Beginning of the Tale

Tales of the Shirtless Gardener: Nam Woohyun

A/N (LeeSangmin): Whoops! Kinda forgot that I needed to post chapter one. Heh, it was my boyfriend's birthday this weekend and he had all my attention so this kind of slipped my mind. Sorry guise~ And to tell the truth orange_one and I actually have several chapters of this written. We just wanted to troll. Now be nice to us or we might not remember to post chapter two~ Anyways, enjoy chapter one!


Chapter One: Beginning of the Tale



On a warm spring day, one that most people would like to spend outside enjoying such fantastic weather, Kim Sunggyu, heir of the Kangsung Pharmaceuticals empire (not like he actually cared or even bothered with the company in the first place, he has a little brother for that job) and hater of all things out of doors, walks by his rather extravagantly large window that gives a beautiful view of the garden, almost fully engrossed in the book he is reading about French Impressionism. He pauses for a moment after he passes it, lifting his head up from his book with a confused look marring his features. He backtracks quickly to the window, turns his head and stares. "Who the hell is that?" he whispers to himself and narrows his eyes in trying to peer closer at the maroon-haired guy in his garden.

"That's your gardener," a voice behind him states and Sunggyu jolts in surprise, dropping his book to clutch the fabric of his shirt stretched over his chest in a gesture to try to calm his fast beating heart.

"Sungyeol! How did you get in here!?" Sunggyu screeches before the afterthought of 'I swore I changed the locks...' runs through his mind. Sungyeol just takes another bite of the muffin in his hand (though Sunggyu is pretty sure the muffin is one that Sungyeol stole from HIS kitchen) nonchalantly.

"Your bedroom window since you changed the locks... Again. You're so paranoid sometimes Gyugyu." Sunggyu bites back the 'I keep doing that because YOU keep breaking into my house you nutbar' and instead just eyes the taller boy warily. "But my room is on the third floor..." Sungyeol shoves the rest of the muffin in his mouth (practically unhinging his jaw to do so) and presses himself up against the glass of the window, opening his eyes eerily wide as he stares at the guy currently watering the beds of pastel colored morning glories.

"Hmm, I had to climb up a tree and then jump over onto the ledge of the roof and then scale down the side of the house a bit but don’t worry I enjoyed the exercise." Sunggyu balks at other for a moment, forgetting that he really shouldn't be surprised by Sungyeol's rather insane personality. He should be used to the taller boy’s asinine behavior by now, they had known each other (though rather unwillingly on Sunggyu’s part) since they were toddlers.

"This is the first time he took his shirt off... Probably why you noticed him... Jeez how much does even work out he's-" Sunggyu cuts into Sungyeol's rant, "What do you mean 'probably why you noticed him'? Are you calling me a ert?" Sunggyu squeaks as he averts his eyes everywhere but at the gardener's nicely defined muscles.

 "I'm calling you unobservant... Well," Sungyeol pauses and twists his head around, somewhat akin to how an owl would, and stares at Sunggyu for what seems like an eternity before he turns his gaze back to the gardener. "Actually, no, I am calling you a ert." Sungyeol sadly doesn't see Sunggyu throw his rather heavy looking book at Sungyeol’s head so the tall boy doesn’t realize he needs to duck until it connects to the back of his cranium.

After fighting with Sungyeol for a good twenty minutes to finally leave Sunggyu goes to investigate this gardener of his, Sungyeol explained that Sunggyu had hired the guy a good three months back to take care of the garden which is his mother’s “baby” and she demanded he take great care of it before she left with his father to Jamaica or Boca or wherever they went to retire. Sunggyu hated being outside (being around flowers made him sneeze and bugs just grossed him out) so he wasn’t going to take care of it the way his mother had, so a gardener was the best turn of action. Sunggyu remembered his mother’s ing but he didn’t remember actually HIRING the guy. But apparently he had... Sunggyu needed to start writing things down.

