Chapter 4

The Phantom of Dialisk Street
"No. You're crazy. You're my dog-"

"Stop treating me as a dog! I love you and I want you to be my boyfriend!"

Donghae stood in the middle of Wintreigh University. "Stop! You love me? We've only been together for like... 29 hours and you're now in love?!"

"Yes!" Donghae shouted. "I love you and I love you Treasure Hyukkie!"

"Whatever!" Hyukjae said in disbelief. "I'm going home!"

"LOOK AT ME!" Donghae shouted, his eyes shut tight.

The loudness of the shout forced Hyukjae ti close his eyes. And when he opened it, the world was sight different from the normal world.

"Where am I?" Hyukjae looked around. "You're lost! Hae, I can't see you!" he screamed towards a thick fog, which cleared away.

Hyukjae saw himself behind the fog. It was a very terrifying sight. Hyukjae turned to vomit, but when he did, Donghae appeared before him.

"Hae, where were you-" Hyukjae's eyes widened as his green eyes met narrow and dull eyes that resemble unfathomable darkness. No, not darkness. But Donghae's eyes were red and yellow.

His eyes were burning, frightening like hellfire.

Terrified, Hyukjae closed his eyes and opened them again.

His eyes were wide open and filled with tears. "Treasure Hyukkie? You okay-"

Before he den finished, Hyukjae threw in a lot of rage, all straight at Donghae.


"Treasure Hyukkie, it's me-"


Donghae was shocked. "Huh? I'm a m-monster?" tears uncontrollably ran down his cheeks. Hyukjae kept punching him, leaving bruises all over.

"Die, you monster..." Hyukjae could hardly talk because if his continues sobbing. "Die-"

Donghae can't takenanymore words and shoved Hyukjae beside the gates of the university, the latter's back hitting the brick wall hard.

Donghae didn't know how to get Hyukjae out of the trance and had no other choice but to kiss him.

"What did you see?" he asked the shaking boy in his arms.

"I saw y-you eat m-my h-Hand and I ra-ran away. But you c-chased me and took out m-m-my he-heart and ate i-it," Hyukjae stuttered.

"Don't worry. That will never happen, my Treasure Hyukkie." Donghae kissed Hyukjae's forehead.

"But," Hyukjae continued. "I looked straight at your eyes. They were burning. I'm scared."

"Okay, I assure you. That won't happen. That I promise," Donghae Hyukjae's hair gently. "And if it happens, I'll go burn myself in a never-ending inferno."

"No! Don't die... Please, I'm too scared to be let alone..." Hyukjae stopped sobbing.

"Why? I should punish myself and die in vain-"



And so every night Hyukjae would experience the same horrifying dream and he'd run to the floor to hug Donghae.

"You okay?" Donghae asked.

"I saw it again."

"Don't worry about it, Treasure Hyukkie. Now, go back to your sleep. Just... think of happy thoughts."

Donghae held the shaking boy's hand.

"Aniyo. Sleep with me on the bed," Hyukjae requested.

"You'll do fine on your own. Worry not," Donghae whispered.

Hyukjae finally slept in peace and did so without a sound.

Donghae however, looked at Hyukjae with such lust.

Not malice...

But a monster's or a vampire's lust for blood.

"I want to eat..." Donghae grasped his own neck, scratching his Adam's apple. His eyes turned red once again, his mouth growing fangs and his fingers growing sharp and pointed nails.

His sight became different. In his perspective, everything was negative in color, the the view was something like x-ray.

Donghae looked at Hyukjae, Husbeyes looking at his veins, which contained running blood - fresh blood - all inside tasty flesh - meat, human meat.

Then all of a sudden, Donghae realized that the one he's looking at with such lust is his Treasure Hyukkie!

"No!" he whispered. "How could I look at him like that? I won't eat him. I won't because I love him.

Even if I die with hunger, I wouldn't eat people. All for Hyukjae."

His eyes became dark again. He panted breathlessly.

"But I'm... so hungry... please, just a cup of blood..."

Donghae went near his Hyukkie, his dark, rusty brown eyes becoming red all over, and put his fangs near Hyukjae's bare neck.

When his fangs touched Hyukjae's neck lightly, the latter moaned and turned his head to the right, his lips unconsciously touching Donghae's lipe.

The fact that the slight, soft kiss came from his beloved Treasure Hyukkie, forced him to be normal once again.

He cried inside his head, "Treasure Hyukkie, what will indonif I lose control and eat you?"

He pulled back and wept.

"I-I am so s-sorry, but I have no c-choice."

He became thirsty again.

He lowered down his fangs and slowly pressed them on Hyukjae's neck.

Hyukjae opened his eyes in pain, and fell asleep again, as Donghae started drinking the boy's blood. He stopped when he heard Hyukjae moan in pain while sleeping.

Immediately he pulled out and the wounds on Hyukjae's neck and apologized.

"Treasure Hyukkie, I'm so sorry," said Donghae.

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OTL I'll be finishing this fic soon..... Have 6 more chappies to write, I think OuO


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Chapter 17: A little flat I think.. :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 16: Whoa! Thanks for the update! Things have gotten so much clearer in the last few chapters. Looking forward to more :)
Chapter 12: i don't really understand.... is it just a dream?
Lexington #4
Woah. Woah. Woah!!
So what happened? Hae isn't really dead, is he?
He can't be? Treasure Hyukkie will be alone forever! :(
Unless, Hyukkie kisses him? You know, true loves kiss(:
Yay, I can't wait. Update soon~.
Gyu. Gyu. Gyu. ._____________. Is he a vampire or whatsoever too? ;AAA; Update soon ._____________.
omo! im curious abour kyu! ><
OhMaiGawd. Update soon ._________.
NoOtherThanMe #8
OMG I'm so curious what kind of creature is Hae? He ate humans and could ____ people's blood too? Wow O.O
But it's great that he's trying to suppress his blood hunger because he loves Hyuk! Kyaa XD
Thanks for the update~ :3
Lexington #9
Aw Donghae!!
You're so cute but you still hurt Hyukkie. >:(
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Let's hope he's not mad.
That was fast. XD Update soon! :)