Late Night Swim

Late Night Swim
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Ryeowook's swim trunks hung ily off his hips, his t-shirt placed somewhere on the poolside, forgotten. He dipped a foot into the cool water with slight hesitation, unlike Kyuhyun whom had jumped straight in.
The younger swam up to the edge of the pool, placing his hands on Ryeowook's waist, slowly pulling him into the water despite the older man's protests. They had, after all, decided to do this together.
"Come on, Wook. It's not /that/ cold~" He teased with a little laugh, the other pouting and, soon enough, dropping into the water with a splash.
"It's freezing!" He whined, scrambling to get back out. After all, an outdoor pool on a cool summer night after it had rained was probably /not/ the best idea, "We should have used the hot tub, instead!"
"But there's not as much room to swim around in the hot tub." Kyuhyun stated simply, keeping his arms wrapped around the smaller man's waist so that he couldn't possibly leave. He pulled him backwards, further into the cold hold of the water, resting his chin on the older man's shoulder, "See? It's not so bad."
"Yes it is." Ryeowook pouted again, though he'd given up trying to swim back, Kyuhyun's hold much too firm for him to leave. Instead, he turned around in the younger man's arms and hugged him, trying to steal his warmth as he adjusted to the temperature of the water.
Kyuhyun knew that this was just Ryeowook's way of being a brat, and it probably meant nothing more. But he needn't steal Kyuhyun's warmth, because Kyuhyun would gladly have given it to him. He tightened his hold on the older man just a little more, letting him warm up. But really, he wasn't holding him to stop him from leaving, nor was he holding him to help him get adjusted to the cold. He was holding Ryeowook because he always wanted to hold him. Every moment since they first met, he'd wanted to hold him. And every chance he had to wrap his arms around the smaller man was perfect. He lightly nuzzled against Ryeowook's shoulder, closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of this boy mixed with that of chlorine. He was lost, and desperately so, in that moment. A moment completely alone, with no cameras or prying eyes. A moment to just be with Ryeowook. A moment to just let himself feel complete.
"Kyuhyun? I think you can let go now." Ryeowook whispered after a few moments of silence, his small body no longer shivering in the cold night air, his face flushing and cheeks heating to a prominent pink.
"But I don't want to." He murmured in return, indulging in the feel of their bare chests and stomachs pressed together. He couldn't help but to imagine holding him to himself after a night of sweet romance. Oh, how badly he wanted that. How beautiful it would be to caress him and kiss him, to feel Ryeowook move underneath him.
"I'm not cold anymore, though." Ryeowook insisted, though he didn't try to pull away from the other and, instead, simply let himself stay tightly against him. And for a moment, Ryeowook was almost lost, as well. But three words brought him back to reality.
"Happy anniversary, Wook."
The older boy blinked, pulling back from the maknae just a little to look up at him easier, "Anniversary?"
"Yeah. Happy anniversary. It's just after midnight on August 15th. That means it's our anniversary, now."
"What are you talking about Cho Kyuhyun?" Ryeowook furrowed his brows and brought a hand up to poke the younger's forehead. Though, to be honest, Ryeowook knew exactly what he was talking about. He had been patiently waiting for the year that Kyuhyun would mention their fan made anniversary, and he had seriously almost given up. But here he was, listening to Kyuhyun say the words that he'd been wanting to hear every single year since that one day. And his heart fluttered in his chest.
"The first 'I love you'. Six years ago to this day. I meant it, you know. The fans and the other members, and even /you/, probably thought that I was just saying that I cared about you like I should care about all of my hyungs. But, I really meant it. Kim Ryeowook, I loved you then, and I love you now." Kyuhyun let his grip on the smaller man loosen just a bit, giving him the option to stay as they were or for him to leave. Whichever choice it was, Kyuhyun would accept it, even if it killed him. He wanted to close his eyes, but he couldn't. He didn't want to know what was going to happen. He felt his heart jump a bit, thumping loudly and threatening to explode in anticipation. In fear. But his fears were never realized, as Ryeowook simply smiled and cuddled up against the younger man.
Does he...?
"I love you too, Kyuhyun." The reply came easily, as though Ryeowook hadn't had to think about it at all. He had simply felt it, knew it. His body, his mind, and most of all, his heart, knew that these words were the truth. He loved Kyuhyun and, now, he knew that Kyuhyun loved him.
For a moment, Kyuhyun considered asking Ryeowook if he could kiss him. But he decided that he didn't need permission. Why should he? He gave a little smirk, pressing their foreheads together.
"Oh? Is that so?" He asked, murmuring as he stared Ryeowook in the eyes. Mischief. Love. Maybe a little lu

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Chapter 1: Hahaha Sungmin really steals the spotlight at the end
"I swear to God, if you give Ryeowook some sort of STD, Ill kick your "- such
a good line XD
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 1: Awww so sweeet i always liked sweet stories
I would like to read what happen after xD
But still It's great, sweet and funny :D
DEAR SHISUS. perfect. just perfect.
happy kyuwook day everyone
xnapoenya #6
Impatient n evil kyu,,ckck
Hahaha! This is amazing! I love evil/_____/y Kyu!
Sungmin had me cracking up so bad!!!
And I can picture Wookie acting that adorable!
Go take a shower you crazy maknaes! ^^
And you tell this is fluffy.
Full of romance. And .
This should be rated XDD
And Sungmin - hilarious! 8D
Jaja Sungmin!xD
That was awesome!:)