Sunggyu tiptoes around the elegantly arranged bushes of red and white roses, thinking that he needed to be sneaky for some reason, as he eyes the shirtless man in his garden with interest. Even if Sunggyu did realize it he would never actually admit that he was extremely attracted to the guy and the nearer he drew, the gardener’s features got even clearer and more defined and Sunggyu found himself to be even more mesmerized. Sunggyu pauses in awe at the other man’s striking profile; he had a straight nose, full lips and silky looking maroon hair swept over his forehead that contrasted perfectly with his tan sun kissed skin. Sunggyu felt a bit inadequate while staring at the other, his nose was a bit bigger than he would like it to be and it didn’t suit his face, his lips were a rosy pink (too much like a girl’s) and his hair color just seemed to wash him out because of his fair skin.

Sunggyu was about to turn around and run back into his house, talking to this guy was just a bad idea and he has a bad feeling that he would just make a fool of himself. But right when Sunggyu was about to turn tail and leave the gardener looks his way, turning dark smoldering eyes to him that just made Sunggyu feel that much worse about his appearance compared to the other. His eyes weren’t that much bigger than Sunggyu’s but the deep color of brown and the almond shape balanced out his features, making him look striking, unlike Sunggyu’s where most people couldn’t tell if he was awake or not.

“Hello Sunggyu-sshi~ You usually don’t come outside, what’s the special occasion so I can see your pretty face?” The man says with a brilliant smile that makes Sunggyu want to choke on air, the shorter of the two is a bit startled at being addressed and is unsure of how to respond, wondering what in the hell this guy’s name is. If all that wasn’t fuddling his mind Sunggyu would have most definitely picked up on being called pretty, well maybe, Sunggyu’s obliviousness knows no bounds.

“Uhh, just, uh Sunggyu is fine, um, sir,” He replies and wanting to hit himself for that sir thing. Hopefully something he said distracted the other from the question since he didn’t really want to say why he came outside because he was…Well he didn’t really know exactly. The taller man smiles again, turning away from the plants as he chuckles a bit.

“Well alright Sunggyu but only if you stop with that sir stuff, we’re about the same age so just Woohyun is good.” The other man, this Woohyun, says and Sunggyu thinks that such an amazingly beautiful name completely fits this man. They stand in silence for a little while and Sunggyu pretends that he isn’t staring at Woohyun rather blatantly since the taller man didn’t seem like he cared since he was also blatantly staring at Sunggyu. Their eyes meet, they hold their gazes and Woohyun smiles brightly and Sunggyu isn’t sure whether it’s that smile or whether he’s just been outside for too long but he gets a crazy impulse to jump out in front of a bus in a good way. But Sunggyu is sure that it’s the sun and its bright rays that make his round cheeks burn red and avert his eyes to the ground.

“Oh, Sunggyu, hold still there’s…” Woohyun trails off, reaching toward Sunggyu’s shoulder slowly. The smaller man twists his head to said shoulder and comes face to face to a beady eyed shiny brown bug.  Sunggyu screams then flails embarrassingly, actually being able to bat the bug off of his shoulder and then proceeds to trip over air and topple forward onto Woohyun, bringing the both of them too the ground. Woohyun lands on his back with an oomph with Sunggyu on top of him, he wrapped an arm around the smaller man to keep him from falling to the ground and hurting himself (okay, so that really wasn’t actually the reason, he mainly just wanted to press Sunggyu up against him). They both feel a bit dazed and Woohyun’s tries to regain his breath that was knocked out of him from the impact to the ground and Sunggyu’s weight on top of him, even though the latter was actually pretty nice.

“Don’t you think we’re moving a little fast, Sunggyu-ah~” Woohyun voice is right again his ear and Sunggyu can’t help but shudder.  The smaller man doesn’t know if it’s his dazed mind playing tricks on him or if Woohyun’s hands are really sliding from his waist down to his hips. Sunggyu feels a bit frozen and feels the need to get off from his employee even though deep down, he really doesn’t want to.

 “My, my, Kim Sunggyu-sshi I didn’t know you were so publicly affectionate.” A somewhat effeminate voice says as a shadow looms over them. The two on the ground look up to find a tall boy with a perfect complexion and large doe eyes staring at them in interest. Sunggyu sputters a bit, flailing around in trying to get off of Woohyun but the arm that is securely wrapped around his waist prevents him from doing so. The caramel haired man looks down to his gardener about to say something when tall boy standing next to them interrupts him.

