Chapter 5

Can You Love Me?

"Aish, so annoying." Mrs. Kim said. "Hey I know what will cheer you up!" She scurried out of the room and came  backwith a black leather photo album.

She looked both ways outside the door before shutting it. She turned to me and whispered "Do you want to look at baby photos of Kai?"

"Is that o-okay?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, as long as we are quiet and don't alert Kai." she said taking a seat on my new bed. I sat down next to her, our backs touching the headboard. We flipped through the album, but I kept seeing baby girl pictures.

"Um, how come these are baby girl pictures?" I asked eyeing a specific picture of a girl smiling while poking her cheeks.

"Oh, this is not a girl." She said giggling.

"Mwoh?" I asked confused.

"This is Kai."

*dkjfanfafksdfsdfsjnfshcn......WHAT!* My mouth hung open. *T.T how can he still manage to look better than me as a girl*

"When I was pregnant with him, I kept craving fruits so I thought it was a girl so I bought all baby girl things. When Kai came out, I couldn't throw away all these things and I really wanted a girl so I raised Kai as a girl for a while." Her eyes twinkled as she remembered those times when her Kai was so cute and nice.

*He is still a health nut even in the womb =.=" * A smile appeared on my face as I formed a plan in my head.

"Can I borrow this picture?" I pointed to the picture I was looking at before.

"You can take it. I can make more because I kept the film even though Kai told me to throw it away. Don't tell him I have it."

I nodded as she handed me the picture. *Maybe my stay here isn't going to be that torturous. At least I'm not the getting tortured. This is going to be fun.*


I walked down the stairs in my uniform after getting ready for school. I saw that everybody was there already so I awkwardly shuffled to an empty seat which happened to be right across from Kai.

"How long do you have to take to get ready?" Soohyun sneered.

"It's because she has a heck of a lot to do to fix her face so it is presentable at least." Kai replied while spreading jam on a piece of toast.

I blew at my bangs and pouted as I reached for a piece of toast. Everybody at the table was silent except for Soohyun who was snickering.

"Yah, why are you so mean to her the moment you see her?!" Mrs. Kim yelled at the boys.

Kai stood up and grabbed his bag. "Going to school, bye."

"Wait, Kai! You have to show Jin Ae the way to school." Mrs. Kim shouted at Kai who was at the door way.

"Hurry up I'm waiting outside. If your not out in 5 minutes, I'm leaving without you." Kai said towards me before leaving the house.

I quickly ate my toast and gulped down my orange juice.

"Have a good day at school!" Mrs Kim, Mr. Kim and appa cheered as I went out the door. I stuck my head back in and said "Thank you!"

I slipped on my shoes and went out the door to see nobody. I looked around and saw Kai's walking figure at the end of the street. Muttering something in the lines of jerk and another word for donkey, I ran full speed ahead towards Kai and as I got closer I saw that Kai stopped, but didn't turn around.

"Yah, why did you walk off like that?" I panted as I put my hands on my knees.

"Your five minutes was up." He said without looking back and kept walking.

With a yelp, I quickly walked beside him and tried to keep up with his long legs the rest of the way.

Kai stopped abruptly when the school was in sight. I gave him a questioning look.

"No one can know that you are living with me so be qiuet and don't tell anybody about this even your friends. Also, I will enter the school before you will to make sure no one suspects anything. Stay three meters away from me." Kai stated and started to walk again.


I sat down in class and chatted with Yun Hee and Mi Young.

"So Jin Ae, can we go see your new house after school today?" Yun Hee asked.

"Great idea! I'm free. So can we?" Mi Young nudged me.

I choked on my spit. *I can not let them know about me living in Kai's house.*

"Uh no, you can't, the family I'm staying with are remodeling the house so you can't come over for some time." I felt bad lying to them, but you gotta do what you gotta do to not make Kai angry.

"Awwww" they pouted.

Then, the whole class quieted down. I looked around and saw Kai standing in the doorway.

My eyes widened. His eyes scanned over the classroom until his eyes landed on me. I gulped. He beckoned me with his index finger and I reluctantly stood up. With my head down and everybody's eyes on me, I followed him out the classroom and into the courtyard next to the school.

Looking around, he hands something to me. I took it with both hands and realized it was a bento box.

"My mom put it in my bag and threatened me to give it to you." He said looking at the male students passing by who had their head down in fear of making eye contact with the school's top kingka.

"Thanks, I guess...." I tried to hide the smile that was threatening to appear.

He suddenly looked straight into my eyes, scaring me. "You still remember what we talked about this morning right?"

"Y-yea." I stuttered and felt my face heat up.

He smirked that smirk I love hate and walked away.

I smiled at the bento in my hands and hid it in my jacket the best that I could before going back to class.



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Chapter 7: OMO HAHAHA ^^