The sadness of the winter. (BaekYeol) Part 1

Please, Don't leave me.

"Mom.. don't cry please"

His mother sniffled before wiping her eyes with her napkin. "I-it's just, the truth hurts.." Baekhyun sighed before hugging her mom and closing his eyes. "Yes, i know the truth really does hurts" And his mom hugged him back. "But you know what? let's just spend my last times with something memorable, something that will remind in my soul until i was up there"

"So, mom. Can i say goodbyes to my friends before i go?"

His mod nod before hugging him tighter.

"Of course Baekhyun, of course you can" Baekhyun smile a little and let a tear rolled down his cheek. Especially that one person i've been loving since forever 

"Baekhyun, no matter what happened to you, always remember that you have a lot of people who loves you, okay?" Baekhyun nod and stared at the wall in front of him with a blank expression.

But, not him


The next day

Baekhyun went to school with slumped shoulders and bags under his eyes. He couldn't sleep, no matter how much he tried to sleep it always fails. The doctor said it because of the pill side effects. But he's confused, if he's going to die soon, why did he still taking pills? He sighed as he walked to the class with heavy steps. He didn't really have any power to walk anymore, and since it's winter the snow makes it even harder for him to walk when he's catching the bus, so, he's pretty much tired now.

All of his friends gretted him, but he didn't have any guts to say something he should have said. Because, leaving his bestfriends forever is really hard and Baekhyun is holding his tears from all this time. A few of his friends notice this and began to ask what happened, but Baekhyun said that he's just tired and he fell when he arrived at  school so dust had come in his eyes. And his friends buys it, shrugging like it's not a big deal, well, it's certainly not a big deal right? having dust inside your eyes, but.. 

"Hey, Baekhyun are you still in love with that Park Chanyeol guy?" One of his friend asked. Baekhyun smiled shyly before nodding his head "Yeah a bit he's my best friend after all.."

And his friend scoff "Seriously Baek, you're like in love with him since years ago" Baekhyun nod and smiled proudly "And it will never change.."





- - 




"Baekkieee!!!~~~" Chanyeol ran and hugged his bestest friend Baekhyun look at him and ruffled his hair "Channie, your hair is a mess, where have you been?" Chanyeol send out a huff and run his hands trough his hair to make it more presentable. "Well you see, i've been looking for you and running trough this school and here you're complaining my hair.." Baekhyun frown"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay! anyway Baekhyun, you know what? i finally confessed to Kyungsoo!! and he said he will think about it, i hope he said yes! please pray for me" Baekhyun froze. He confessed, the love of his life confessed to someone else. It hurts.. it hurts.. knowing that he couldn't be his before he leaves. Why, all this time why now?. Baekhyun bit his lips holding back his tears that threaten to fall.

Chanyeol look at him with concern "Baekkie? are you okay?" Baekhyun eyes met Chanyeol, He smiled with watery eyes before chukling but.. the smile didn't reach his eyes. And Chanyeol knew, something was wrong. "I-it's good then, i hope he accept you Yeollie" Baekhyun turned his head to his right as a tear fell. "A-anyway i want to get something i left at the class, you can go to the cafetaria first if you want, i wi-ll b-be there soon" Baekhyun wiped his eyes with his sleeve as he run to the class leaving the confused Chanyeol.

It hurts Yeollie.. It hurts really bad..


Baekhyun entered the empty classroom and slid on the door as he sat kness up to his chest and head burried on his kness. He cried, he shed a lot of tears for his bestfriend whom he loved since they were kids. And now, when Baekhyun had to leave, he confessed to someone else, someone that wasn't him. His times is running out, this week is the last week for him to live, for looking out the world, for loving his friends especially Chanyeol.

And he realised.

He can't be selfish. If he dated Chanyeol now, Chanyeol will the depressed because Baekhyun left him forever and he will not let that happen. He have to stood up for his bestfriend. He wiped his tears before practicing his fake smiles and stood up immideatly. He push the door open and walk to the cafetaria. And there he saw Chanyeol happily talking to Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo seems to be happy too. Baekhyun look at them and felt something slashing his chest, but no. He had to be strong.

He approach them and took a seat in front of them. Chanyeol notice him and ask "Baekkie? are you okay? why did you ran earlier?" Baekhyun send him a small smile and answered it with a small voice. "It's okay, i'm okay. As i said, i was going to take something i left in the class" Chanyeol nod but then he notice Baekhyun's red eyes. He was about to ask about it, but then Kyungsoo nudged him and look at him with those endering puppy eyes.

"Yeollie, can we go to the field? i want to eat there with you, can i can i?" 

unable to resist that puppy eyes, he nod and stood up as Kyungsoo squeled. "I'm sorry Baek, but i have to acompany Kyungsoo now, is that okay with you?"

Baekhyun bit his lips and nod. "Yes, it's okay"

No, it's not

"Okay then, what ever things that happened to you now, don't think about it okay? remember that i will always be by yourside"

"Okay, Yeoliie"

You don't understand

"Bye Baek" And he and Kyugsoo leaves. 









- - 



Baekhyun took a bus to his house and quickly went upstairs and throw his body on the bed. He took his photo album from his desk before opening it. Inside, is his and Chanyeol's picture. There were pictures when he and Chanyeol cooked food together, when they went to the amusement parks and when the celebrated both of his and Chanyeol's party. Baekhyun smiled sadly at it, now, Chanyeol probably going to spend his birthday and free days with Kyungsoo

He sighed and closed his book before rolling and facing the celings. He grabbed a pillow and cover his eyes with it before crying soundlessly. Chanyeol didn't know the situation, he didn't know.

His life will ends in shortly.

and he have one last wish.

Being loved by Chanyeol 


Watch the first snow fall with Chanyeol











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locketblingermvp #2
MinYukiChan #3
Chapter 1: Omg sobing like crazy! Especially the lullaby part
exobunny #5
Chapter 2: *sobs hard* I love this story with the music! ヽ(;▽;)ノ it's so beautiful !!!
SunSunShipper #6
Chapter 2: i am crying so hard. oh go T.T
kimgaeun96 #7
Chapter 3: huhu its great story although u said it fail..
p-hyunah #8
Huaaa i'm crying hard right now 4 thumbs for you!! d(^_^o)
Btw it's not a fail twoshoots it's awsome sad twoshoots!! Love ya,,,,,
@AznPride6767 Thankyouuu~~ and i'm sorry for making you cry ._.). @KevinWoolover1998 Sorry ;_; @ilovekpopforever .. i know right..
AznPride6767 #10
Omo ! I cried sooo hard ;_____; your story is so touching especially with the recommended music. Hehe, but I loved your story <3