“Oh, don’t stop for my sake. I was just leaving~” He says, his voice singsong before he flutters away. Sunggyu yells at him to stop, sitting up on Woohyun’s lap and reaching out to the boy running from his garden. “Sungjong, come back, it’s not what you think! I..I…” But Sungjong is gone from is sight, either unable to hear his shouts or is ignoring them. Sungjong had horrible timing for everything, always showing up at the worst times. Sunggyu has a bad feeling that the boy’s nosy nature was going to be something to watch out for more than usual. The caramel haired man sighs, looking down at his hands that are placed firmly on Woohyun’s tone stomach. Sunggyu feels the need to vomit when he realizes exactly where he’s perched on the other man.

“I…Um… Sorry.” Sunggyu whispers as he slides of the other onto the ground beside him. “No worries, I really didn’t mind because when God made you he was showing off,” Woohyun chuckles at the look of obliviousness on Sunggyu’s face before picking himself up and dusting the dirt off his pants before he offers his hand out to one on the ground. The smaller man looks at it questioningly but takes it and Woohyun pulls him to his feet. Sunggyu thanks him with a murmur and the other shrugs nonchalantly.

“So you don’t like bugs, huh?” Woohyun asks after a stretch of rather awkward silence and Sunggyu feels the need to punch him in the face for bringing that up. He wasn’t particularly proud of being afraid of bugs, they grossed him out, their shiny crunchy looking bodies and stick-like legs freaked him out. Sunggyu stays quiet, refusing to say anything as he tries to push his irritation down and Woohyun looks like he’s about to say something.

“Sunggyu-yah!” they hear from a short distance, “If you are doing anything of a vicarious nature please stop we are coming in!” Sunggyu face-palms and heaves out a sigh before he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Please not now. They hear a high pitched barking and Sunggyu jumps. No no NO, definitely not now and not with that thing.

Two men, both who seemed older than Woohyun and Sunggyu come into view with a small puffy white dog in the blonde’s arms. The closer they come the more Sunggyu backs away from them, a look of fear in his eyes.  Woohyun blinks at his employer in confusion.

“Uh, we’re sorry to interrupt you and your boyfriend but-”

“Boyfriend?” Sunggyu questions and the two men nod slowly, looking at Sunggyu like he was a moron.

“Sungjong just told us,” The one holding the puppy says and the two turn to Woohyun and bow. Apparently Sungjong was already on starting up the whole gossip train.  “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Dongwoo and this is Howon.” The blonde says and then motions to the brown-haired man beside him.  Dongwoo and Howon own a rather large electronics company and live in the brightly colored mansion to the right of Sunggyu’s. Woohyun introduces himself to the two as Sunggyu is left to wonder what exactly made Sungjong come to the conclusion that Woohyun was his boyfriend and to how much of the block it already spread around to. Knowing the younger boy, people in Seoul probably knew about it by now.

“We’re here about your dog. It ended up in our yard,” Dongwoo says in a soft voice, trying not to seem angry.

“Again.” Hoya cuts in, though he doesn’t try to force down the irritation in his voice.

“But, that isn’t my dog.” Sunggyu says, eying the puppy warily in Dongwoo’s arms. Woohyun takes notice of this; the smaller man seemed on edge. Howon and Dongwoo sigh in unison and Woohyun finds it a bit creepy.

“Sunggyu-ah, you don’t have to lie about it. We won’t be mad. Just… Please try to keep it out of our yard?” Dongwoo says placing the puppy on the ground and it bounds over to Sunggyu who jumps back with wide, fearful eyes. Howon and Dongwoo don’t take notice of this as they bid their farewell and apologize for interrupting Sunggyu and Woohyun’s ‘alone time’ before they leave, whispering to each other quietly. Once they are out of sight, Woohyun turns to Sunggyu who is practically shaking in fear as the little puppy races around him.

