Chapter 6

The Phantom of Dialisk Street
Sleeping tightly, Donghae dreamt of Hyukjae, when someone knocked from outside.

he got up and opened the door to see Kyuhyun.

"Cho... What are you doing here? It's already... What time is it?" he looked at the clock.

"12:47 am?! I never knew!"

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, it's past midnight, so why are you here?" asked Donghae, scratching his messy hair.

"I don't understand a single thing on our mathematics lesson. Could you teach me?" Kyuhyun asked nervously.

"Sure. Notes?"

Donghae reached out his hand and looked for Kyuhyun's notebook.

"Uh... here."

Kyuhyun took out an orange notebook and pulled out a pen.

He sat on a chair two seats away from Donghae.

"Cho, how am I supposed to teach you? Don't be shy there and sit beside me."

Donghae pulled out the chair beside him and patted it. Kyuhyun slowly sat on it.

"So give me your pen."

Donghae held Kyuhyun's hand and pulled the pen out.

"Here, you substitute x and then blah blah blah...."

Not a single word reached Kyuhyun's mind as he thought of how on eart he could be connected to Donghae.

" did you understand?" Donghae finished talking in about 15 minutes and looked at Kyuhyun's brown orbs.

"Hey did you understand?!"

"Oh?!" Kyuhyun wen back to reality. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I understood everything and thank you. I'm leaving."

He waved goodbye.

"I hope that helped," said Donghae, smiling. "Oh and if you see Treasure Hyukkie, thank her for bringing you to my place."

They both waves goodbye.

As he left, He realized why they had a strong connection.

"He's just the same as me. We're both monsters..."

"And he must have forgotten that he is one because of Hyukjae's influence..."

Kyuhyun's eyes narrowed. 

"I shall have Hyukjae annihilated..."

Then a voice whispered from behind him. 


It got louder and louder... No. Maybe it's better to say that it's getting closer and closer to his back. 

Kyuhyun turned around. "Who's there?-"

He met a pair of red eyes. They were glaring at him. 

"If you lay a finger on my Treasure Hyukkie, I'll have your intestines pulled out..."

Kyuhyun kept his eyes wide open in shock. Slowly, the eyes disappeared and Kyuhyun was left in the middle of the cold, freezing snow. 

"That was certainly- I don't know anymore... But his voice was familiar."

He poked his cheek and scratched his throat. 

"I'm hungry again. For the first time... This month."

His eyes turned blue. "I have to get Donghae. I hav to make him know what he is, and I think I'll have to use his Treasure Hyukkie as a bait. Then..."

"...the finale."

Donghae had gotten the clue now on who's the real villain: Cho Kyuhyun. He lowered down the very same book he first saw Hyukjae read. 

He read aloud, "Chapter 60 of 63: d'Artagnan loses Constance."

His eyes narrowed. "I won't lose my Treasure Hyukkie. Omo, what time is it?"

He looked at the clock as it struck 1 in the morn. He set out to sleep on his bed. 

The next day  was full of awe. Kyuhyun set out to Hyukjae's house. 

A pair of massive angel wings came out from Kyu's back as he flew up to the outside of the 2nd floor of Hyukjae's house. 

A fair skinned hand reached out to Hyukjae's brown hair. "I'll never say 'I'm sorry' to you. I'll be sure to save Donghae."

Kyuhyun's voice woke Hyukjae up, and the next thing he knew was that he was being abducted by an angel with brown hair and glowing blue eyes. 

"Yah! Put me down! Yah!!! Let- go- LET GO OF ME!!!! where are you taking me?!" 

He bit the angel's arm.

Kyuhyun, who got his arm bitten by his captive, yelped in pain and let go of Hyukjae, who fell down a thick forest. 

Hyukjae fell and hit the branches, some scratching his face. "Hae... help..."

Below the branches he was caught in a rigorously running river along other dried leaves and human bones. 

The river ran and ended up in a waterfall. Down he fell, and he seemed lifeless. 

"Lee!!!" a familiar voice called out to him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the very same angel. 

"Cho?" he said softly. "is that you?" 

Kyuhyun did not say a words as he reached out to get Hyukjae. 


"Okay I'm Kyuhyun and I came to get you as a bait and capture Donghae and etc."

They arrived at a small cave by the end of the falls. 

"I-I don't understand. Why would you-"

he stopped talking when he felt a burning sensation in his head. 

He heard Donghae's loud and mad roar, that of a monster. 

"Hae... I'm here. Please listen to me," he closed his eyes and did not move. 

He followed Kyuhyun into the cave as the narrow entrance emitted a faint glow. 

"Now don't move and wait for Donghae." Kyuhyun pointed at him, blue eyes glaring. 

"Hey, you know I can always run away if you only leave me here-"

Hyukjae stopped when chains burst out of the ground, startling him. 

"Who said you're free to stand? You're my hostage, remember..." Kyuhyun turned back and looked at the darkness waiting at the far end of the cave. 

"Donghae, I'm waiting," his glowing blue eyes glowed even more intense.


hiya guise primsat21 here!

sorry I wasn't able to update for long!


all because of the school play were having... and I have to be the villain. :|

although, once this play ends, I'll be getting back to you guise so just enjoy the story!!! :)

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OTL I'll be finishing this fic soon..... Have 6 more chappies to write, I think OuO


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Chapter 17: A little flat I think.. :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 16: Whoa! Thanks for the update! Things have gotten so much clearer in the last few chapters. Looking forward to more :)
Chapter 12: i don't really understand.... is it just a dream?
Lexington #4
Woah. Woah. Woah!!
So what happened? Hae isn't really dead, is he?
He can't be? Treasure Hyukkie will be alone forever! :(
Unless, Hyukkie kisses him? You know, true loves kiss(:
Yay, I can't wait. Update soon~.
Gyu. Gyu. Gyu. ._____________. Is he a vampire or whatsoever too? ;AAA; Update soon ._____________.
omo! im curious abour kyu! ><
OhMaiGawd. Update soon ._________.
NoOtherThanMe #8
OMG I'm so curious what kind of creature is Hae? He ate humans and could ____ people's blood too? Wow O.O
But it's great that he's trying to suppress his blood hunger because he loves Hyuk! Kyaa XD
Thanks for the update~ :3
Lexington #9
Aw Donghae!!
You're so cute but you still hurt Hyukkie. >:(
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Let's hope he's not mad.
That was fast. XD Update soon! :)