Mad world.

Sweet goodbyes and bitter beginnings.

Today it's the 26th of July and it's a bit humid but that's normal around this time of year in Korea.
Baekhyun, a quiet high school student, is resting in a small park facing the river while holding a bag of groceries.

"Aaah, why is it so warm.." he said as let his head fall backwards.
"Because it's summer."

Shocked, Baekhyun immediately looked up to who had answered his question.

"Hi." the young man said as you gave him a strange look.

He was tall, had light brown hair and had a strangely low voice for someone with that face.
He looked familiar to you but you just couldn't quite place from where exactly you knew him.

"Ehm.. Hi?"
"My name's Chanyeol, nice to meet you~"

He said as he took a seat beside you on the bench.

"My name's Baekhyun, have I maybe met you before?"
"I don't think so, I just moved here."


Oh right, that was it.

It was the day you came back from visiting your family.
It happened at the airport.
You were tired, tired from the depressing air that had hung around your house ever since your dad had died 5 years ago.
Every damn time you went back there everything had always been the same, the same atmosphere, the same people, the same food, the same questions every damn day.

The year before you had finally gotten the courage and money to get out of that hell-hole.

Needless to say, when you came back you where exhausted.

It happened when you grabbed your bag, sadly, since you and your stupidity forgot to close the zipper everything fell out, your clothes, your writing equipment, everything.

Some people stared as others ignored.

You let out a soft sigh as you started collecting your stuff.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" you looked up and saw a young man kneeling across from you.
"Yeah, I'm fine." you said in a soft tone, while collecting your shirts.
"Here, let me help you." you shot a glance at the one now picking up your writing material.
"Thanks." you were to exhausted to even decline his kindness.

There should be more people like him in the world, besides all these selfish, arrogant people, it's their fault the world is such a gloomy and boring place. They all have their own routines, they do the same damn thing every day, every month, every year.

Work is their main priority, second comes them selves and after that comes everything else.

Arrogant, selfish people. That is what this world is made of.

"Are you sure everything's alright? You seem exhausted."

You looked at him, surprised by his question.
Do I really look that bad? You thought.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should mind my own business."

You closed off the now complete again bag and thanked the young man who's name you still didn't know.

"Brother!!" you looked behind the man and saw a little kid with a bright red cap running towards him.
"Brother brother, grandma is here!" the boy said while tugging his shirt.
"Really? Let's go greet her!"

He sounded like a little kid himself as he said that.

"Excuse me, I have to go. My grandmother just arrived and she's a bit disabled."
"Alright, thanks for your help."

You watched as the kind man walked away, holding on to the little boys hand, still smiling.
You wondered, how does someone like that see the world? Is it different? More colorful? Is it more fun?

Your thoughts continued to wonder as you grabbed your bag for the second time and made your way out of this place, this place filled with average, 'normal'

To hell with them all.

First chapter~
hope you guys like it, I'll try my best not to ignore it like my other story.
( I'm still sorry for that though!)
Please stick with me, I'll try to update more frequently, I have school again so I'll have somewhere to get my inspiration from (It's a new school and it kinda depresses me that I'm so socially awkward.)
Thank you for reading and I'll update in a few days, next week at the most~

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Finding old things like this makes me want to hang myself by the nick... I'm going to read this and keep wondering about the author!!! <3
Already like it,need moreeee