 “Soooo, you’re scared of dogs too huh?” Woohyun says, smirking as he watches Sunggyu dodge the puppy trying to jump on his leg. He probably shouldn’t be teasing his boss who could easily fire him from this awesomely paying job but he just can’t help himself with the way Sunggyu gets so flustered.  His employer gives him a rather menacing (not really) glare. Though when the fluffy dog bouncing, wanting for Sunggyu to pick it up, the caramel-haired man lets out a rather unmanly squeak and almost falls backwards to the ground (again) trying to get away from the small creature. Woohyun grabs the dog by the collar, pulling it away from Sunggyu before picking it up around it’s tummy tucking it underneath his arm then steadies the shorter man with his free hand, pulling Sunggyu against him and wrapping an arm around his waist.

“I saved you from the evil fluffy dog of doom. Don’t I deserve a reward?” Woohyun says with a smirk, leaning in very close to Sunggyu’s face. The shorter boy stammers a bit, placing his hands on Woohyun’s chiseled chest in attempt to push the other away but he doesn’t actually do so.

“Sunggyu-ah, can I take your picture?” Woohyun asks and Sunggyu looks up at him, his features cutely confused as he asks why. The gardener chuckles, “So I can show Santa just want I want for Christmas.” Sunggyu stared at the other blankly, unsure of what exactly Woohyun was even saying. What kind of nonsensical gibberish was he even spouting? Woohyun’s cocky disposition slowly dissipates as Sunggyu keeps staring at him with a blank look. Okay, that didn’t go over as well as he thought it would. He was sure Sunggyu had the hots for him too. Maybe pick-up lines were just not the right way to go? Even though plently of people thought it of it, Woohyun wasn’t really a player. He’s had a couple relationships but those were in junior high school so he wasn’t too skilled at hitting on people.

“OOOOOO, puppy!” The two jump in surprise at the voice. A tall boy is crouched down next to them playing with the white dog that was under Woohyun’s arm only moments ago. The maroon-haired man didn’t remember even feeling the other taking the dog from him. Who the hell was this guy? Some kind of master thief or something, though Woohyun didn’t take into account that he was probably just too occupied with trying to feel Sunggyu up instead of paying attention to his surroundings.

“Sung-Sungyeol?” Sunggyu stutters out and apparently this guy was a Sungyeol. And if it was the Sungyeol Woohyun was thinking about then he was widely known by just about everyone. The guy is a huge socialite, even with his rumored bizarre personality, and apparently a mathematics genius. He goes to the same university as Woohyun though he’s never seen him since Woohyun is a music major. And from what Woohyun has heard Sungyeol tended to stick in the math department and ventilation shafts even though he wasn’t quite sure about what was up with that last one (he just chalks it up to that bizarre personality people tell him about). So Sunggyu is friends with or a least knows some pretty interesting and rich people.

“Oh you guys finally noticed me? You looked like you were about to jump each other’s bones,” Sungyeol says, looking up at the two from his crouched position on the ground. The dog barks, wagging his fluffy tail as Sungyeol pets him and Woohyun can feel Sunggyu tense against him.  A squirrel darts out from a flower bush and the small dog jumps out of the arms that hold him and takes off after it leaving Sungyeol to clap in glee. “Run Floofy! Be free!” Sunggyu visibly relaxes when the dog is completely out of sight; he hates that evil little thing.

“You don’t have to stop for me. I wouldn’t mind watching. I can even video tape it for future viewing purposes.” Sungyeol says as he hugs his knees to his chest, gazing up at the two with wide child-like wonder. At that moment Sunggyu notices just how close he was to Woohyun and just exactly where the gardener’s hands were on his body.

“I… I’m… I.. I’m going inside! You,” Sunggyu points to Sungyeol who blinks blankly at him. “Stay out of my house! And you,” Sunggyu then points at Woohyun but pauses for a moment, silent as he gets caught up in the taller man’s deep gaze. Sungyeol stares at the two staring at each other and he tilts his head to the side, a magnificently wonderful idea forming in his unique mind. Sungyeol coughs into his hand loudly, trying to break the two out of their daze. Sunggyu jumps before blushing lightly at when he realizes what he was doing.

