Verbose Fingers #1

The Loquacious Finger

I'm dividing the story into two chapters. The first chapter would be like and intro, and the second chapter would be longer. I also provide a scene at the second chapter. I hope you have a great time reading.

Bold sentences are used for: normal conversations and thoughts.
Bold + Italic + Black are used for: conversations using writings from memopad.
Bold + Italic + Blue are used for: coversations using sign language.

TaecYeon was walking around an unfamiliar alley around his new apartment. It was really dark since not all of the streetlight were lit. He looked around to check if there was anything familiar or something that he probably had seen before. Something that might be able to lead him back home. He was frustrated that he could only saw walls and trashcans.

Where the heck... AM I?” TaecYeon complained as he scratched the back of his hair.

Deciding to take a stroll at night after moving into a new place was really stupid of me,” he continued as he sighed resuming his journey to get back to the main road. When he walked for a couple of minutes, he noticed someone was walking in front of him. He looked at the man from behind. The man was wearing a shoulder bag and carrying somethings in plastic.

Thank goodness I finally found someone!” He muttered. He thought that the man was probably familiar with the environment. So, he approached the man trying to ask for the direction.

Uhm, excuse me! Do you know how I can get back on the main walk-way?” TaecYeon started. The man just walk away without even looking back at him.

Uhm, excuse me!” TaecYeon ask louder, almost like yelling, showing an annoyed expression. The man just walk away again, making TaecYeon pissed off.

Hey! You’re making this embarassing for me!” TaecYeon yelled as he grab the man’s shoulder.

The man gasped as he tried to look who was behind him. “Hah?! Wah?!” TaecYeon could only hear this words blurted out from the man’s mouth. TaecYeon was right next to him watching the shocked expression the man delivered. ‘Huh? He’s frightened?’ TaecYeon thought.

TaecYeon looked at the man’s face thoroughly without loosing his grip on his shoulder. A scar? TaecYeon noticed therea is a scar stretching from his upper left temple to his cheek. TaecYeon was too busy examining the man’s feature that his grip loosened. The man took the opportunity to get off and dashed away leaving TaecYeon dumbfounded.

He ran away,” TaecYeon mumbled. He watched the man running from behind with his mouth opened, as if stating how confused he was, then. He held his right hand in hanging as if reaching to the man.

Wait! I’m still lost,” TaecYeon sighed when he realised the state he was in.

Meanwhile, the man was running so fast just heading to someplace safe.

What’s going on? What’s with that guy?” the man thought as he was panting from the exhaustion he felt.

He had such a scary expression on his face,” the man slowed down.

Did I.. do something wrong?” He stopped his steps, panting so hard leaning his body to a streetlight.

He is at the intersection and he saw a couple walked while chatting happily. It was like a broken movies with no sounds audible in his ears. He sighed.

The man’s P.O.V.

It’s been a year since I became deaf. My parents started treating me like a burden. And those who I thought were my friends started leaving me, one after another. Even though I survived, my world had died.

End of P.O.V.

The next day, TaecYeon just came from the grocery shop to buy some of his daily needs and something to eat. He was humming his favorite song cheerfully. “Tonight is so nice and cool,” he mumbled. He was smiling so brightly since his mood was just good at the time. He looked at the playground at the side of the street. It was bright. The light brightened the place, showing the figure sitting on a bench holding something he couldn’t clearly see. The figure’s back view was quite familiar.

Hmm? That guy.. is he from yesterday night?” TaecYeon stopped his feet. He approach the figure from behind. He was wondering in his mind, ‘what is he doing out so late at night?’. He stopped walking when he noticed the guy didn’t even notice his presence. “As I thought.. he doesn’t even notice that I’m here,” he thought. He focused on the book on his hands, writing something on it. TaecYeon called for the man while clapping his hands, but, he didn’t get any respond.

I get it..” TaecYeon walked closer to him and stood up next to him. His sudden appearance made the other man jumped as a reflex. TaecYeon could see the same expression he was wearing as before, frightened.

TaecYeon smiled and grabbed the book and the ballpoint from the man’s hand and quickly write something. The other man calmed down as he noticed that TaecYeon didn’t seem to intend any harm. Finished writing it, TaecYeon showed his neat writing to the man.

I’m sorry for scaring you last time. My name is Ok TaecYeon.

The man grabbed his notebook and scribbled down something, “Mine’s Nichkhun. Nichkhun Buk Horvejkul.

Ah, Nichkhun? Hand me that again,” TaecYeon mumbled as he grabbed the notebook again.

From far, the only thing that was audible was TaecYeon’s words as he replied at the same time while he was writing the things he wanted to say. “An Accident?” TaecYeon nodded as he wrote his responds. He was trying to confirm his intention yesterday and wrote down, “Hmm? Ah.. I was lost that time..” as a reply from Nichkhun’s question.

