Talk That

How Long Is Forever?


Secret - Talk That




"Ye Eun is my girlfriend.," he repeated,firmly.There were fire burning in his eyes.No,He's not joking this time.

Kwangmin get up and walk up to his older twin,holding his shoulder.

"You're still sick.Go and rest," he lightly grab his arm and lead him to his room.

He shrugged his words off his mind,thinking it might the effect of the medicine he took earlier.

Youngmin the suddenly grab his wrist,making Kwangmin face him.

"I heard about the wedding.When is it?,"

Kwangmin gulped.He battled with himself to lie or say the truth to his brother.


First, he can't remember who Jihyun is.

Second,He claims that Ye Eun is his.

What is this confusion in his head?

"When is it,Kwangmin?,"

"Just go to sleep,"

He pull the comforter up to his neck and close the bed lamp.He quickly walk out before he could ask anything more.

'Youngmin,I hope you could regain your memory soon'




You woke up the next day feeling all groggy.You eyes were swollen and you hate it.

'The person who make you feel happy the most is the same person who will break you heart badly'

You look up at the quote written on your calendar.You scoffed and roll your eyes.You still can't believe that Kwangmin would do that.These days,Jihyun seems to be ditching you too.She's been going out a lot and come back late at night.You are tired of questioning her,you don't want to argue with her.You felt so stupid for being too good to offer to stay together so that you could look after her.

On your way to the stairs you pass by Jihyun's room.The door was slightly open.Usually,you wouldn't even notice the existence of the room.But today you take a chance to look around the room you had given up to your precious..WAS good friend.You slowly walk in,afraid that she'll wake up,even though you knew she's a heavy sleeper.

One thing caught your eyes.One thing that would attract anyone that step in the room.One obvious thing hanging by the closet.One simple long vintage dress with a small strap,perfectly shaped with a ribbon and a small flower by the waist.You look at the tag and felt as if the world had crushed into pieces.

Has lying been a new trend that you didn't know?

'Engagement Dress - Jung Ji Hyun
Bridal Boutique'

'Engagement?,' you thought yourself.

You heard a light gasp behind you.You turn around and in a flash Jihyun snatch the dress and throw it in the closet.

You stare at her "Engagement dress?,"

She look at you nervously,trying to find words to explain.

"Its n-not like what you think.Trust me,"her voice was shaking.

Those shaking voice was never convincing.Two people that you trust the most had lied to you,should you even trust anyone again?

"Then what is it?!," you could feel your head is heating up

Its the first time she ever heard you raise up your voice angrily at her.She gulped and play with her fingers.If she's not your friend,you would've kick her out immediately.

"What is it Jihyun-ah? What is it if its not what I think?? WHAT IS IT?,"

You had enough when she replied you with silence.

You storm out the room and walk down to the kitchen,trying to get something that could calm you down.

You heard her yell your name out but you choose to ignore it.

She chase you down and stop by the stairs.

You were immersed in your thoughts and anger in the kitchen.How could she.How could Kwangmin.

"Ye Eun,ah! it hurts!,"

You were debating with yourself to go or not to go and see her.It might be another drama from her but still,she's your friend.You should at least check ou-


You saw her sitting at the last stair,clutching her stomach.

"Did you fell down the stairs?,"

She shook her head with her eyes closed "It just hurts..,"

You waste no time and drive her to the hospital.



"She's fine.Just a little bit stressed out and she had a slight fever.Right now,she just need a lot of rest.She may go home today," the doctor smiled and I just nod my head.

On the way home,the atmosphere was quiet and Jihyun is just sleeping all the way home.

When we got home,Jihyun went straight to her bedroom and rest.

"Do you want anything to eat?," You asked while leaning by the door frame,trying to avoid eye contact.

She shook her head."No,Sorry for troubling you,"

You did not reply anything.Instead,you close the door and walk down to get ready for your lectures today.


You had only two lectures and then you went straight back home.You're still mad at Jihyun of course but that doesn't mean you should leave her alone.Oh,good heart of yours.Sometimes,you felt like you shouldn't be too good.If she's not sick,they might be fighting because of that dress.She need explanation.I thought they are working on it? I don't see any effort except for them listening to Mrs.Jo's order around.You walking in your house and a smell of hot mushroom soup roam around the room.Jihyun is sick and probably would just lazying on her bed all day.There's no one else who knew where she kept her spare keys except for..Kwangmin.

You walk into the kitchen and saw a few bowls on the table,utensils everywhere,knife,shopping board,you gotta admit its a bit of mess.

Just then Kwangmin walk in holding a tray with a bowl and a glass.

"Oh,Ye Eun," he said while placing the bowl and the glass in the sink.

You stare at him.

"What are you doing here?," you asked trying to sound as cold as ever.

"Taking care of Jihyun of course,"

"Get out,"

He turn around "What?,"

"I said get out.I can take care of her myself,"

"No,I'm going to take care of her,"


"Because I need to take care of her,"


"Because I care about her?,"


"Because I'm going to get engaged with her!," he said,voice raising up.Obviously annoyed by me.

Your heart ache.

You look at him.

"So,its true,"

your throat begins to burn and your stomach tightens.You held back the tears.

"I shouldn't have trusted you in the first place,"

You grab your bag and walk out from the house.


"AISH!,"Kwangmin slam down all the utensils in the sink.He saw it.He saw the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes.Things shouldn't have been this way.This is not the first time he hurted you.

"We've messed it up,don't we?,"

He heard a voice.He turn around and saw Jihyun leaning by the wall look at him.

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Its completed,thanks to those who had been giving me supports all the way! ^^


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yeejler #1
Chapter 29: i know im late, but goshh i got more exited as i read each chapter!! i finnished the whole story within a few hours >.< awesome job :)
Chapter 29: Wow this is an awesome fanfic!!
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 29: I love this fanfic you did a good job!
Nikfarhana #4
Chapter 29: love it!! i think this is a best story...
CuteyDuckey21 #5
Chapter 29: Aww... I remember when he said that during last episode of HB ^^ So sad though. But this chap is sweet >.<
Chapter 29: Aww so cute. I loved it. Thanks for writing =) I love you <3
Chapter 29: Aww so cute. I loved it. Thanks for writing =) I love you <3
Chapter 28: awww~~ >//<
Youngmin oppa... hwaiting!!! xD
Chapter 27: GET HER PREGNANT >:)
Chapter 27: AWWWW I really loved it. This is perfect thank you sooooooo muuuuucchhhh for writing this amazing story. Thank you, thank you, thank you... and THANK YOU. YOU'RE THE BEST XD