“Just…You…I…” Sunggyu sputters for a moment before shaking his head to get a hold of himself, he straightens up a bit firmly pointing his finger, “Woohyun just finish with the stupid flowers and… And… PUT A SHIRT ON!” With that Sunggyu turns his heel and stalks into his house but not without almost tripping over air and falling down yet again.

“In Sunggyu speak,” Sungyeol starts up after Sunggyu is securely in the house most likely sulking. “That means he wants in your pants.” Woohyun chuckles thinking that the tall man was joking because of Sunggyu’s lack of reaction to his blatantly flirting earlier but when he turns to him; his face didn’t look like he was joking. Hmm, that was some really nice information then because Woohyun was really enjoying the idea of getting with his employer.  Maybe that earlier incident was just an off moment.

Woohyun waits for Sungyeol to say something else but the taller man just stares at him with a wide eerie gaze. They probably stood there for a good twenty minutes with Sungyeol staring at Woohyun blankly and Woohyun trying to do anything to get away from the other’s gaze but no matter where he went in the garden Sungyeol’s eyes followed him. Woohyun turns to the taller, meets his gaze and is about to say something, tell him to off because he was seriously being creepy. But Sungyeol dives behind a hedge of bushes when Woohyun turns to him. The gardener blinks.

“To the Yeol-Cave!!” Woohyun can hear Sungyeol exclaim from behind the bushes. The shrubbery shakes a bit signaling Sungyeol’s movement, it seemed like he was crawling around. Woohyun’s eyebrows furrow at the oddity, “Wait..Wha-?” he asks but doesn’t receive an answer and really he probably didn’t want an answer. Sungyeol comes out from the bushes and scampers up the big oak tree with frightening ease. Woohyun decides that he just shouldn’t think about the enigma that was Sungyeol so he turned back to his watering can and flowers. He was getting back into the groove of things when a rain of acorns falls on his head.

“Urgh, ing squirrels,” Woohyun swears as he glares up into the tree branches above him, catching the brown furry animals scurrying back to the trunk of the tree. He could swear the little hellions were laughing at him. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “Just remember Nam Woohyun,” he whispers to himself, “Being angry at squirrels is not y.”

When Sunggyu felt it was a good amount of time, he peaks his head between the curtains of his rather large window that showed him an amazing view of his garden (rather, Woohyun).  As he watched the other work, kind of feeling like a creeper while doing so, he starts to think that maybe he should get a new gardener… Maybe one he didn’t seem to lose his brain around. In all honesty that was actually a pretty good idea but then Woohyun started stretching, his flawlessly defined muscles flexing and Sunggyu once again loses his mind and all thought of getting a new gardener completely disappears as he stares slack-jawed at the work of perfection in this back lawn.

This begins the tales of the shirtless gardener, Nam Woohyun.


Brains melted yet? Nope? Good, cause you have several more chapters to go untill this is finished. :3 So does everyone like Sungyeol? XD Made him especially strange just for you guys~ So, comment and subscribe for more weird!

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Because of personal reasons, the second chapter won't be updated. I'm very sorry for the inconvience. -LeeSangmin


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707 streak #1
Chapter 2: 2024 and I’m still here 😁
Chapter 2: This is an amazing story!! It's been three years since last updated!!!! OMG! Please update soon <3
kay_yayah #3
Chapter 2: Update please.....i wanna know what happen with them...gyugyu,woohyun,yeollie,pond,koi,soosoo and the others...

Thanks author-nim for this wonderfull (and y woohyun) story.....
Hey, will you ever update this? I's been almost a year!(I just wanted to know)
Chapter 2: strong independt handsome retard with a gift for landscaping a.k.a kim myungsoo
digindeeper #6
Chapter 2: awww it's been so long since an update...i just found this and i'm really enjoying it
Chapter 2: Author nim please update sometime soon?
Its a wonderful story, I think it's really creative.
please update soon~ I'm sure alot of readers are dying to know the rest of it :)
Chapter 2: omg how could i have missed this story?
best story ever. plz update soon ^^
Chapter 2: aigooo... please update this story... *puppy eyes...