
Please, Don't leave me.

You just arrived at your house. And yes, you just got back from the hospital. Your parents eyed you with a red eyes. Your father kneeled in front of you and put both of his hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry.." He choked. "I'm sorry that i couldn't do anything to Save you from the Cancer.." You smiled as a tear rolled on your cheeks. "It's okay appa. It's not your fault, Both of you done your best to cured me. However it failed . I know both of you're sad. So do i, Im going to leave this world.." The tears keep coming. "But it's okay. I know god give the best decision to us. If this is the decision, i'm fine with it.."

Both of them hugged you like there's no tomorrow. "But.. can you fulfill my Last wish?" You asked them. Both of them nodded. "Yes, yes you can." 


So now you're back to school, you told your parents That this is your Wish. Being with your Friends, best friends, and not to forget.. Boyfriend. 

You sighed, You haven't told this to your Friends and Boyfriend. They never know, and you glad. You didn't want them to know about this.



You entered the school and walk weakly. 

"ARAAAA!!!~~~" Your best friend jumped to you. and make you winced a bit. Your bestfriend notice this "Are you okay?" She asked. You bit your lower lip to hold the pain. "Y-yeah Naeun. I'm fine. I'm just shocked you know.. hahaha." You akwardly laughed. She eyed you suspiciously, but she agreed anyway.

"Well okay, why didn't you go to school for the past few days?" She asked. You gulped "W-well, i'm just not in the mood s-so.." Suddenly the bell rang. "Wah! it's our time to get in the class! see you at lunch!" You said as you headed to the class.

And Naeun know that something it's not right.





- - 



You go into the class and took a seat on your table. Ah.. i'm going to miss this.. You thought. Suddenly someone sat beside you, you look at him. And it's no other than your Boyfriend.

Your Loving and caring boyfriend. Byun Baekhyun

You sighed as you painfully shut your eyes. You can't believe that you will leave him, you can't believe that you're not going to meet him, again. 

He put his hand around your shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked. You open your eyes and look at him. "Yup, im perfectly fine. Thanks for asking" He notice that your voice it's not as bright as usual, but he shook of the thoughts. Maybe he was just imagining. 

He smiled "Okay then." You returned his smile. When the teacher entered the class, Baekhyun put his hand back to the table.

The first period was long. Your eyelids are half-open, but you make yourself opening your eyes. Because, this could be the last day for you in school.

Suddenly, you feel an urged to vomit. You raised your hand to get the teacher anttention

"Yes Ara?"

"Can i go to the Bathroom?"


You thanked him and headed to the bathroom with your hand on your mouth. Baekhyun eyed you with worry eyes, Is she okay? He thought.

When you're arrived at the Bathroom, you quickly vomited what you just ate this morning. You keep vomiting until you feel a hand on your shoulder.

Oh no.. this is not happening..

"Ara! are you okay?" She asked. You wanted to reply her, but your sickness didn't let you. You vomited, again. and this time there's a blood.

"Ara!" She tapped your back to support you. After what feels like forever. Your urged to vomit stopped, and yup. Now you have to explained everything to her. Your best friend Naeun.

"Tell me what happen" She said. "Okay, but please don't tell this to anyone." She nodded

You told her about your Leukemia and what the doctor said. Her eyes widen with tears "H-How can you hide this from me?" You stared at your feet "S-sorry it's just i-"

She hugged you tight like she didn't want to let you go. "Why? We could've spent days together!" She choked. Your tears spill "I'm sorry.." 

Both of you broke the hug. "Can i tell this to Baekhyun?" She asked. "No.. Please don't" You said softly. "But he's your boyfriends he have to know about this!"

"Please.. don't" Naeun sighed. "Okay, but remember to take a lot of rest okay?"



- - 

Naeun told you that you should go home, he told the teacher that you vomited. So the teacher agreed and sent you home. When you're about to exited the school Baekhyun held your wrist. "Are you okay?" You give him a small smile. "yeah, im fine. just a little bit tired.." 

Baekhyun placed his hand on your forehead. "Well, it's kinda warm." You nodded. "Get a rest okay?" He said with concerned. "Oh and one more thing.."

You look at him. "C-can you go with m-me to the Park this Saturday?" He asked shyly. Your eyes widen, You don't know how long your life would last, but.. this is your frist date...

"Okay, i will come" His eyes brightened. "Really?" You nodded. "Okay then~ see you at Saturday" He beamed

Baekhyun went back to his class. You watched him happily until the pain in your head came.

"I should probably get home" You mumbled.


Your body is really weak, your mother has told you to stay at your house, but who wanted to skip the first date with her boyfriend?

You told your mom that this is part of your Wish So she half-heartly agreed.

You're wearing a short dress, and a grey cardigan

Feeling stastified, you headed to the door and went to the Park.

"Ara~" Baekhyun beamed. You smile to him "Baekhyun~" 

Baekhyun aprroached you. "I thought you will never come!" You chuckled. "How can i do that?"

Both of you have a lot of fun in a Park, until. You feel a strong headache.

"ah" You winced. Baekhyun turn his head to you with a worry face. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah.. yeah i-im fine."

Baekhyun never leaves his eyes off you. And you knew

You knew That this is the time. The last time you're going to see him. 

"Ba-baekhyun i'm sorry.. but i have to go home" Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah i know, get a lot of rest okay?" You smiled at him as you leave.



"Yes?" She asked. "I-i think this is the day.."

"What do you mean?" 

"The last da- Oof!" You fell to the floor. "De-dear? Ara are y-you okay?" Your mom asked. "Hubby!! Get her to the car!! we're going to the Hospital!!!" Your dad nodded and pick you to the car

- -




Thats the only word in your head. 

So This is the last day.

The last day for you in this world, The last day to see your beloved people.

Your mom cried, so did your dad. But you just tell them that everything is fine.

Everything is fine

You told your mom to call Naeun, after all. She know about this and she's your Best friend.

You lay hopelessly on the hospital bed, with a machine surrounding.

Just then, the door opened. And you see your beloved best friend.

"Ara!~" She cried. "Please, stay with me." 

You give her a small smile, "Sorry.." Naeun nodded and hold your hand while crying.

"Oh, and Naeun.. can you tell something to Baekhyun.."

"What do you wanted to tell him?"

"Tell him that i'm okay, and tell him that i'm sorry for cutting our date. Tell him i'm sorry okay?"

Naeun nodded with tears. "I will"


~The next day~

You don't  know why but, You haven't died.

You're still alive.

Fully alive.





Naeun didn't pay any attention to the teacher in front of her.

The only thing she think is You

And she's going to tell this to Baekhyun, even though you didn't approve this.

She still going to tell him.

Finally lunch break, She look for Baekhyun everwhere.

And she spotted him under the tree, alone.

"Baekhyun!" Naeun shouted. Baekhyun look to her and smiled. "What?"

"i will tell you something.. important."

"I'm ready to listen"

"So..." She explained all things about you. About your cancer and everything.

His eyes widen. 

"Why don't you tell me earlier?!" Baekhyun shouted. "Im sorry.. but Ara didn't let me.." Naeun cried.

That's it.

He's going to Hospital now.


~Hospital~ (You have to listen to this song while reading this. It's a must! :') )

Baekhyun ran from his School to the Hospital.

He didn't mind, the only thing he can think is You, and nothing else

When he's arrived he asked the nurse about your room and quickly ran to the room.

When he opened the door, he saw you life-lessly laying on your bed with your half-open eyes.

His heart sunk. Why can't she told this earlier?


You look at Baekhyun with your half-open eyes. Baekhyun aprroached you and took your hand. 

"Ba-baekhyun.. w-why a-re you here?" You asked him with a weak tone. He smiled at you with teary eyes. "I just wanted to visited you."

You smiled weakly at him. "Naeun told this to you right?" He smiled and nodded. 

You sighed. "You shouldn't know.."

"I have to know, i'm your boyfriend.."

"But my time is limited.." You say to him. He shushed you and pecked your hand. "Don't say that, you will survive. i will support you"

"Sadly, no. My cancer has gone worst.. and..." You coughed badly and make Baekhyun stood from his seat. "A-ara are you okay?"

You stop coughing and look at him. "My body is not strong enough.." 

Baekhyun notice that your face become paler. He bit his lip preventing him to cry.

You smiled weakly and grip his hand. "D..don't cry Baek...hyun.. " 

"Why you? why you have to die?" He asked while crying.

" de..stiny.."

"No, if i know this earlier i would have spent more times with you"

" so..rry"

Your voice weakend and you feel your head began to sting

"Ah!" You winced. Baekhyun look at you. "A-ara what happend?"

"I-it hurts." 

And Baekhyun know, this is the time. The last time.

Baekhyun look at you and cried. "Please, pleas don't leave me Ara.. please" He whispered.

"Baek..hyun. It hurts.."

" I know..."

"What should i do?" You asked him.

He didn't want to say this, but this is the only way..

"Just.. close your eyes.."

You smiled weakly. "Sh..ould i?"

Baekhyun nodded. 

"Ca..can me.. a lullaby?"

Baekhyun nodded and sing a lullaby for you. He sang with tears.

That song was meant for you. It was for you.

You smiled and closed your eyes.


The machine beside you shouted. And Baekhyun know.

That you're gone.




- -

This is the day that you'll be buried. Baekhyun and Naeun look at your lifeless body.

Both of them let their tears fall. And your parents are also crying.

When all of the guest are gone. Baekhyun kneeled in front of your grave and put a lily flower on it.

And yeah, lilies are your favorite.

"Ara.. how are you doing now?" 

"Are you happy there?"

"Oh and i brought you lilies because these are you favorites right?" 

"Remember the first day we bought lilies?"

The wind breeze.

"You buy 2 dozen of lilies and the shop owner think that you're crazy" He chuckled with tears.

"Ara.. you have to know one thing. That i haven't been able to say to you."








I Love You










A/N I decided to make another chapter for this, so it will be a Two-shots story~



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locketblingermvp #2
MinYukiChan #3
Chapter 1: Omg sobing like crazy! Especially the lullaby part
exobunny #5
Chapter 2: *sobs hard* I love this story with the music! ヽ(;▽;)ノ it's so beautiful !!!
SunSunShipper #6
Chapter 2: i am crying so hard. oh go T.T
kimgaeun96 #7
Chapter 3: huhu its great story although u said it fail..
p-hyunah #8
Huaaa i'm crying hard right now 4 thumbs for you!! d(^_^o)
Btw it's not a fail twoshoots it's awsome sad twoshoots!! Love ya,,,,,
@AznPride6767 Thankyouuu~~ and i'm sorry for making you cry ._.). @KevinWoolover1998 Sorry ;_; @ilovekpopforever .. i know right..
AznPride6767 #10
Omo ! I cried sooo hard ;_____; your story is so touching especially with the recommended music. Hehe, but I loved your story <3