The lone she wolf

Maybe there won't be a next time


A new day had arrived in Beijing, Mei Xing stretched her body before trudging to the large window to throw open her curtains. She shielded her eyes from the bright sun before turning and making a beeline for the bathroom. She walked over to her large vanity mirror and sat in front on the stool, her eyes were red and puffy from all the tears shed the day before. was parched and dry from all the crying yesterday, her body ached ever so slightly too. She yawned before she got up to take a shower. Once dressed she walked towards her vanity table to do her hair and makeup when she was hit by a wave of dizziness and collapsed. However she managed to grab onto the edge of her vanity table, knocking over a few bottles of perfume and face products in the process, completely smashing them.

Downstairs in the dining room Mr Xi was reading the newspaper while occasionally taking sips from his cup of coffee, Mrs Xi was flicking through a fashion catalogue circling products that caught her eye. Their heads snapped up immediately when they heard a smashing sound upstairs. They sprung to their feet and ran up to Mei Xing’s room in the East Wing.

“Princess are you okay?” Mr Xi was shouting as he burst into her room and Mrs Xi hot on his heels.

“I’m okay now, I just didn’t feel so good a minute ago,” Mei Xing said leaning against the counter while sitting on the stool.

Mrs Xi strode over to Mei Xing before grasping her face in her hands, observing it before touching her forehead.

“Oh baby, you’re feeling a bit warm and your face a little pale, I think you should take the day off,”

“It’s okay mama, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Mei Xing tried to assure Mrs Xi who looked really hesitant on whether she should let her go or not.

Meanwhile at Tsinghua University, the boys and girls started walking in to the campus for their school day. Luhan and Liying were seen walking in to school together holding hands. Luhan felt Liying tighten her hold on his hand, when he looked down at her he noticed the discomfort on her face from all the people staring at them.

“It’s all right Ying-ah, you’ll be fine as long as I’m here,” he reassured her whole rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of her hands. Liying nodded her head and felt a boost of confidence. Leaning against one of the building pillars was Kris standing there glaring at the new couple.

Mei Xing arrived 10 minutes later and slowly made her way to her first lesson, every step she took felt like a tonne of bricks were raining down on her, occasionally her vision would become blurry. Suddenly she felt a hand reach out and grab her wrist tugging her forcefully and quickly after them. Everything blurred around her as she was dragged along by this person. She was spun to face the person and she felt the whiplash from the sudden turn. There standing in front of her was none other than Kris.


“Let’s break up.”


“You’re just a rebound and by dating you it has only brought on more hassle for me,”


“Yes, I’m not only seen as the bad guy in Liying’s eyes but your cousin feels the need to dictate how I act around you,”

“But I…”

“If you really want to see me happy then you’d let me go,” Kris turned his back and made his way towards the stairs to go down.

Mei Xing’s eyes started to distort the image of Kris before her, Mei Xing took a step forward to follow Kris when dizziness overcome her, her hands let go of the books she was holding and she collapsed. Just before she hit the floor a pair of arms shot out and grabbed her.


Kris hearing the crashing noise that the books made when dropped turned back but when he saw that someone had caught Mei Xing he turned back around and continued on his way.

“Miss, can you hear me?” The boy said tapping her cheek. When she didn’t reply, the boy didn’t think twice before scooping her up in his arms bridal style and made his way towards the infirmary.

Upon reaching the infirmary he noticed that the nurse was out, so he placed her down on the bed and made his way to find a cold compress to put on her forehead.


I opened every cupboard and draw in order to find a cold compress to put on her head. When I opened the freezer in the room I noticed an ice pack was inside. I wrapped it up in a cloth before bringing it for her. I pulled up a chair next to the bed she was laying on, I brushed her fringe back before placing the cold compress on her forehead.

I absentmindedly began to brush my hand through her hair as I gazed at her sleeping face.

“I didn’t think our first meeting would be like this,” I let out a rather dry chuckle at the thought of me talking to an unconscious Mei Xing.

“I really wish I left a better impression, in fact I wish you were conscious for our first meeting,”

I pulled my notepad and pen out of my bag and quickly wrote a note to leave with Mei Xing while I run and get the nurse and excuse both myself and her from lessons.

To Mei Xing,
Hopefully you’ll read this when you wake up, I caught you just before you decided to face plant the staircase. I hope the cold compress worked. I’ll be back soon, until then rest well and the nurse should be back to check up on you. I’ll formally introduce myself to you when I get back.

 From XX

I signed it off the exact same way I signed off my note on the bouquet I sent her for her violin performance. I leaned in to leave a peck on her cheek before shutting the door quietly behind me so as to not disturb her beauty sleep.

Afternoon :)

So here is an update about a month later since my return
I've finished my exams so now I just chill for the summer so yeah
I guess I'll be more active now really

as always, 



YOOHOO! The Poll will be ending soon, I'm thinking of closing it on 18/6/14?

so once again you know the procedure and the poll is pretty self explanatory

Poll 1

Poll 2

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swoonnie #1
Chapter 35: Mei xing... u deserve someone better!!! No!!! Scratch that!! u deserve the best person ever!!! but srsly she should just leave them for better life not a ty life like this ㅠㅠ
it's okay author-nim ... take ur time we'll wait :)
Giggles02 #2
Chapter 9: also i read your n/a. I hope everything is okay with you. I don't know you or anything but I hope you get through this ^_^ always take care. also chap 4 made me cry
Giggles02 #3
Chapter 9: omg thiasis so good. I don't understand why u only have 2 upvotes umm wtfff so not fair
Chapter 36: Although I do not know you personally I hope you feel better and take your time.
aliasafiyyah #5
Chapter 34: Upadate soo tearing here~~
Chapter 34: Welcome back, author-nim~ I feel so sad for her.. she does not deserve this T_T
rawranarchy #7
Chapter 34: I hope that Mei Xing finds someone amazing who will always be her side. It is so unfair that her own COUSIN who treated her like his younger sister turned his back on her. It's almost as though they didn't grow up together. I'm sure EVERYONE will regret what they did to her. To be honest, I hope she goes away to grow without the people who are dragging her down.
Chapter 33: I miss this T_T I'm so happy right now but at the same time I'm sad....she's nice person but why..she doesn't deserve this.. I hope that someone can protect her... I hope that someone....someone..
Kyla1923 #9
Chapter 33: Urgh!! Kris you're going to regret breaking up with her. Mei Xing u do deserve someone better than those jerks. Please update soon author nim. I'm a new reader