Chapter 4

It's All Lies


The two of you stepped inside his parent’s house. They had quite a big house, despite only having Daehyun as a son. Daehyun’s father was a local businessman while his mother was a lecturer in a university nearby their house. You had seen his parents a few times, because of their busy schedule even Daehyun couldn’t see them often.


“Are you hungry? I’m sure I am hungry,” Daehyun chuckled at his own joke. You forced a smile and sat down on the big sofa.


“I’ll be right back with drinks, and maybe some cookies,” He disappeared out of your sight in a matter of second.


You sighed and took the remote control from the table and switched on the TV. Luckily your favorite TV drama was on air. You leaned back on the sofa while waiting for your boyfriend to come back with some foods since you were feeling hungry as well.


Few minutes later, Daehyun came with a tray of hot drinks and snacks. He set the tray on the table and held out a mug of hot mocha to you. You took a short sip and flinched at the hotness.


“I don’t know where Mom put my favorite cookies. I think she doesn’t want me to gobble up everything in the kitchen. She always says she’s afraid of my health condition. I eat a lot but never gain weight,” Daehyun clucked his tongue as he took a sip himself.


“Why do you bring me here anyways?” You asked.


“Ah,” Daehyun suddenly remembered and put his mug of mocha down. He looked up at you and grinned. “Actually I bought you something for our second anniversary gift,” He stood up and pulled out a velvet box from his pocket.


You tilted your head in wonder. ‘He got me a real gift this time?’


He smiled and stuck out the velvet box right infront of your face. You automatically backed away as the box was only centimeters away from you. ‘Okay, he finally got me a gift but the way he gave me the present is so not romantic. Shoving it right infront of my face? If it wasn’t because it’s his gift, I would probably shove it back to him.’


“What is this?”


“Open it. I thought of you when I first saw it,” He answered honestly. You took the box from his hand and narrowed your eyes at him judgingly, “You better not play tricks with me like last night, Mr. Jung.”


“I am not. Open it now. I know you will like it,” His eyes glistened, excitedly waiting for your reaction.


You carefully opened the box and your eyes widened at the beautiful sight infront of you. ‘Earrings?’


“How is it? You like it right? I’m sorry I teased you last night, I did actually have something for you but I just wanted to tease you. I hope this can make it up,” Daehyun hopefully said.


“Daehyun,” You said. He stared back into your eyes and smiled. “Thank you for the gift. I know this is expensive. But I can’t have it.”


His expression fell. He thought you’d like it. “Why not? Are they not beautiful enough?”


“It’s beautiful, it’s gorgeous. But I can’t have it. I think you didn’t even think of me when you bought these earrings,” You calmly stated. You were actually hurt with the present but you tried not to show him your disappointment.


“Tell me, why?” He demanded, but then he realized something as he looked at your ears. His eyes rounded as he gasped.


“Yes, Daehyun. You know I don’t have holes for earrings in my ears. I never pierced my ears since I was born, and I thought you know every little detail about me since you said so. We shared many secrets during our two years relationship, and yet you never get anything about me right,” Your voice was low, enough to show Daehyun how disappointed you were.


“April…” Daehyun guiltily called. His expression changed from his usual happy face to one you rarely see. “I didn’t remember, no, it’s not that I don’t remember, but this beauty really caught my eyes the first time I laid my eyes on them. I thought they would look beautiful on you. I messed up. I should’ve bought you something else. I’m so stupid.”


You sighed. You knew he made the effort to get you something special, but you were really hurt that he couldn’t even remember the smallest detail about yourself. Even if you accepted those earrings, you wouldn’t even be able to wear them. You never liked piercings, you thought they hurt like hell. Anything that involved needles and skin, you would try your hardest to avoid it.


“I’m sorry, but I should go now,” You slowly got up from your seat and put the velvet box on the table.


Daehyun immediately grasped your wrist before you turned to go, “Do you really have to act like this over a small mistake? I got you something, at least appreciate it.”


Even after making a mistake, he never, never ever said his sorry. That was Jung Daehyun. He knew he was in the wrong, but he still never said it.


You spun around and smirked, “You know what, Daehyun? I’m tired of all this. I’m tired not hearing you apologizes after making mistakes. You always forgot every little detail about me. I don’t care if you have everything in this world,” You took a deep breath before continuing, “I think I’m losing my interests towards you, Daehyun.”


Daehyun felt a pang in his heart. His grip on your wrist loosened as he slowly took in all the venoms coming from your lips. He had never imagined you would say those words to him. “I thought you knowing my love was enough.”


You lightly scoffed and smirked, “Everyone says that too, Daehyun. But to me, it’s not enough. Yes, I want a perfect boyfriend, who would show me his love and care anywhere, who would say the sweetest things to me, who remembers every little thing about me and who always says sorry everytime he makes mistake. You, Jung Daehyun, only have the looks, but none of the things I said earlier came in package with you. Therefore here, I, admit that my feelings are wavering right now. You never seemed serious about this relationship, you’re always joking and has that happy smile on your face. I don’t know if we’re actually in the right lane, if we’re actually meant to be together. Two years isn’t long enough to know each other, and I’m afraid we can even barely get to three by next year. So what I’m asking for now is, please give me some space to think about this. You should do the same too, think, whether you actually really love me or not. I’m leaving. Good night, Daehyun.”


You swiftly turned around and left the house, leaving Daehyun dropped himself onto the sofa, speechless.

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ggy_erd #1
Chapter 24: this story
Chapter 24: Author nim u made me cry why did Bomi had to die ; _ ; nooo this made me cry so much :( but i still love this fic <3 awesome and amazingly plotted :3
SpecialFTyou #3
Chapter 24: One of the best I've ever read. :')
Chapter 10: You named the workers after the characters and one of the actors in Rooftop Prince! XD
Chapter 24: It'a crazy story !

love the story so far~~ im going to stay up all night trying to finish this even if I have school tomorrow <3 haha
Chapter 24: Bomi shouldn't have died. I love her the most in this story and little bit do I wish that she'll be with Daehyun in the end hahah.

One of the best fictions I've ever read. I love how you don't insert too much of the rated parts. *thumbs up* :')