Do you know sign language, Nichkhun?” TaecYeon handed him the book.

I haven’t memorized everything yet...” Nichkhun gave it back to TaecYeon. TaecYeon looked at Nichkhun with a blank expression as he watched the man stares at the ground.

Why don’t you use a cane? I’m sure people will understand that you have a handicap that way,” TaecYeon handed the note.

TaecYeon could see the frown on Nichkhun’s face as he read the note and he immediately scribble down to the book roughly and pushed the notebook to TaecYeon’s chest.

I don’t need that sort of thing! Even though I can’t hear very well, it’s not a handicap to me!” the note said.

TaecYeon looked at Nichkhun who was pouting. TaecYeon flipped the page and wrote something again. “Then why are you all alone in the park so late at night?” TaecYeon could see the annoyed face on Nichkhun’s face when he read it. “If you didn’t think of it as a handicap, you’d be fine walking out on the streets during day, wouldn’t you?” Nichkhun continued reading.

I hate the crowds. I don’t like how people... look at me,” Nichkhun wrote down.

Look?” TaecYeon handed the book again.

It’s like they’re pittying me.. or they’re looking down on me or they’re looking at something that’s totally different from them,” Nichkhun wrote down.

TaecYeon paused for a moment before he wrote his reply, “That’s because.. you think of yourself as a victim. What if you were just blaming your disability on other people?

TaecYeon continued writing, “I believe that it takes just as much effort for a healthy person and a handicapped person to live their lives. Perhaps the one who’s really discriminating against a handicapped individual is you?

TaecYeon handed the notebook. Nichkhun’s hand trembled a little after he read the reply. He stood up and quickly walk away from TaecYeon. TaecYeon could just mutter an inaudible ‘Hey’ and watched Nichkhun left him alone in the park.

Damn! He was just so cute that I ended up bullying him,” he said as he scratched his hair.

After that night, TaecYeon visitted the park everynight at the same time, hoping to see Nichkhun again, but the man never showed up. Several days after, he decided to wait at the same place, just in case Nichkhun showed up. The park was as bright as usual, with the lights shone on him. He watched the beautiful dark sky while waiting for Nichkhun.

Hmm.. I guess there’s really no reason for him to be coming,” he sighed. “I’m sure he thinks I’m an annoying spoiled brat, now!” He added.

It was then when he heard footsteps. He turned to see whether the person was Nichkhun or not. And it was him. Nichkhun walked closer to the bench, while looking at the ground. He was wearing T-Shirt covered with an ed shirt, with knee-long pants. TaecYeon could only mumbled Nichkhun’s name in surprise. He saw the notebook and ballpoint hanged like a necklace around his chest. TaecYeon smiled. ‘How cute!’ he thought. Nichkhun noticed there was someone else there and looked up to see TaecYeon.

Oh? He’s carrying a cane now? So he took my advice,” TaecYeon couldn’t hide his happy face and just smiled radiantly.

TaecYeon offered to go to his apartment, since it was late and pretty cold outside. Nichkhun agreed and they both went straight to TaecYeon’s apartment. As soon as TaecYeon opened the door of his room, he realised how stupid his idea was as he saw the mess he left in the living room. He left the books on the floor and on the table.

I’m sorry my house is in such a mess..” TaecYeon said as he picked up his books taking care of the mess.

Wait, I guess you can’t hear me,” TaecYeon said when he realised he was talking to a deaf person.

Meanwhile, as soon as he entered TaecYeon’s room, he couldn’t help but staring at the surroundings. He noticed the ammount of books there were in the room. Not only on the floor or table, there were shelves full of books. Nichkhun quickly scribbled down quickly and showed the writings to TaecYeon who was carrying piles of books on his chest.

Hmm? I have a lot of books?” TaecYeon read the message. TaecYeon placed the books on the right place and quickly wrote “Well, it’s part of my job.

You’re a novelist? Amazing!!!” TaecYeon read the reply Nichkhun wrote and saw how interested he was from his expression.

Not at all..” TaecYeon handed his reply.

What do you write? Horror? Romance? Mystery?” Nichkhun showed the reply as he smiled with his jaw dropped opened.

Well, I write about many things,” TaecYeon wrote down his answer while scratching his head. Actually, TaecYeon only wrote stuff.

TaecYeon smiled as he watched Nichkhun stood there with his big eyes as if he was amazed with TaecYeon. ‘Uh, it feels like his imagination is running..’ TaecYeon thought.

