Surprise! - PART 3

Maybe there won't be a next time


The car sped down the empty freeway, the black car zooming past so quickly it was like a blur, Inside sat a couple holding hands and laughing and teasing each other like there was no tomorrow. After a few hours they finally reached the beach which was deserted. Kris parked the car, and reached behind to pick up his long beige trench coat before exiting the car like Mei Xing. He leaned against his side of the car and stared off into the distance like Mei Xing who was sitting on the hood of his car.

"What are you staring at babes?" he asked turning to face her.

"Nothing, I just wonder what is out there I guess," she rubbed her hands against her arms and felt all these goosebumps rising. kris seemed to notice so he pulled her off the hood of the car and dressed her in his long trench coat. "Thank you ge ge,"

"Any time," I kissed the corwn of her head. "Lets go for a walk yeah?"

The two took their shoes off and placed them on the floor in the back seat of his car, they then set off and walked along the shore line, walking in the shallow section of the water. Not that many words were exchanged because they just relaxed in each others company. To them that was more than enough.

Kris shortly received a call which he answered.


"Shàoyé I finished the task you asked me to, if you walk near the rocks straight in front of you, you will see a white canopy set up where I will be waiting for you,"

"Thank you, we will get there later when it's dusk and the sun starts to set so we can have dinner in the sunset,"

"As you wish Shàoyé,"

Kris hung up, and walked over to Mei Xing who had started to collect some pretty seashells while Kris was talking.

"Ge ge, look at this, it's perfect," Mei Xing waved Kris over while she crouched on the ground.

"Is it?" he said making his way over and crouching next to her. Kris decided to sit down and he gently tugged mei Xing onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

"Is something the matter ge ge?" she asked leaning her head against the crook of his neck while gazing back up at him.

"Nothing at all, I won't ever have a single worry in the world as long as I have you here next to me,"

The two sat quietly watching the sun slowly set with its magnificent orange colour blazing. Kris scooped Mei Xing up bridal style as he too stood up.

"Ge ge, put me down," she whined in his arm

"Let me carry you okay," he said giving  her a eskimo kiss. Mei Xing giggled and patted his cheek, before settling in his warm chest.

He carried her all the way to her surprise, when it was near enough for him to see, he placed her softly on her feet and covered her eyes.

"What's going on?" Mei Xing fumbled and tried to pull Kris's fingers down but he wouldn't budge.

"It's your surprise silly, now stop struggling so I can show it to you sooner," he whispered in her ear, sending tingles down her spin all the way to her toes that curled ever so slightly.

Together with Kris's fingers over her eyes, they waddled over to her surprise.

"TADH!" he lifted his fingers so that Mei Xing could see again.

She gasped when she saw the wonderful sight before her, the was a beautifully set table with a waiter already witing for their arrival. All unedr a beautiful white canopy with candles surrounding it and a path that was laid out for them to walk along to reach the canopy.

"Surprise baby," He pulled her in for a hug, and then took her by the hand and led her to the centre. He pulled the chair out for her and made sure she was comfortable first before sitting down himself.

That night they shared lots of memories and laughter as well as a 5 star 3 course meal, personally served to them with some champagne as well. After all the food was cleared they still sat there, with their hands linked on top of the table. Kris's thumb constantly rubbing soothing circles. As they stared deep in each others eyes.


Suddenly a loud bang went off startling the two. They looked away and noticed the sky filled with a range of colour flying around. Mei Xing was so entranced by the fireworks. She stood up and stood by the top of the footpath as Kris crept behind her and gathered her in his arms.

"HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR," he turned her around to face him.

Before he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips. A kiss so sweet and filled with passion. Enough to make her toes curl and butterflies to flutter eraticly in her stomach. Kris' hands found their way to her waist and he pulled her tighter in his hug. Mei Xing's arms found their way up and wrapped around his neck.

Mei Xing's first kiss was perfect, I mean what more could she ask for.

1) It was with the man she loved

2) It was on the beach which was candle lit

3) The moment was perfect in a trillion different ways

4) The kiss was initiated by the one she loved

5) Fireworks were going off in the background like in movies

To sum it up, it was the fairytale kiss that all girls dreamed of.

It was perfect fo Mei Xing.













it was also perfect for Kris.


Hola chingus!

Here is an update all be it a bit late but hey ho

Christmas is dawning upon us soon and I hope to try and have an update everyday for the next couple of days

this aint a promise just an aim

sorry it's rubbish i'm so out of it lack of sleep food and sanity has caused me to write nonsense and sprout nonsense everywhere


read, enjoy,comment,subscribe



Please check out my oneshot that I wrote which was inspired by don't judge me by chris brown, after Taeyang covered it at the Big Bang concert

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swoonnie #1
Chapter 35: Mei xing... u deserve someone better!!! No!!! Scratch that!! u deserve the best person ever!!! but srsly she should just leave them for better life not a ty life like this ㅠㅠ
it's okay author-nim ... take ur time we'll wait :)
Giggles02 #2
Chapter 9: also i read your n/a. I hope everything is okay with you. I don't know you or anything but I hope you get through this ^_^ always take care. also chap 4 made me cry
Giggles02 #3
Chapter 9: omg thiasis so good. I don't understand why u only have 2 upvotes umm wtfff so not fair
Chapter 36: Although I do not know you personally I hope you feel better and take your time.
aliasafiyyah #5
Chapter 34: Upadate soo tearing here~~
Chapter 34: Welcome back, author-nim~ I feel so sad for her.. she does not deserve this T_T
rawranarchy #7
Chapter 34: I hope that Mei Xing finds someone amazing who will always be her side. It is so unfair that her own COUSIN who treated her like his younger sister turned his back on her. It's almost as though they didn't grow up together. I'm sure EVERYONE will regret what they did to her. To be honest, I hope she goes away to grow without the people who are dragging her down.
Chapter 33: I miss this T_T I'm so happy right now but at the same time I'm sad....she's nice person but why..she doesn't deserve this.. I hope that someone can protect her... I hope that someone....someone..
Kyla1923 #9
Chapter 33: Urgh!! Kris you're going to regret breaking up with her. Mei Xing u do deserve someone better than those jerks. Please update soon author nim. I'm a new reader