Going Home

Super Junior Dating Game

I awoke that morning alone. I didn't know where Kyuhyun was, so crept out of the room quietly in case it was early in the morning; I couldn't be bothered to check the time on my phone. I saw Kyu stood looking out the window at the far side of the apartment.

"Kyu?" I whispered, but he shushed me, beckoning me over.

It was still quite dark outside the glass, so I knew it wasn't really a good time to make much noise. Eunhyuk wasn't on the sofa, so I assumed he had stayed upstairs.

"What do you want to show me?" I whispered as quietly as I could.

Kyuhyun pointed outside, and as my gaze followed, I gasped. It was snowing. Tiny white flakes had covered the ground already, as well as the roofs of the buildings accross from us. The sight was beautiful. Kyuhyun took my hand and led me back to the room, grabbing two of his jumpers out of the wardrobe, as well as a pair of his jeans and a pair of mine. I gave him a questioning look so he told me to get dressed quickly, and that his jumper would keep me warmer than my own. Grabbing some underwear, Kyuhyun went to change and left me to do so in private. Once I was dressed and had cleaned my teeth quickly, I met Kyuhyun at the front door. We walked downstairs silently, hand in hand, and out into the pale world.

He led me to the park opposite the apartment block slowly, letting me stop occasionally and watch the flakes land on my shoulders, my hair, my boyfriend. The park was blanketed in snow, other than a few tracks. Following the shoe prints, we came to a large open area with a snowman already built there.


I turned to see Ally and Eunhyuk running towards us.

"Looks like we had the same idea!" Eunhyuk said to Kyuhyun, winking.

The two boys grinned at each other as Alissa and I started making a second snowman. We put the two snowmen next to each other, making their twig arms cross so it looked like they were holding hands.

"Is that us, Ally-ah?" Eunhyuk asked sweetly, blushing.

"No Hyung, can't you tell it's me and Suzi?" Kyuhyun butted in with a smirk, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Actually, it's me and Suzi!" Ally exclaimed, giggling. "We're the best couple!" That got a laugh from the boys, but Eunhyuk started tugging her hand.

"Yah! It looks more like me!" He grinned, standing by the snowman for comparison.

"He's right. Maybe it's Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun?" I pretended to speculate.

"Kyuhyuk?" Ally burst out laughing at the faces of our boyfriends.

"C'mon Ally-ah! Time to leave these two alone!"

"B-but Oppa..."

"Let's go!" Hyuk dragged Ally off by the hand, leaving Kyuhyun and I alone again. I watched them leave and unconsciously shivered against the cold flakes landing on my nose.

"C'mon then! Let's make a snowman! It's got to be better than theirs, because we're more awesome than them!"

Kyuhyun called to me. I walked past the fir tree to join him in rolling snowballs half my height. Kyu had to stack them; I was nowhere near strong enough to pick them up, nor tall enough to put the head on!

"Finished!" Kyuhyun stepped back to admire our handiwork. He was one and a half times as tall as Hyukissa's snowman, wider, and more rounded, so I high-fived Kyu before shoving snow onto his head.

"Hey!" Kyuhyun made an "o" shape with his mouth. "You can hardly reach my lips, how'd you do that?!" I teetered on my tiptoes cutely, blushing. "Ah, that's how. Well, payback time!"

I ran from him as he gathered up handfulls of snow and started throwing them at me. Some hit me, but I hid behind a tree and shook it as he got closer, making a snow avalanche fall on him. Laughing, he pulled me closer and we kissed under the falling snowflakes.

- -

"Finally you came inside! Babo, you could have frozen her to death!" Sungmin greeted me with a smile, but smacked Kyuhyun around the back of his head. "And she needs to pack, we're getting on the plane at one! We need to be at the airport for eleven, and her clothes will be soaked! Leeteuk-Hyung will kill you if you aren't ready!"

"Relax, Hyung, it's fine! She's wearing my jumper, I packed a bit of her stuff earlier, and it's only seven thirty!" Min frowned at him and walked away, muttering something about responsibility.

"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! You packed for me?!"

"Well I did my own, so I felt like doing yours too... Don't worry, I left you some outfits to choose from."

Panicking, I fled to the room to see what he'd done.

- -

Kyuhyun's packing wasn't that bad, and after eating, changing, and saying one last goodbye to the Super Junior dorms, we got taxis to the airport. The lines at the check in counters were so long that it took us about half an hour to even get through. Especially with all the security around the boys. They ended up being whisked off away from the crowd pretty swiftly, leaving us girls left behind to check ourselves in.

"No one crowds us, and we freaking lived with those guys for almost a week!" Sarah exclaimed, annoyed.

