Chapter 2

Up AnD dOwN

Rose’s P.O.V. (still in class)

“Mr. Ryu, can we go now??”.

“Aahh yes yes you girls can go now…”.

“Kamsamhida~ Kaja!! G.I.R.L.S…” Suzie said.

We all went out and walking along the corridors.

“Yah Aegi-shii, do you know why the principal wants to see us???” I asked. Suddenly she looked nervous…

“Umm…well uuhhmmm…..uummm…..”.

“Your hiding something from us don’t you?!!!” I said. “C’mon, spill it out!! I’m sure we could take it…”.


“Whaaatt!!!! As in S.H.I.N.E.E.??!!!!!!!” She nodded.

“How long have you been hiding it?”. 

“About two weeks”.

“YAAHHH!!! Why didn’t you tell us sooner, I could wear a more appropriate and beautiful clothing!!!” I yelled at her.

“Hehe~ sorry Rose-shii~~~” she started using her aegyo.

“You’re lucky your cute  and is my best friend or else, I WOULD HAVE PUNCH YOU RIGHT IN THE FACE, YA KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.*sighed* “Can you believe this  Suzie, Grace and Umma??!!”.

I looked at them but they didn’t answer…Instead they were standing like statues while pointing towards a direction. Just then I heard some guys’ voices laughing. I turned around and-OH.MY.GOD!!!!!! NO WONDER THEY WERE SO SILENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Suzie’s P.O.V.

It was SHINEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! I think I’m going to collapse any second now!!!! I can’t take my breath. I’m too shock! Oh god am I hearing B2ST songs??!!!!!!!!!!

“ONEW IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled.

“Andwae!!!!!! He’s mine!!!!!!” Ga Eul said. (I changed the name)

“Are you girls MENTAL??!!!!! He’s mine!” Irene said.

“Stop fighting girls~~Besides we already know that I’m the original MVP~~~” Rose said calmly.

“BWOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Then we all started fighting again.

“Well, you girls just stay here and fight while I’m going to the principal office and find MY Taemin! See ya!!!!” Aegi said and skipped to the principal office.

“AEGI-AAHHH!!!!!!! WAIT FOR US!!!!!!!!!!”.


Inside the office,

Rose’s P.O.V

“Aneonghaseyo Mrs. Im~” we all bowed.

“Neh aneonghaseyo~~ SHINee, these are the G.I.R.L.S. and G.I.R.L.S., these are SHINee!!!Please introduce yourselves” Mrs. Im said.

They got up from their seats and bowed at us.

“Aneong!! I’m maknae Taemin!!!!!!!!”. I think Aegi will explode any minute now.

“The romantic one, Jonghyun” he pointed at himself.

“I’m Flaming charisma Minho” he winked. Psshh! I’m SO not falling for that.

“Diva Key here!”.

“And I’m the cutest dubu leader ever, Onew!!!What are your names?!”he flashed us  his famous smile. Oh god! How did you created such a handsome namja!!!!

“I’m Suzie, the leader of G.I.R.L.S.”.

“Ga Eul”.

“I’m Irene”.

“Aneong, I’m Rose!!”.

“And my name is Lina!!!!!”.

“OK! Now that you know each other….G.I.R.L.S., SHINee has just been transferred to this school. They’re supposed to start school early this morning but because they had busy schedule, they will start after recess. In the mean time I need you girls to take them on a tour around the school. I trust you girls so take good care of them, arasseo??And these are their schedules…” Mrs. Im said.

OMO! They’re in the same class as us! Well except for Onew and Jonghyun oppa :(


“Good. You can go now….”.

“Kamsamhida subsaenim” the G.I.R.L.S. and SHINee bowed and went out from the office.


Outside the office,

*awkward silence*

“Uhhmm… Welcome to Seoul High! I hope we get along… we’re big fans of you guys~”Suzie said.

“Yeah, you guys are daebak!!!” Lina said.

“Thanks… I hope we will get along too….” Key said.

I was about to open my mouth and invite Onew oppa on a tour when suddenly Suzie spoke.

“Onew oppa, why don’t I show you around?!” .

“I would love to~” he smiled. *melts*

WAIT!!!WHAAATT!!!!!NOOOO!!!!!!!!SUZIE-AAHH!!!!!! YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO INVITE MY ONEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I glared at her….

“Kajaa Onew oppa~~~”.

She winked at me and walked away with Onew. She had also left a note in my hand. The other members of G.I.R.L.S. and I looked at it. It reads….


I told you girls that Onew is mine~~~So, PEACE OUT!!!!!



THAAAAAAAAAAAAATTT’SSSSS IIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A/N: Lol, can you guys read it?)

“Chill Rose~~ The shinee members are looking at us..”Umma whispered to me. I pouted.

“ *sighed*Jonghyun oppa, want me to show you around??” Ga Eul asked Jonghyun.

He grinned. “Sure!”.

Then, Taemin walked towards Lina. “Can you show me around?”.

“Of course!!!” she blushed. Then they skipped away.

“Wanna go?” Umma asked Key.

He nodded and patted Minho’s shoulder. “Kaja, Irene..”They went away.

There was only the two of us.

“UUhhmmm….so uuummm…..I guess I should show you around…”.

He looked at me and smiled.

“Where do you want me to show you first??” I asked.

“The gym?!”.

Oh right… Of course he wants to see the gym first, I mean he loves sports right? Uugghhh… Rose, you are really pabo!!

“Sure kajaa…..”.

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hey , jeonmal chua ~~~~~<br />
really cute , i hope i can write my ff good as yours ! thumbs up !
minionsbanana #2
SHINee+Girls' Day?? CUTEEE!! UPDATE SOOON! <333
very funny ... and CUTE ... haha :D Like it so much
Hey update soon please !!! I'm excited now to read your ff
hey nice ff !! update fast kay ? ouh bout the poster .... i'll help you later ...
milkmaniac #7
wowowowow nice fanfic!!! update sooon!!!!!!!!