...* you phone vibrated. 

From: Byunghun <3

Hey babe! I've just finished my schedule and I'm heading back to the dormitory right now. Wanna go stroll in the park? ;)

You smiled to yourself while reading the text. *Well, at least  the last few hours before Valentines Day is over could be spent with Byunghun,* you got changed and wore something warm as you did not want to catch a cold. 

From: Baby <3

Yes sir! Be right there in 10 minutes, wait for me araso? ^^ 

*Aigooo... So cute,* L.Joe smiled to himself and sat on the playground's slide and waited for you to come.

You put on your coat and boots and ran out of the dormitory, towards the park. Once you arrived, you immediately walked towards the place where the playground was as L.Joe had once told you that it was his favourite place. 

*Hmmm? Where's Oppa?* you looked around the playground like a lost child. Suddenly, the playground lighted up and on top of the playground was LJoe. The lights on the floor makes up 'I Love You _____ <3' .

"Awww... Byunghun-ah..." your eyes was teary and L.Joe came down from the slide gently, with a bouquet of flowers in his arms. You made eye-contact with him and could not help but to hug him. 

It was the first time something like this happened to you. And for a moment, you felt really loved and the feeling of true happiness. "Byunghun, thank you. Thank you so much for doing stuffs like that although you are busy with schedules and practices. I'm really touched!" you smiled at him and tears trickled down your cheeks. 

"Awww... Baby don't cry, no matter how busy I am, I still have to cater time for my Princess here," L.Joe cleaned the tears off your cheeks and your hair. He passed to you the bouquet of flowers and you loved it so much. It was your favourite colour and there was a little note in between the flowers as well.

L.Joe helped you and made you sit on the slide and he went away to prepare something.Suddenly, a music started playing and it was Supa Luv. He started dancing to the song and when it was his part, your eyes twinkled. You love his part just like too mcuh. 

He liked his lips and placed his thumb on your cheeks. At this moment, your cheeks were literally burning and you felt really nervous. L.Joe walked away and he winked at you. Your eyes widened in shock and you teased, "Are you trying to seduce me Lee Byunghun?" 

"HAHAHA, no way! Who would wanna seduce a girl like you? Seriously..." L.Joe teased back and the both of you laughed. L.Joe walked towards you and lied down beside you. "It is such a wonderful night right? Being able to spend time with your lover on a romantic Valentines night," L.Joe smiled and looked up into the sky.

"Wow, this is like Deja Vu, our first date in the night was spent like this as well. Lying side by side and talking what is in our heart," you smiled as you tilted your head to face L.Joe.

"Yeah, it sure is. I also told you about my wish remember?" L.Joe also tilted his head to face you. You smiled and nodded your head. 

*I'm like the happiest girl on Earth right now. Having a boyfriend who sincerely love me for who I am, being able to meet my Dad and having Teen Top to take care of me and they brought so much happiness to my life,* you smiled and looked up into the sky, *God, I've got nothing else to ask for, my life is just plain perfect right now.* 


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Chapter 43: please update soon T.T you are gonna keep updating chapters right?
Chapter 42: please update soon T.T
Chapter 37: you are gonna keep updating chapters right?
Chapter 37: maybe Minho is her long-lost-brother?? Like her flashback about her father and her buy her a dress and ask someone opinion!

Anyway, new subcribers!

Yo! Wassup, Eryka here!
inspirit-angel #5
Chapter 30: OMG! Sorry to everyone :/ I seriously can't think of anything to write >< I'm sorry T^T I'll need time to get away from this feeling... So at this point of time, I'm really sorry D:
EBVN1987 #6
Chapter 30: wait for your update
fighting <3
KimChi27Mochi #7
Chapter 30: please update soon~ but don't rush it because
I know that you are busy :)
Nice fanfic dear. Don't mind to read my fanfic. Character ; Minho and Yoona :3
Chapter 26: sungi was so scary!! i wonder what is his problem??? aww ryan is so kind!!
Kpoplover9419 #10
Chapter 25: Omo I really cried for this chapter