"We aren't their idols though." Izzy stated, pulling her suitcase roughly as the line moved forwards.

"Hey, erm, what will they all think when they find out that... The members have... Girlfriends?" Alissa's question made me think. The fans, I'd hope, would respect the members' choices, but I knew they would be upset nonetheless. I would be, in their position.

"They'll have to deal with it." I said, patting her head softly.

"Hey! I'm single here! I-" Before Sarah could speak further, we were called to the check in desk.

- -

"Sorry for losing you guys, it's hard to avoid the masses..." Siwon apologised, bowing his head seriously. Izzy looked like she was going to take his hand, but immediately stopped herself. They were in public now.

"Ally-ah, let's go to get food!" Eunhyuk enthused, pointing to a McDonalds.

"Hungry, Suzi? Sarah?" Sungmin asked. Izzy and Siwon were already off shopping somewhere. I nodded and took Sarah by the hand to follow Minnie. Kyuhyun, Yesung and Donghae were nowhere to be seen, but we found Heechul and Leeteuk in the queue at McDonalds. There must have been some sort of warning, because no one was crowding any more. A few girls were taking pictures, but that was all.

"Veggie burger?" Heechul asked, holding a package out to Sarah. She blushed and took it, walking with him and Teukie to sit down by Alissa as Min and I queued behind Eunhyuk.

"What do you want? I'll get it for you!" I grinned and asked for a chicken nugget Happy Meal, causing Sungmin to laugh at my childishness. He stopped laughing, however, when he heard Eunhyuk order the same thing, obviously for Alissa.

Once we had our food and had sat down, the boys started asking us questions about England.

"Is it cold?"

"Are there many shops?"

"What's the architecture like?"

We answered them all, and then were joined by Kyu, Donghae and Yesung.

"Where were you?" Hyuk asked, smiling at them.

Kyuhyun glanced at me. "Just shopping." He stated blankly, stealing a few of my fries.

"Hey!" I yelped, batting his hand.

"What? I only took a few! Deal with it!" I put on a shocked expression, only to close my mouth when the boarding call for our flight was announced. Visibly excited, we all made our way towards the gate.

"Shall we take some photos together here?" Leeteuk asked, holding up his camera. I grabbed my own from my bag.

"Can we use mine too, Oppa?" I asked sweetly. He nodded, so I went around taking group shots and couple shots and single shots of everyone.

"Shall I take some of you and everyone?" Izzy asked, so I gave her my camera and posed with everyone. Kyuhyun snook into a few shots with me until I decided he could have a couple picture with me. He made a half heart by putting an arm over his head and leaning over, so I mirrored his pose, creating a gorgeous love heart shape between us. Izzy smiled and gave me back my camera, which I switched off as it was time to board the plane.

- -



I left the others behind outside the the terminal and ran over to my parents and grabbed them, pulling myself in the middle of a hug.

"How was your trip?" Dad asked me, putting a hand on the top of my head.

"It was good! Oh, yeah, I have something to tell you..." I explained to them about Kyuhyun and how we were a couple, as well as a few other things regarding my trip. They nodded along, respecting my choice, though I saw a flicker of dubiousness pass over my mother's eyes. To prove to her that I wasn't making a mistake, I called Kyuhyun over to meet my family.

"Nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Jones," Kyuhyun said formally, bowing. My parents looked uncomfortable for a moment, not used to such formalities, until my mom laughed.

"No need to be so stiff, we don't bite." Dad stated. Kyuhyun looked at me and I nodded, making him relax a little.

"Erm... I promise to take care of your daughter. I will never hurt her."

I blushed, but my parents were pleased at this. Dad shook Kyu's hand and my mom smiled at him. This was shaping up to be better than I expected.

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Chapter 25: Awwww!!! AMAZING!!
Chapter 25: I only had one reaction throught thischappie.....D'AWWWWWSSSS!!!!! THAT SOOOOO ADORBSSS!!!!
Chapter 24: I had to put the Kyumin photo, I just had to :3 It waqs so adorable <3
Chapter 23: Keke minnie high fived kyus face>.< matching outfits? Good job minnie and fishyy!!!
Chapter 23: Aawwww Kyuzi's date!!! awww soo kyute!!
Chapter 22: I do see what you did there ;) and thank you! Oh and just so you all know, this chapter [22] is in Kyuhyun's PoV, until I put that it's in Suzi's!!
Chapter 22: AAAWWW!!!! Soo Kyucute!!! Hahah see what i did there?!?! LOL!!
EmmWest #8
Zoe_bug #9
Chapter 20: O__________O BWOH?! Chullie, what did you do?!
Chapter 20: I bet they had some fun already!! hahahh HEECHUL!!!