Chapter 1

Love: it's BLIND

Please listen to this song while reading:


Once upon a time, there lived a young couple named Kim Jaejoong and Jung Yunho. Kim Jaejoong is nice, handsome, smart, rich, matter how you put it, this man is PERFECT. But Yunho in the other hand is a poor man and what's worst is, he's Blind. He doesn't possess any good qualites except for his talent for dancing and his handsome face.

But despite of this huge differences and the gap between them, Jaejoong and Yunho loved each other. No matter what people say to matter how much they'll make fun of the both of them, they'll continue loving each other.

But one day...

"I finally talked with the doctor". Jaejoong smiled as he approach Yunho and sat beside him; embracing the other man. "He said that the operation will be tomorrow....You can finally see my love!".

"R-really?". Yunho was shocked. "Who's the donor?"

"Who knows". Jaejoong tightened his embrace to the other man. "What matter most is that you can finally see now".

Yunho smiled and kissed the Perfect Man beside him. Jaejoong was so suprised that he trip and fell on the floor.


"W-what happened? Are you okay?". Yunho asked worriedly, he stood up and search for the other man.

"I'm okay Yunho...I'm here~". Jaejoong giggled as he stood up and look at his helpless lover; searching for him. Jaejoong held Yunho's hand and guide him on sofa. "Here...sit here."

"I'm sorry for being Helpless". Yunho poutted as he crossed his arms. "BUT..". Yunho hold Jaejoong's hand and put it on his chest. "But when I can finally see...I'll be the one who'll protect you...And what's important is that I can finally see my PERFECT Lover".

"Your being cheesy again, Yunho". Jaejoong laughed. " Come..we better rest now...your operation is tomorrow, remember?".

Yunho nodded.

Jaejoong guided Yunho to their room. When Yunho is finally asleep, Jaejoong kissed the other man's forehead and whispered "I Love you".

At that time, Jaejoong walked out the room and slowly shut the door close, making sure not to wake up the other man. Jaejoong went to the living room and took the phone and dialed a number...

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello?". A deep husky Voice answered. "Mr. Kim? Is this you?

"Yes Dr. Shim Changmin...It is me." Jaejoong replied to the Doctor. "I'm ready now.."

"Good. " The doctor responded. "you SHOULD be"


With that the call has ended.

At the next day..the day of Yunho's operation,

Yunho lay on the bed, waiting for the Doctor and Nurses to bring him to the Operation Room. He was afraid and at the same time, excited. Jaejoong was sitting beside him, holding his hands..telling him not to be afraid.

"Yunho...don't worry I'm here". Jaejoong smiled. "I'll never leave you".

"I know..". Yunho replied as he tightened his hold to the other man's hand.

Later on, the doctor came and some nurses.

"Are you ready Mr. Jung?". Dr. Changmin asked.

Yunho looked at Jaejoong; as if he can see the man and waiting for his response. Jaejoong just smiled and nod to his lover. jaejoong's other hand touch Yunho's cheeck; as if he was signalling him to say yes.

"I-I am!". Yunho replied to the doctor; touching jaejoong's other hand on his cheeks.

"Well..let's go now!". Dr. Changmin ordered the Nurse to push Yunho's bed into the operation room.

"Ready Mr. Kim?". The Doctor asked Jaejoong.

Jaejoong nodded.

"Let's get you ready then..donor"

After the operation, Yunho had to stay for about a few months on the hospital. His eyes were bandaged so he still cannot be abe to see. Jaejoong will visit Yunho everyday. But Yunho seemed to felt something weird about his lover. His lover started to be clumsy and alwats broke something.

After that, Yunho can finally see now. He rushed himself to the house, excited to see his lover.

But when Yunho opened the door, he saw a blind man sitting on the coach.

" that you? You're finally home? You can see now, right?". The other man stood up and slowly search for the owner of the voice. The Man trip and fell many times, but still he continued searching for the voice.

Yunho just stood up. He didn't help the helpless man. He was glarring at him with Anger.

"YOU'RE BLIND TOO?". Yunho growled as he kick the other Man, earning a small moan from him. "JAEJOONG...YOU'RE BLIND?!!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TOLD ME?!!".

"Y-Yunho?". Jaejoong hugged his stomach, tried to stood up and hug Yunho. But Yunho pushed Jaejoong away.

"! SO THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!!! I MEAN....THERE'S NO WAY SOMEONE "NORMAL" WILL POSSIBLY GO OUT WITH A BLIND MAN, IS THERE?!!".  Yunho punched the wall as he look at his blind lover; kneeling on the floor and crying helplessly.

"Yunho..please..? I love you so much". Jaejoong cried as he again, touch the other Man.

"Don't touch me! Your disgusting! I don't love you er!!!". Yunho kicked Jaejoong away. He went straight to the room, look for his stuffs and went away.

Jaejoong just sat there...He doesn't know what to do. He cried and cried.

"Love is blind, huh?". jaejoong shivered as he heard a car engine starting. He knew it was Yunho. He knew that Yunho will leave him.


" love"


"please take care of my eyes"



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Uh..nevermind..I should just do a sequel instead //slapped


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Chapter 1: OMG!!! OMG WTH!! Yunho you are so mean... How could you?? I hate you
Don't cry Jae...
SakuraJae #2
Chapter 1: Omgggggg author nim!! You should continue this storyyyy!!! Omg~~~
Sam-facades #3
Chapter 1: Really yun I can't find asuitable word to describe my disgust towards u
Poor JJ
Hope u will write more continuation
Chapter 1: Yunho is too mean T_T omg jaeee
Chapter 1: It's incredible how could Yunho was so mean to Jae!! I didn't like his behaviour a bit.
ok so you got me hooked ,proceed...... please
Chapter 1: omg i am crying please please make a sequel you can't leave it like this yunho must know about jae
Chapter 1: i wish for sequel.. it would be great if Yunho know the truth.. No! he must know the truth.. please don't leave Jae broken like that... TT__TT
Chapter 1: hwaaa this is so sad, how can YunHo reacted that way towards Jae, so what if he's blind? hwaaa i hope there'll be sequel, Yun has to know that Jae's the donor and he has to suffer for being such a stupid person. aish....anyways thank you so much for this story hwaaa i feel so sad poor Jae TT^TT....
Chapter 1: O_o why like this!!! andwea!!!! gah~ yunho u are still blind huh??? poor jae~ -sobs, sobs-