Just Let It Rain

Just Let It Rain


Just Let It Rain                     



It had been a year since Ji Ahn and Woohyun broke up, they had just drifted apart. For the past month, Ji Ahn was reluctant to forget about him, he was her first love and she could not imagine life without him. She couldn't get over him, and neither could he.


            One day, Ji Ahn thought, “I’m not going to do this anymore, I’m going out today, I’m going to spoil myself.” So, she took the bus to the nearest shopping centre where she and often went to for dates. Remembering, she sighed softly and looked out of the window. “Forget about him Ji Ahn, just forget about him.” There was nobody on the bus and when she arrived, she breathed a sigh and entered through the revolving doors of the shopping centre.


            As she entered, the hall was filled with Christmas decorations, flashing lights and small children running around. She remembered the time when she came here last Christmas with Woohyun, it seemed like it was just yesterday. That was their last date together. Her eyes watered at the memory. “Be strong.” She whispered to herself and confidently walked to the coffee shop with her head held high.


            Entering the coffee shop, her senses were engulfed by the fragrant smell of fresh coffee. Looking around, she realised the whole café was filled with happy couples, kissing, hugging and holding hands. The sight was sickening, seeing them make her think about the times she and Woohyun had sat in the very same café doing things that couples would do. Hastily ordering her coffee, she gulped it down and grabbed her bag and left, leaving her empty coffee cup and a tissue with imprints of her lips from her lipstick.


            Moments after she left, Woohyun walked in, looking around, he spotted an empty spot. Couples in their own world occupied the other tables. As he sat down, he realised that there was an empty coffee cup and a tissue with a lip imprint. “Why does this lip imprint look so familiar?” Grabbing it, he took a closer look and recognised it as Ji Ahn’s. “So she was here earlier,” he thought to himself. He took out his phone and dialled her number.



            Ji Ahn’s phone rang from within her bag, ping her bag; she fished her phone from her bag she looked at the caller ID. With a frown on her face, she tapped the decline button without a second thought and put it back in her bag. “Why would he call me?” she thought. “Be strong Ji Ahn, be strong.”


            Next, she went to some clothing stores but couldn't find anything nice to buy. Her thoughts were clouded with thoughts of Woohyun’s unexpected call. Without buying anything, she walked out of the store and decided to just walk around aimlessly. Taking things as they came. Realising it was getting late she decided to exit the shopping centre and make her way home as she still has some housework and laundry to do.


            As she stepped out of the shopping centre, the heavens began to weep. She had forgotten to bring her umbrella and the wind was chilly. The next bus was 45 minutes away, deciding that walking home was the quicker option she began to walk. Even though she was getting wet, she didn't mind because it was as if it was washing away her sorrows. When suddenly, a phone call interrupted her thoughts. It was Woohyun again. With a tear slowly running down her cheek, she answered the call.



Ji Ahn: “Whut.”

Woohyun: “Where are you? I need to tell you something.”



Looking around, she spotted a distant figure with an umbrella holding a phone looking at her. Her hand went limp and the phone dropped from her ear to beside her. Slowly with careful steps, she began to walk towards the figure. Woohyun who had seen her walking decided to call her again. When she began walking towards him, he began running towards her.


When he had almost reached her, he dropped his umbrella and hugged her wet trembling body. She closed her eyes as his arms wrapped around her shoulders, she could feel the heat radiating from his body. “I was wrong. I’m so sorry Ji Ahn. Will you take me back? I’m begging you. I can't live without you, life without you doesn't seem right to me.” He whispered. Ji Ahn didn't say anything but just sobbed. “Where have you been?” she asked. Before he could answer, she planted a kiss on his lips. “I couldn't live without you either.” She whispered.


The next day…


Ji Ahn had caught a cold from walking in the rain. As she lay in bed, all she could do was smile because she was back together with Woohyun. She drifted back to sleep with a faint smile on her face. Woohyun arrived at her apartment and keyed in the pin to her house. “She hadn't changed it.” He snickered to himself and left himself in. Creeping into her room, he found it was the same. Placing his bag on the floor, he sat on the edge of her bed and stared at her face. She was smiling slightly. He then crept closer to her and placed his lips on her forehead, waking her up. He smiled and said, “Afternoon sunshine.”






Hi! Don't forget to comment below and let me know about the stuf you want to see in my next fanfic.           



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Iqa_ELF #2
Totally like it, it was superb
This is cute :3
meymey26 #6
Nice ! :)