Dream or Nightmare?

Dream or Nightmare?


Today was the day. Sunggyu couldn't believe it, in a couple of minutes you were going to walk down that aisle. You, the girl of his dreams, the love of his life were finally going to be his wife. He could already imagine what life with you by his side would be like. Ever since the day you first met he knew you were the one. All this was possible because of that fateful day at the super market.


You were with your little brother. Your mom had sent the two of you to the store to buy stuff for dinner. You were racing through the store with the shopping cart, your little brother sitting inside.

"Faster!" he shouted but you just laughed and slowed down so you wouldn't hit anyone.

You weren't paying attention when you decided to take the next turn into an aisle.


You collided with another cart. You looked up only to see a really handsome guy staring back at you.

"Mianhae~" you both said at the same time.

"I should have been paying attention~" again you two said the same exact thing.

Both of you started chuckling.

"I'm Sunggyu. "

"I'm ____. "

"Nice to meet you."


"Hyung! Are you ready yet?" Sungjong came bursting thought the doors of Sunggyu's room.

"Neh I am"

"Well then lets go!"

Sungjong pulled Sunggyu out of his chair and down to the chapel where everyone was waiting. Soon the music started and the doors opened to reveal you.

He smiled brightly as you walked down the aisle in a beautiful long white strapless wedding gown. He was the happiest man in the world.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride."

Sunggyu placed his hands on your hips and pulled you close, then kissed you. All your friends and family cheered behind you.

After the wedding you and Sunggyu went in your honeymoon.

"Wow! This is so nice!" you shouted running into the villa as Sunggyu dragged in both of your bags chuckling.

"Yah~ come get your bags~!" he yelled.

"OMO~! Mianhae yeobo!" you came running out of the bedroom to grab your bags.

The villa was beautiful the view from the balcony was gorgeous. There was even a piano in the corner of the room.

Sunggyu spotted the piano and went over to it. He started to play, the beautiful sound floated throughout the villa.

You poked your head out of the bedroom door and watched him play. A smile instantly spread across his face when he noticed you.

You walked out and sat down in the bench next to him. He started singing your favorite song, you closed your eyes and rested your head on his shoulder. You two were perfect for each other, you completed each other, you were soulmates.

The rest of your honeymoon was spent relaxing by the pool, playing at the beach, hiking, running around the resort. Before you knew it two weeks flew by and it was time to return to the city.

"I'm going to miss this place..." you said as you watched it disappear behind you.

"I promise we can come back here ok?"

"Okay~ Pinkie promise?"

He chuckled, "Pinkie promise."

The plane ride was horrible... Well you felt horrible. You felt weak and sick. That little plane just made you feel uncomfortable. But you brushed it of and when you got home Sunggyu urged you to rest.

Later on that week you decided to go running like you would normally. But lately you haven't felt like yourself, you were always so tired and drained. You walked to the closest park and was only able to run the park halfway. Normally you could do a few laps around it. You had to stop because it was getting hard for you to breathe.

'Wow I didn't think I was this out of shape...'

After you caught your breath guy decided to jog home.


Sunggyu looked up to see his boss standing in front of his desk.


"Come to my office... I... Have something important to tell you..."


He followed his boss to his office.

"Sunggyu... We got a call from the hospital a few minutes ago... It's your wife."

Sunggyu's eyes widened, "W-what about my wife?"

"She's in intensive care right now."

"WHAT?!?!" without any hesitation he ran out of the building and drive to the hospital as fast as he could.

When he got there he ran up to the receptionist, "Where is ____?!"

"You must be her husband... She's in surgery right now but I'll let the doctor know your here and he'll explain everything. "

He paced around the waiting area billions of thoughts racing through his mind.

Finally after an hour the doctor came out.

"Mr. Sunggyu Kim?"


"Your wife is still in critical condition and it doesn't seem like she can recover from this, we did out best to try to save her."

"What happened?"

"She has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is when the heart muscles thicken, this impedes one's normal blood flow out of the heart. She was running earlier today which put her heart under some strain. She was jogging across the street just as the light changed and she fainted in the middle of the street. A car turning down the street didn't see her and hit her when she was collapsing. You may see her now... But I must warn you she doesn't have much time left."

Sunggyu ran into your room and saw you laying there lifeless. His heart sank. He walked over to you and held your hand as he weeped. 

"Baby... I-I love you so much... I wouldn't want to have lived the last 2 years without you by my side" he said as tears flowed down his cheeks. 

"I... I lo... Love you too..." you whispered with all the strength you could muster up then lightly squeezed his hand. 


Sunggyu looked at the heart monitor only to see the line flat where it should your heart beat. He cried, the love of his life was gone... YOU were gone. 


Sunggyu's eyes shot open. 

"Yeobo are you okay?"

He sighed in relief as he looked around seeing his bedroom not a hospital room, the tv was on and you were watching your favorite drama.

"Neh I'm fine... I just had a bad dream..."

You smiled at him then turned of the tv right when a girl in the drama died from a car accident after fainting because of a heart disease. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer. 

"I love you _____"

"I love you too~"

And with that the two of you fell back asleep. 

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Chapter 1: Omg. You scared me... *wipe sweat* >.< but it was still sweet :))
you really success make me took a deep sharp breathe...hahaha:D
you're great, this story was great :)
keep writting, God Bless :)
i thought it was real. Btw, new reader here ~! :))
it's a Nightmare... xDD liked the story.. I really thought it was real...
Waaa... It's amazing.. Love the story... Hwaiting