Nichkhun pointed at the books and give a language sign to ask if he could read the TaecYeon’s books. TaecYeon nodded while saying, “Go ahead, you can read as many as you want.” Nichkhun read TaecYeon’s books. After that night, Nichkhun often visitted TaecYeon’s place. He spent his time a lot in his house. One day, Nichkhun came in and showed something to TaecYeon.

I bought this!” Nichkhun showed the note along with a thick white book titled ‘The Simple Sign Language Dictionary’.

After that, Nichkhun would always practice his sign language right after he came to TaecYeon’s house and he continued reading TaecYeon’s books. Sometimes Nichkhun would tell TaecYeon something he practiced. TaecYeon would be working on his novel, while watching Nichkhun practiced his sign language.

You really took my advice, huh?” TaecYeon said as he smiled watching the smaller man learning next to him. Nichkhun was busy practicing that he didn’t notice TaecYeon staring at him.

You’re so cute that it troubles me,” TaecYeon said before returning to his manuscript.

The next day

TaecYeon was dressed neatly as his junior paid a visit to his apartment, fetching his finished manuscript. His name is Chansung. TaecYeon had been working for a couple of years with Chansung. TaecYeon really treat his junior well, because Chansung had always been a dependant apprentice. TaecYeon was on his room, writing the next manuscript for the same novel Chansung was checking at the time being. He decided not to waste time since he had nothing to do.

Hyung!” TaecYeon heard Chansung called him from the living room. “The female lead character seems to be quite boyish this time,” he continued.

TaecYeon froze because of the shock. “I-Is that so? It portrays the love a lot better, right?” TaecYeon stuttered.

Well, it’s fine that way too, though,” Chansung replied. TaecYeon walked to the living room.

Okay, I’ll be taking your manuscript along with me. I’ll be looking forward to the next one, hyung!” Chansung took his briefcase and walked to the door.

Oh, su-sure. Be careful on your way home, Chansung-ah,” TaecYeon replied, walking him to the door.

Chansung closed the door. TaecYeon sighed rightaway. “What am I going to do..” TaecYeon rubbed his temple.

That afternoon, Nichkhun visitted TaecYeon.

Ok.. Taec.. Yeon.. ssi” Nichkhun showed TaecYeon the sign for his name.

Oh! Amazing!” TaecYeon clapped his hands, making Nichkhun blushed.

TaecYeon handed a note to Nichkhun, “What about your own name?

Nichkhun frowned and quickly walked to his thick white book. TaecYeon just chuckled when he saw him practiced making signs of his name. “I like you,” TaecYeon said as he support his cheek with his right hand watching the adorable male.

I like the arrogant and the courageous part of you..” He confessed.

Nichkhun looked at the mirror in front of him. He noticed that TaecYeon was talking about something. He just watched the man’s face from the mirror.

I also like how you’ve become so dependent on someone as tainted as me..” TaecYeon continued. Nichkhun just stared at the mirror quietly.

You’re just so darn cute, that I can’t help loving you.

Nichkhun suddenly stood up. TaecYeon’s heartbeat increased since he was surprised.

I have something to do.. so, I’m going home..” Nichkhun give TaecYeon the sign movement. His face was red.

Fortunately, TaecYeon remembered the sign, and replied, “I see..” with his hand movement.

Be careful,” he added.

Nichkhun quickly went out. It was still day and the sun was still above him. Nichkhun blushed and nodded his head. He glanced at the apartment one last time before he stepped away. He walked to the intersection and stopped his steps. ‘That’s impossible!’ He thought. He looked up to the sky as he hit the ground hard with his cane, making people throw a confused gaze to him. ‘I must have been mistaken,’ he thought. He replayed the reflection on the mirror. He saw it. It was TaecYeon’s lips, muttering ‘I love you’. ‘TaecYeon towards me? No way. We’re both males,’ Nichkhun thought.

PS: s are coming! Subscribe and comment!

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casanova7 #1
Chapter 2: Waaaah it's so good. Thank you for sharing this. Yeay for erted Taec and innocent Khun. Hehehe~ :)
oh my god I love it so much, really sweet, I think I'll stalk all your stories now, khunnie is so cute ^^ love him
Chapter 2: wooooo this is a very very sweeet story of taeckhun.
and you made khun really really cute here.
thank you for making this fic <3
Chapter 2: well, this is... really really good and touch story...
I think I read the manga you were trying to base it off of!XD
Chapter 2: Well, hot That was amazing! ^0^ So glad I am stalking your stories page right now... <3
leuqcar #7
As soon as I read your forward I realized what manga you were referencing. I love Nanao Bohra's work.
SunshineSweetie #8
Chapter 3: Omo! I've read the manga that you based this off of! Because of that I could only imagine the original characters and not Nickhun and Taecyeon... nonetheless, it was a great fic! (: