My Life Without You Is Complicated



"i'm sorry hyung, but i have to do this.

i miss him so much, i can't

live without him, he's the

first and will be the last who i love,

no one can replace him in my heart

b'cos he's the one and only for me

so just let me

live with him in peace, 

let us be together, forever"










Jo Youngmin- Is a happy, caring and loving type person.

Love helping those people that needed help, especially his twin.

A vocalist in boyband Boyfriend. Kwangmin’s lovely brother and Kwangmin’s lover.

Only date with Kwangmin for 2 months cos’ died in

a car crashed with Kiseop (Ukiss’ member).


Jo Kwangmin- Is the twin that 6 minute younger than Youngmin.

Love the older twin more than as a brother. Talkactive and bright person.

Main rapper in Boyfriend, everyone adore his handsome look.

But became an inactive person since Youngmin’s dead, didn’t talk to

people even with s and his family.


Lee Kiseop- Is the main dancer in boyband Ukiss.

Doesn’t like Boyfriend especially the older twins Youngmin, but really like Kwangmin so much.

Willing to do anything as long as Kwangmin become his.

Once he know about the twins relationship, he got jealous

and planned to kill Youngmin.

But at last died together with him in a car crashed.


Boyfriend’s member.


Ukiss’s member.



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Chapter 3: okay i really want to read this story so can u please update soon?
nice chapter ahhhh why youngmin doesnt wake up and what was that picture?!!!alote of things i wonder about ashhhhhhh but really im so excited for the next update soon please^^
can u please ubdate chapter 3 pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
please ubdate soon
really nice story hmmm now u make me want to know boyfriend better cuz i dont know them well,,heheh and keep going fighting^^
Stori :D <333<33