Chapter 6

It's All Lies


Daehyun darted back inside his office. Anger and confusion clouded his mind. ‘Why does April keep pushing me away as if I’m not that important to her?’


His eyes fell on a picture frame of you and him together during a date at Lotte World on his birthday. His eyebrows furrowed, his heart felt like it would burst any second now. If Yunee was telling him the truth about you cheating behind him, then the obvious changes in your action since the last few weeks explained it all. ‘I shouldn’t just let myself be kicked away like this. I must do something.’




“Hey,” Kris’ deep voice broke your trance. You blinked as you glanced around the surrounding. Kris had parked his car infront of a seafood restaurant. There were quite a lot of people, since it was lunch time.


“Sorry, I got lost in my own world,” You apologized.


“No biggie. I've always liked quiet type of girl, like you,” He winked before opening his door and jogged to your side to open the door for you. Your heart warmed at his small action. ‘Daehyun had never done this me ever.’


After locking his car, the two of you went straight to a vacant table for two near the sea. It was such a romantic place with a nice, sea view too. The sea breeze gently brushed your long wavy hair, making it seemed like you were on a filming set.


“You have a nice black hair. Have you never dyed it before?” Kris asked. The waiter came and held out two menu books. While waiting for you and Kris to choose something from it, the waiter left to do some other things.


“I’ve never colored my hair before. I like my original hair color,” You answered truthfully. After five minutes, the waiter came back and jotted down the foods both you and Kris ordered for lunch. It only took around ten to fifteen minutes for the ordered foods to be served.


“So, do you like the flowers I sent you?” Kris asked as he popped a small cut of fried fish into his mouth.


You coughed, “So they were from you?”


Kris nodded, “Yeah, I asked the flower shop to send the bouquets of roses everyday straight to your desk. I found out you like flowers, from Yunee.”


“Yunee?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Yeah, Yunee, your office mate,” He replied.


‘It’s strange. Why would Yunee tell him about my personal likings? Doesn’t she have anything better to do than to sell my personal information to a stranger?’ You slowly nodded and continued eating, “Are you that close to Yunee?”


Kris shrugged, “Well, not really. I only come to her when I needed to know something about you. She seemed to know you very well, I wonder if both of you are somehow connected, maybe close friends? But it seems unlikely though, since the two of you doesn’t look that close and friendly towards each other.”


‘Yeah, I’m curious about that too. How the hell she knows about me when she barely even knows where I live and who my family members are. Is she stalking me?’ You shook your head, “No, we’re not close. We’re only in the office mate terms. I don’t have any close friends, just my younger brother.”


“Figures. You doesn’t look too friendly with anyone else too though, but it is strange how I got attracted to you in the first place,” Kris chuckled, “Maybe because you’re not like the other girls I used to know and see. You don’t have that model-like figure; skinny and tall, you’re not as pretty as the other girls too. Don’t get offended by my words, I mean, you’re beautiful but there’s actually something else about you that made me personally attracted to you.”


“Well, thanks for the detailed description about my so-called beauty, Mr. Wu. I’m flattered,” You rolled your eyes. Kris couldn’t help but laughed at your reaction, “I told you I didn’t mean to offend you!”


You smiled at his defensive response. Although you knew it was not a right thing to do; going out with other guy when there was clearly a crisis between you and Daehyun, but you couldn’t think of anything else to help you occupy your stress.


The two of you continued chatting and eating. It was nice to have somebody acting romantic and caring towards you like how you had always wanted Daehyun to act like. If Daehyun had been so creative and romantic in the relationship, there would be no way you would grow bored with him.

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ggy_erd #1
Chapter 24: this story
Chapter 24: Author nim u made me cry why did Bomi had to die ; _ ; nooo this made me cry so much :( but i still love this fic <3 awesome and amazingly plotted :3
SpecialFTyou #3
Chapter 24: One of the best I've ever read. :')
Chapter 10: You named the workers after the characters and one of the actors in Rooftop Prince! XD
Chapter 24: It'a crazy story !

love the story so far~~ im going to stay up all night trying to finish this even if I have school tomorrow <3 haha
Chapter 24: Bomi shouldn't have died. I love her the most in this story and little bit do I wish that she'll be with Daehyun in the end hahah.

One of the best fictions I've ever read. I love how you don't insert too much of the rated parts. *thumbs up* :')